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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. Actually what would be more evil would be to have it on "BLAST" in the visitor's space. As a long-time winter outdoor enthusiast, it's actually more problematic to be fully dressed for the outdoor conditions and indoors in an overheated space. You start frantically taking off all the clothes you can so you don't overheat and start sweating, then have to go outside with a sweat-soaked inner layer. And since the linemen and skill players in football need like 3 people to help them put on their game day jerseys, rapid unzipping and unbuttoning is Not On The Menu
  2. That's all right. I'll be your un-confident partner. If you average the two of us, it'll come out just right. Why are they pulling the tarp so early? They don't have to pull it until 90 minutes before the game, eg, 6:45 pm
  3. I've seen that on a couple sites, but I think it's incorrect. She got married at age 24 (2014) and they have 3 kids. It's not like she can't be a mother of 3, the supportive and passionate fan wife of a baller, AND an attorney - but I think some sites that try to aggregate information have confused her with this lady https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyrstin-beasley-bb4871133?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fduckduckgo.com%2F They look a little different, live in different states, attended different universities. Oh, and they have different first names - Kyrstin vs. Krystin. Details! He doesn't and I think we may conclude based on LinkedIn profile and pictures, the lady who is the Illinois Assistant AG is NOT Beasley's wife. There's Wrong Stuff on the Internet - Go Figgur!
  4. Any Given Sunday The Vikes have always had that "we don't take this team seriously.....WHUPS!" potential. They lost to the Lions last year when the Lions were 0-10-1 going into the game.
  5. That ain't good for the Vikes. He's like literally more than 1/3 of their offense just in yards, and even more when you consider the big play/bail us out impact.
  6. Comedy of Errors (except, I wasn't laughing). Play after play gone wrong.
  7. When they're not playing us, I enjoy watching the Vikes. Jefferson is elite.
  8. I'd love to see this, but Man! the Falcons looked as though they were "phoning it in" on some of those plays
  9. Huh? Shula has been here since the off-season. He was just profiled recently because of his dad's connection to the Fins Mike Shula was OC in Carolina 2013-2018 when Ken Dorsey was his QB coach. Dorsey may have even asked for him. I actually have had the thought that Dorsey is dealing with a bit of a "too many Cooks, spoil the Broth" situation. He's got former college passing game coordinator and NFL OC Joe Brady as his QB coach, 3x NFL OC Mike Shula as "offensive assistant", and former NFL OC and run game coordinator Aaron Kromer as his OL coach. That's a lot of egos to keep calm and organized in the same direction. Yes, we know (although, how "slight" is the question). It's Palmer's description of what happened to the throws he was making after the injury that's of interest.
  10. So I mean, what's undiagnosed? He had an x-ray at the Stadium, which unlike the Visitor's locker room is updated equipment. He had a doctor examine him. It's a league-wide practice: guys get dinged up, make sure nothing's broken and there are no findings on physical exam like joint laxity or limited ROM. Then they take painkillers or a painkiller shot and go back in the game. He may not have needed a shot, either. Human pain tolerance when adrenaline and endorphins are all revv'ed up is pretty incredible.
  11. Won't know until this afternoon - I think they have until 90 minutes, when the inactives come out. Edit: Joe just says afternoon, and someone else said 4 pm. So sometime between 4 pm and when the inactives come out?
  12. This. I think Saleh is getting a bum rap for being careless with his QB's health a la McDaniel/Tua. White went to the locker room and got x-rays. They didn't detect broken ribs. Medical staff cleared him to return to the game if he could manage the pain. Salah likely asked White if he could, and White said "yes". He probably had a load of adrenaline coursing through his body (along with a toradol shot) and didn't feel it until after the game.
