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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. Do you interpret that as fear of Tua's QB abilities? Or fear that if Tua is injured or concussed again, it would dampen the game and shake our team that is barely recovering from what happened to Damar Hamlin?
  2. Bengals I get, because it did in fact kinda screw them. Chiefs I get, because the proposal pretty much advantaged them by handing them the 1 seed. But why Bears?
  3. Did I say there were going to be such a situation? My point is that for a QB, the NFL concussion protocol can't function quite as it's designed to function - where the player takes a bit of contact and then rests to see if any symptoms develop. You're correct that placing the QB "off limits" in practice only makes sense, but it also limits the value of the protocol in testing whether the player is ready for a game.
  4. That was actually an interesting game, penalty-wise. Pretty fair, I thought. He actually flagged Travis Kelce for Offensive Pass Interference. Which I thought he fully deserved, but you seldom see it called. Called a lot of defensive holding on both teams. Other thing of note was ineligible man downfield called 2x (once on each team). Bills need to sharpen up on that. Oh, and while I was looking: @GunnerBill, to your point about needing to stop the opponent 4x. We got two INTs and forced 3 punts, plus a missed FG. Were stopped 5x ourselves: fumble, 2 punts, twice on downs.
  5. When? Had one undocumented incident that most bystanders believe was probably a concussion vs Buffalo One in Cinncinnati next week, looked very bad One undetected during the game that resulted in symptoms the following week That makes 2 documented concussions? What I saw from McDaniel was ambiguous. He said "he's sweating" which would put him in either Stage 2 or 3. Either way, he can clear by the end of the week if he's actually recovered. Missing 2 games suggests he had some persistent symptoms, so it may not be a slam dunk that stepping up his activity will have no effect - on the other hand, QB wear red "no contact" jerseys at practice, so he'll go through Stage 5 without actually experiencing contact Interesting times.
  6. I would be really surprised if that was his agent's advice, too And I'm sure he did want to stay in Buffalo and tell his agent to get 'er done. I'm just saying that I think he did so with a pretty good knowledge of what FA could bring him, and that signing the deal a week before FA (or the tampering period) doesn't preclude this. That's all. PS we don't hear from him much in the press or on social media, but per Micah Hyde he's the biggest Junk talker on the team next to McKenzie.
  7. LOL. Love ya Gunner Not sure what the point is here. QBs make bad reads and DBs get position on NFL WR at times. Happens to Allen at times (more than I'd like this year, but that's another story) Is it somehow an indictment of our defense if we are able to exploit this when another QB does so? NFL Live is apparently incorrect, as a moment's perusal of the box score for NE's scoring drives tells us....but in any case, this is an example of what I'd call a "Garbage Can Stat". It represents a subset that is cherry-picked to sound really significant, but that misrepresents or neglects the Big Picture. "Did you know that Americans spend more on pet food than baby food?" would be an example of this. It sounds like Americans prioritize pets over young children, but if you think a minute, babies only eat baby food for a short period of time while pets eat pet food all their lives. When a team scores, they're typically having an efficient drive. What did Mac Jones do on the 8 drives where the Pats didn't score (7 if you want to give him the end of half)? The answer is: 3 3-and-outs, 3 INTs, 2 plays before end of half, and a 5 and out. Horrible defense, That.
  8. Shaq seems to be revved up against the Dolphins Phillips likely would be too, but I don't think we'll see him due to injury.
  9. I mean, I'm sure loving the Bills factored into a decision not to hit free agency, but I also think these guys are well aware they have short careers and they need to get Paid while they can - so I'm pretty sure he signed a contract having a pretty good idea what his market value was at the time and making a mindful decision if he took a bit less to stay here. You can believe it was all about Love and a Home Town Discount with no knowledge of what his FA market was, if it makes you happier. Indeed.
  10. It’s pretty well known that the agents are chatting up various FO people and GMs in the weeks before the official “cheating period” starts. So Milano likely had a very good idea who was interested, and overall what kind of contracts they had in mind.
