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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. Except the Lion King has a thorn in his paw so…. LOL Aaron Rodgers on the bench serving as HC and making the call to decline the penalty
  2. I thought the Eagles defense was supposed to be better than this Are they missing guys?
  3. Miles Sanders has more yards than Hurts - like 50% more or something?
  4. That’s basically what Collinsworth is saying. He’s right.
  5. True. But seriously, GB, all the film on teams successfully defending Lamar Jackson and Mahomes and Allen, and you can’t figure out a better scheme to defend Hurts than that?
  6. It was a nice play and a nice throw, but I really should mute Collinsworth. “You can see the effect of the momentum on this Green Bay defense” right before a 23 yd gain by the Eagles
  7. I’d call it a “hospital ball” but it looks like it put the defender in hospital One more year lost in the frozen tundra then he gets his chance
  8. So you’ve got a giant pile where it’s hard to tell where the ball winds up, the ref puts it where he thinks it goes, then they haul out chains to measure. Really, we can’t do better in this digital age
  9. I kinda meant “someone who uses 3 or 4 words meaning the same thing when one would suffice” but your point stands
  10. I guess it’s OK as long as your running QB isn’t the team’s leading rusher
  11. Sorry guy, I musta missed it when I looked for a thread
  12. Cris Collinsworth has become a thesaurus. He just said Philadelphia was “fooling, deceiving, tricking, and running over” the GB Packers. He’s not wrong but
  13. I get a “sorry we can’t show this content” on your post
  14. Really? I loved the Iggles beating the Patriots in the SB, the whole “underdog playing the backup QB” thing Time was when GB was my NFL team, but I’m kinda done with Mr. “Oh yeah I’m playing on a broken bone in my throwing thumb”
  15. So do we ever have talking heads pontificating that too much of the Iggles offense runs through Hurts
  16. (Hoping this thread can discuss the game) Who ya like? I think the Eagles are gonna boatrace the Packers and Aaron Rodgers broken thumb
  17. Part of it is they’ve got a pretty good OL so they aren’t keeping a TE and RB in to block or chip
  18. So what did Miller say about his injury? It seems to me if the Bills players try to save themselves for the playoffs, there’s a real chance we won’t make the playoffs at all
  19. What did he say? Matekevich was signed for his ST chops. Dodson is a staunch STer. TBD’ers don’t think it’s important but McDermott does As noted elsewhere, Dodson seemed to do OK with a week of practice vs. Pittsburgh, but he struggled against the Browns on one practice in a “snow week” There’s no question that Klein is faster to “read and react” Spector I haven’t seen too much of and Bernard I’m not too sure about. He seemed to get himself in the right position most of the time then get trucked.
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