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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. Oh, nah, that crew had definitely had a few, that's not what I meant. I clarified.
  2. I listened. I thought the controversy-stirring was partly unintentional and worse than the OP presents. Sorry.not.Sorry but it's 2022. It's time to be over both "men are better than women" and "women are better than men". While we're at it, can we be over "my dog's better than your dog" "my kid can beat up your honor student" and similar dreck and debris?
  3. I could see them hanging out at a bar buying one drink at a time.
  4. The problem isn't his yards, the problem is his consistency.
  5. How can anyone who calls himself a Bills fan have that hope? While Beasley's a Bill I hope he kills it. I have doubts about how much he (and John Brown) can contribute due to Father Time, but if either or both are "the missing piece" I will by damn cheer him. And I'd rather have Beasley than Odell Beckham "I could play in the regular season, but I don't see the point" with his "Little People, Pay your Tax" attitude. The point of playing in the regular season is to EARN the right to play in the post-season, then EARN the right to home games etc.
  6. They could if Beasley were where he left off in November of 2020
  7. Comments against men, too. I’m not sure which part pukes me most, the part where women are the worst fans, or the part where “generally, women are better than men” Gross all around, can we finally be done with this unmitigated #######? In no way does it make up for dunking on women fans, to then turn around and dunk generally on men. Yuck
  8. Yes, it makes a significant difference. All practice squad players are free agents who can sign with anyone. Yeah, that’s as vague as can be after going to the trouble of quoting that guy’s tweet.
  9. Negative. This has been discussed before. Beasley was on Tampa’s practice squad, meaning he was a free agent, AND Tampa released him from their PS.
  10. In that article, Ryan just re-hashes the tweets linked in this thread. He doesn’t cite any new or more definitive information. Really lazy “journalism” IMO
  11. I Hear Ya, but it’s pretty hard to sort the wheat from the chaff so to speak
  12. Welp, I just gave up on this game. Can’t see the Cardinals scoring 14 points in the last 4 minutes. No how, no way
  13. Wonder if they’re related to the guy who met Josh Allen’s cousin in Walmart out in Cali and learned he’d be out several weeks
  14. I guess I’m a moron? I broke my ankle once, backpacking in the White Mountains. It was on an established trail. I viewed it as just one of those freak things, a fraternity brother sustained a similar break stepping off the entranceway to our dorm. Stuff happens, I just stepped off a rock instead of a step. It was just rather more complicated to get me to the hospital. We weren’t in trouble - we had food, and sleeping bags, and tarps and were all tucked in for the night when the rescue squad got to us. Our plan was to try to splint up my ankle in the morning, divvy up my pack, and try to help me hobble out (though it was a ***** steep trail for the next half mile, people whose experience is hiking out west have no idea what NE trails are like). But I was glad to be spared that.
  15. No D snaps. 1 ST snap. I guess Frazier isn't swayed by the input of the TBD experts who feel Jackson is part of a contest for which Bills player sucked worst
  16. Ya know their QB was rocking 59.6% completions, and not all of those were throw aways (Allen was 59.2%) They were
  17. I could always be wrong, but I think Brady and Belicheck got a divorce before Brady moved to Tampa
  18. Dane Jackson sucks and should be benched. No, he should be cut! Isaiah McKenzie drops more balls than he catches. Stupid coaches can't tell that Khalil Shakir is a better choice
  19. Banged up Bills explains the variety of things "chest injury" could mean Meanwhile, Tre Day isn't back to his all-pro form:
  20. Don't Trust a Mammal Dolphins Signed Justin Zimmer They have all our Calls
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