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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. No guarantees of that in this life I’d rather have refs who call it fair for both sides
  2. It’s a scoring play so supposedly it was reviewed. But I’m a bit nonplussed by all the penalties being rained down on Seattles OL
  3. I’m finding myself reluctantly impressed by Brock Purdy Or is it that the Seahawks defense just sucks?
  4. It’s true that he’s gotten calls that were probably tenuous. But for sure he has also had stuff that should have been called. There was one in the NE game that was low and it was clear Romo thought it shoulda been called. There was Chris Jones tripping vs. KC. If I think about it I know I can come up with a few more.
  5. That non-call pissed me off. There was a non-call vs. NE where Josh was hit low and you could tell Romo thought it shoulda been a penalty. That pisses me off too.
  6. Right, and also Diggs took a glance back and then turned on the jets.
  7. I was fascinated by that detail myself, along with the "Jordan Poyer Epson Salt Contrast Special" above it. Anyone? WTF are "Blue Crystals" and why are we mixing epsom salts, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol with them?
  8. I think Brock Purdy is an interesting comparator. He's succeeding because the '9ers have the #1 defense in the league, because they have a top-10 run game, and because Shanahan is able to craft a system which gives the QB easy decisions. In theory, as a Shanahan disciple, Mike McDaniel should be able to do something similar for Skyler Thompson. To date, it hasn't worked out as well, in part because who Miami is this season is very different from who SF is: much less run game, offense built to exploit WR speed, not as good defense, (I think) not as good run game. I think McDaniel believes the Bills have weaknesses on D and on O he can exploit, but that remains to be seen. We want to Just Play Ball. You see a play, you make a play, what happens happens. If we play with "love" as @Simon quipped about parts of the Patriots game, or think about "kid gloves", we may lose; I don't think you can win playing that way. OMG that first deep pass - it took forever to get there and the receiver had to come back for it. If he led him and hit him in stride, woulda been a TD The reason why people didn't believe in Josh Allen's mobility in Wyoming, was because they looked at the competition he faced and said "yeah, in the NFL, he won't be able to get away because the opponents are faster and bigger and stronger". Except that when Josh Allen got to the NFL, it was "Hold My Beer".
  9. 3:45 in. "We did, think we were going back in the game, We did, get a 5 minute warning...there was a 5 minute warning saying we were going to get ready to play" Zac and McDermott talked and then they went back in the locker room In case anyone is interested in the story line that the ESPN announcers were somehow mistaken.
  10. I thought that SNL skit was hysterical. But were they mocking Tebow for being a Christian, or for Tebow and other Christians attributing the Broncos wins to divine favor and otherwise making a huge public deal out of his beliefs, as though (paraphrasing the skit) Jesus was in fact dropping everything else going on in the world to "bail out the Denver Broncos in the 4th Q"? I think the latter, because at the time there had been other publicly professed Christians prominent in the NFL, like Kurt Warner in '08-09, and I don't recall their beliefs being parodied by comedians. I could mis-remember. Again, I respect faith as a personal belief, I respect professions of belief, and I do believe that prayer has a real, positive power. But I don't like Prosperity Gospel and I feel attributing football success to prayer or divine favor is a form of Prosperity Gospel like God is a kindergarten teacher putting gold stars on the best coloring page. To me it's different to thank God for a win out of the sincere belief that everything you do is as a servant of God and for His Glory. I believe that when McDermott says "all Glory to God" after a victory, he's expressing thanks that he and his team have been given the physical and mental gifts to work hard and achieve a win and he's dedicating his part in that achievement to the Glory of God - he's not saying "we won because I believe, therefore God rewarded us with Divine Favor and gave us the victory" I believe that because of little phrases McDermott drops that remind me of the way some of my family with those beliefs would phrase things. I'm probably not expressing the difference I see very well. I'm not used to talking about this stuff. But it's a clear difference to my mind. And of course I could be wrong, not being personally acquainted with Coach McDermott or his personal beliefs.
