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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. Can you blame them? Their brother was getting ambu-bagged and defibrullated
  2. I will say the Bengals fans looked highly classy. Looked like they were standing and applauding as the Bills players jogged off the field, the way it was done seemed like it was recognizing them and wishing them well.
  3. Agree. Booger has gotten it from the first where that lady wanted to talk about refocusing
  4. If he can’t breathe on his own, he needs to be intubated and on a respirator, which means his condition needs a critical status. I have been there at a loved one’s side, respiratory arrest, tube down her throat, on a ventilator. The next afternoon she was extubated and breathing on her own. Pray for a like outcome for Damar Hamlin
  5. I put this elsewhere. The brain stem is what controls heartbeat and respiration. Injury to the brain stem can cause cardiac and respiratory arrest. Injury to the cerebellum, just above it, can cause loss of balance/inability to stand/walk. I have a friend, a hard going amateur cyclist, who had a cerebellur stroke. He’s fine now, but it was scary.
  6. I hope those 574 replies have at least 573 telling him that when he wakes up, he’ll still be a classless douche
  7. This isn’t something where we’re likely to hear one way or the other in a few minutes.
  8. Even if they do want to go back out and play, how can they not be playing with a divided heart and mind thinking about their teammate And when your attention is divided, further injuries will occur
  9. And Erickson is back playing professional soccer, so let’s hope for the best
  10. Mother Julian of Norwich: “All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well” She lived through the Black Death I’m chanting this as a mantra “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well”
  11. The heart and breathing are both controlled by the same area in the neck, the brain stem. The cerebellum, just above it, controls balance. So given that his neck snapped back on the tackle, that he initially stood up, and then collapsed, it sounds pretty likely he sustained an injury to that area and they were able to get the heart restarted but not his respiration. In other words, both related to trauma to that area, but that’s where I go “full stop” with any speculation. I’m with the other people who say I would have no problem at all with the Bills taking the “L” and just focusing on praying for their brother.
  12. My soccer pal friend just texted me this: “I’m going to try to take a hopeful take. Denmark national soccer player Christian Eriksen collapsed and coded on a soccer field a year or so ago. Was successfully brought back with CPR and an AED. Playing professional soccer again. Hoping for the same outcome. “
  13. Everett didn’t have CPR done on him for 9 minutes or whatever it was.
  14. I just think of Damar Hamlin with kind of a “playa” grin striding into the Pittsburgh game wearing a jacket that said “Love Me B4 They All Do”
  15. I think that’s basically what McDermott told the refs: that we are not going to play until we know the status of our brother.
  16. That’s …. A scary thought
  17. OK, so what's Joe Buscaglia's prediction record for the Bills this year?
  18. Thank you! And yes, that makes sense and you're right. Same skin tone, same beard style, but a much higher comfort level with someone who looks like #9 photo in front of our QB
  19. It's a pretty cool study, actually, but I have questions - starting with, how realistic and under what circumstances is an actual drop of 5 degrees C at the point where they were sampling the cells? It's kind of analogous to all those people paying extra money for "alkaline water" when your stomach is very acid and has a bunch of cells lining it whose job in life is to keep it that way. Your nasal passages are lined with blood vessels whose job in life is to keep the air going into your lungs nice and warm. For that reason, I put a little more weight in the studies of actual people where they got them wet, cold, etc. I wouldn't change what you preach, just yet.
  20. Thanks. I appreciate your reply but I can't bring myself to "like" it, for obvious reasons. 😬 Thing is, if Diggs is injured and missing practice due to injury, Bills get in trouble with the League if they don't place him on injury report. See Hughes, Jerry. I thought Diggs having only 2 catches had more to do with the fact that we rang up 254 yds on the ground, of which Allen contributed "only" 41 Cook and Motor were "having a day" and we just rolled with it. Most of the targets went to the bigger receivers, Davis and Knox. Shaq Lawson commented before the game that the ground was super-hard, and I thought they might be slanting the plays towards the bigger-bodied guys who might be able to stand it more vs. the "skinny boy club" as Shnowman would say
  21. Yep. Rams too. Last year was #4 vs #4
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