  13. He knows where they're supposed to be, but there's always a chance that the guy gets jammed, held, slips, etc and isn't where he's supposed to be. But Allen had two, possibly 3, windows where he could see McKenzie, that wasn't the issue. The Jets DL got of his block by Bates and stunted around Brown, so Josh (understandably) felt he needed to bail to his L. I think he could have taken another step L and found a throwing lane to McK, or ideally if he could stay behind the LOS hit him in his 2nd window. It was really a protection breakdown at core, but another QB who has less belief in himself as the person on the team best able to convert 3rd and 15 would probably have thrown to McKenzie or to Cook (giving him a chance to evade the tackler and convert)
  14. Well, to that point - Highmark Stadium does have an x-ray room, I believe it's equipped with good quality x-ray equipment but not an MRI or CT scanner. I'm sure White got rib x-rays. He said in an interview that the initial x-rays didn't show the fractures. It's my understanding that broken ribs, especially on a person who is well muscled-up, can be difficult to detect on initial x-ray. I had a college friend who was hiking the CDT, in a van accident, and had this happen. The fractures get more prominent as they start to heal, or can be seen on a scan.
  15. Where he was injured wasn't my point. Right now, the perception (right or wrong) is that his passing isn't the same as it was prior to the 1st half of the GB game. He can make some throws that are brilliant, every bit as pinpoint and fast as before the injury. But he also has throws that are off-target, or that seem like they're slower - especially when he's throwing off-platform or on the move. I think we all want to see Allen heal at the best possible rate. Towards that, running downfield and giving 300 lb moose defenders a free pass to slam their helmets into his elbow and wrench on his arm in the cause of trying to force a fumble (or just "business as usual" as he's buried in a pile of tacklers) can not be expediting the healing process. That's what I was trying to say.
  16. That is, indeed, one of the top questions: What will they do with Ike? They either elevate him today (I think) or put him on season ending IR.
  17. I think I heard someone interview McCoy and he said he didn't try to do anything differently. The interviewer was like "c'mon man!" and he was like "honestly, I just run" Apparently he had such fantastic balance that he could just compensate for all the little slips and slides. Or maybe part of his secret for cutting like he did, was that he used his whole foot more to cut routinely? Micah Hyde said when it's deep enough that they're blowing the yard lines clear and there's a depth change between them, that's something to look out for.
  18. I'll put it out there. I could be wrong - the Bills coaches and Allen could be as pissed off at and down on McKenzie as everyone here - but I'd be very surprised if you see Beasley taking "top slot reps". Again, I think he takes on the role Crowder had, which was 20-33% of the reps. I think we see McKenzie's reps fall from 60-ish (50-70) back to the high-40s/50-ish he had while Crowder was healthy. We see about 10% less of Diggs and less of Shakir in the slot, and more of Diggs and Shakir outside where Diggs is deadly. The exact percentage will shift around depending upon the weather, who we're playing, and what coverage they're playing. But that's just what I think. If Brown is elevated today, it will be because they're trying to keep Beasley with his limited playing time from pulling a groin or a hammy by doing too much too soon, and have him available for other games, not because they're planning to take deep shots.
  19. I dunno but if I were Kelly Skipper, I would 100% want to pick his brain about how he did it. Everybody else's ass sliding all over the field and McCoy runs and cuts like there's nothing but green field all around him.
  20. Good question. Too soon to tell, as weather and the game plan will play a factor. Other things being equal, I'm thinking maybe Bears, as they're giving up 7.1 NY/A passing (which is 31 in the league).
  21. Either or. Not both. Bills have been rolling with 5 WR of recent, and I don't see that changing tonight. Question is whether they go for 3 TE or 5 RB, or whether they actually allow the offense to have the extra player - they normally roll with 22 on Offense, 23 on Defense + 3 ST He gets 3 callups. Could be called up tonight, or 1 different remaining game.
  22. In a 50 of 60 degree building. Everytime I see that I hear Dixie Chicks plaintive wail - I forget the name of the song but the subject is singing about his regrets, “I wish I were stronger I wish I loved Jesus”
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