  11. Who is this Coy Wire dude and why do we think he has inside skinny? Unless they started a bunch of tests at UC I’d be pretty surprised if they’ve finished everything they want to do in 1 day, especially with a guy who is reported to still be “very very tired” and they don’t want to over-tax
  12. At the point where Milano signed, he was just coming off a season in which he played 10 games and was on a pitch count, only starting 5 I think teams had legit concerns about his durability and it possibly cut his value some If he’d been playing like he has this season, he’d have gotten paid a lot more Those Steelers guys (from the bit I listened to) sound like the guys here who think we can trade Zach Moss and a 3rd rounder for CMC or something
  13. Question: Anyone know what it costs to franchise a LB this year? Do they separate Edge, OLB, and ILB when setting the tag value?
  14. If he’s not practicing in full by Thurs I think the chances are poor, but they can clear him Saturday or even Sunday, or clear him and not announce it. We did similar IIRC when Allen had a concussion - 2019 I think?
  15. Tua has how many actual reported, documented concussions? I believe the number is 2 this season. He’s believed to have actually suffered 3 by people who watched the Bills game, of course. I’m not a neurologist and don’t want to play one on the inter web, but from my kid’s sports teams apparently concussions that resulted from what looked like “nothing” could have symptoms that lingered for weeks and concussions that looked awful could resolve relatively quickly. So we don’t know what’s going on. My point was that Tua could, in theory, enter the week in Stage 2 of the NFL’s concussion protocols and clear by Sunday. There’s the protocol, he either clears or he doesn’t. Whether it’s a good idea for Tua to play again this season or ever, is between him and his medical advisors and family.
  16. I mean, he could be. Taron Johnson started Tuesday am in Stage 1 and was cleared to play Sunday. If the player reports no symptoms and passes balance tests and cognitive testing, he can boogie right through the protocol. The unaddressed question about Tua is exactly what has been going on - has he been experiencing continued symptoms? If the symptoms have cleared up, and he was in Stage 2 last week or Monday, he could easily be in Stage 3 today and practice with the team tomorrow, provided he does not experience (or doesn’t report) recurring symptoms. Since the QB wears a red no-contact jersey, “full contact” practices are pretty much “no contact” for the QB and he could clear by Thurs or Fri - always assuming he continues to pass whatever standard of baseline testing he laid down for himself and to not experience (or not report) recurring symptoms. Do we have opinions about Brad Allen as a ref? Good? Bad? Likes to call everything? Likes to “let ‘em play?”
  17. OK, I wrote imprecisely. What I meant is that it wasn’t’ completely torn, or they would have seen it on the MRI after the game where he was injured. The diagnosis was torn lateral meniscus, and the partially torn ACL was found during surgery to repair the meniscus. I think it makes a difference that the ACL wasn’t completely torn Maybe it doesn’t
  18. All respect, I think it may make a difference that Von Miller's ACL wasn't actually torn so there may not have been all the ancillary damage. As I understood it, the ACL didn't appear torn on MRI but the Bills and Miller's team decided he needed a clean-up on the meniscus tear to try to play through it. Then while they were in there poking around they discovered the ACL was damaged and unlikely to hold. I don't know but I think it makes a difference.
  19. You're kind of like a regular now at the TBD Bad Take Cafe aincha
  20. Paging @BADOLBILZ Paging @BADOLBILZ Please report to the potential decision made for championship game location in defense of the fans in the seats
  21. Can someone talk me through the meaning of DVOA (use small words and speak slowly)? And yeah, I've read their blurb at https://www.footballoutsiders.com/info/methods I THINK what this means is the Bills offense has very good results vs nickel D, and somewhat bad results vs. base D (which, I don't think we face too often) while the Dolphins defense has good results when running a base defense, but poor results when running a nickel What do the numbers in parentheses mean? By the way, Aaron Schatz is the one who referred to Allen as a “parody of an NFL quarterback prospect” and said “I would rather have Tyrod Taylor quarterbacking my team over the next four years than Josh Allen.”
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