  11. The belief that that faith, expressed through prayers, declarations of faith, and donations to the church—draws health, wealth, and happiness into believers' lives is a Thing (especially the health and wealth). Prosperity Gospel is alive and well in many churches, sometimes subtly and between the lines, sometimes explicit. My BIL was for many years, the minister of a series of small country fundamentalist Christian churches. That's what he felt called to do, though it paid poorly and he supported his family running a business. But he (and we) heard with our own ears people who identify as Christians implying he did not know God or have strong enough faith, because God had not blessed him with wordly goods. And yeah, when my niece's FIL passed from a disease I won't mention, it was implied by some that his faith, and the faith and prayers of his family were not sufficiently pure or strong. I respect faith, and I believe that prayer has a real power, but I feel that interpreting football success as divine favor is a form of Prosperity Gospel. You might grasp from the above, I am not a fan of that in any form.
  12. ??? For values of "struggled" where the struggling team is leading 24-7 at the half, and gave up 2 unanswered FG in the 2nd half, ending 27-16 with a 2 score lead? OK, they punted 5 times in the 2nd half, but I can't blame them for taking their foot off the gas a bit. But when you have at minimum a 2 score lead all through the game, I don't think that's what most would describe as "struggling". It's not a blowout win, certainly.
  13. Again - Von Miller initially expected to be out like 1-2 weeks. The initial MRI missed his partially torn ACL. Medicine is an art. It's entirely possible that Jackson's injury was initially forecast to be 1-2 weeks, then 2 weeks went by and it's still swollen and there's still laxity in there. One doctor says "we can tape you and put on a brace and give you a shot and get you back out there, there's a risk but there's always a risk". Another doctor says "while there's this much laxity in your knee and this much swelling, you're at significantly higher risk for blowing out your whole knee, even with a brace" Lamar goes with the 2nd doctor, and the Ravens go with the first. It's Lamar's right under the CBA to have an independent medical opinion on an injury, and follow that medical advice.
  14. Hi. Remember when we went from this To this Also remember when it was thought Josh Allen's torn UCL would put him out 2-4 weeks? It's possible for initial injury diagnosis to be inaccurate, in both directions Ask RGIII if he's glad he played in the Redskins WC game? If we don't remember, Griffin injured his knee in Week 14 Griffin was never the same. Oh, by the way - Lamar almost certainly has asked Griffin, since at one point Griffin was backing him up in Baltimore. I'm sure Lamar's lack of contract has something to do with it, because a player in the last year of his contract with no injury guarantees is in a different place, career-wise, than a player with a multi year contract committing the team to pay him if he plays through injury and ***** himself up. But if I were guessing, for a guy whose bread and butter as a QB is agility and speed, concern that if he plays on a joint with laxity because the LCL isn't properly protecting it he might totally blow out his knee like RGIII did and then "sayonara career", weighs large. Because unless he had a fully guaranteed contract, I believe he would only get one year then they can cut him. Aren't the Ravens a team that has one of the worst injury scores in the NFL among other training staff shenanigans? There might be reason for Jackson not to place his faith completely in their training and medical staff advice.
  15. He's expressing his views, so I dunno about "wrong" Ironic perhaps. He's a player who was thought by many (including coaches) to be "dogging it" with a foot injury when on the Bills and won the moniker "boo boo foot" (OK, boo-boo foot the second or junior, but that's ponderous) Now he's basically accusing another player, a premier player in the league, of being able to play, but dogging it over contract $$ Oh, and basically he's doing this while he pretty clearly hasn't been making every effort to maintain his body in peak playing condition or to go hard on every play (as the OP clip shows)
  16. https://www.miamidolphins.com/news/transcript-mike-mcdaniel-s-media-availability-january-13 I think they intend to start Skyler Thompson, but reading this am I the only one that thinks maybe after the first series, Bridgewater is gonna play? Bridgewater is getting closer and closer to being able to play the way that he knows he needs to play...... On game day, we're hoping it's good enough for him to be able to fully execute everything in the offense.... There seem to be conflicting reports as to whether Bridgewater's finger is broken or was dislocated? But if Aaron Rodgers can play with a broken thumb..... ......I'm sure it's a "checkers" play the Bills coaches have considered.
  17. Oh, and this: Who would take a guy that's trying to recover from concussion on a 4 hr plane flight, so that he can spend hours in a stadium that sounds like 10,000 Jet Engines got together and decided to have an *****? Who would even consider that?
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