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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. That SOB deserved it I’m sure, but when was that? Our OL was definitely fired up, Morse going full-speed after Wilkins ripping his helmet off and carrying it off like a prize of war was NOT on my Bingo card
  2. I disagree. Allen had 4 passes that could and should have been completed. TD to Diggs, TD to Knox both ruled incomplete. Deep pass to Shakir incomplete. The pick that hit Beasley in the chest and became a pick. Guys need to catch that stuff. Biggest surprise for me: Morse going after Christian Wilkins, ripping his helmet off and carrying it away as a prize (along with the rest of the OL piling on) I think of Morse as the contained, mannerly professional, but he was having NONE of that.
  3. I agree, neither of the picks were Allen’s fault. The ball bounced off Beasley’s chest, and that’s supposed to be his “thing”. He was open, ball hit him in the numbers. Then there was clearly some communication issue between Brown and Allen, I can’t tell you who’s wrong though Romo thought it was Brown All the catches ruled incomplete 🤐
  4. An “F” performance on a win? Seriously? You need to check yourself There is plenty to criticize, but a W is never an F
  5. The heart attack rate in WNY and Bills fans elsewhere has to have gone through the roof during that game I didn’t drink through that game ‘cuz that’s what I fell into during the streak Now I need beer I need a LOT of beer And then maybe some more beer
  6. HAHAHA Boomer “I don’t think Josh Allen will be entirely happy with his play” YOU THINK?
  7. Given that he showed up on the Weds injury report "limited" with a hammie and DNP Thurs and Fri, I'm gonna go with "too injured to play effectively".
  8. Here's the problem, after the Chargers went into halftime 27-7 and came out of the game with a loss, ANYTHING can be a heart attack game. Bubble screens we have. John Brown. Have run them this year to the RBs.
  9. It's interesting, I'm looking at that and seeing what Josh meant when he spoke of a tight throw to Diggs and says "I put both cheeks into it"
  10. Yeah, that's actually the most interesting choice to me. There isn't a depth chart on PS but I thought Bryant was "next man up"
  11. I mean, he's also a guy who tweeted about being an incredibly powerful solar lizard being. So the "soft" isn't limited to the body, although, in fact, his body with GB did look soft, as though he were trying to convert to TE. The difference to me is judgement call. Von Miller is 100% "No". Lamar Jackson's injury is probably one where he could slap a brace on it and play, albeit hindered and at significant risk of shredding his knee completely like RGIII did. I think credible NFL players who aren't soft in the body and thinking about Solar Lizard Beings recognize that and don't call a teammate out Given Lamar's injury combined with a playing style based on escapability and mobility, it's probably NOT legit to say "it can't get any worse, it's just a matter of pain management" It probably is legit to speculate that Lamar might make a different decision if he were signed to a long term contract with big guarantees. Part of that is the knowledge that the team would have "skin in the game" of the decision to play or not to play - if they're gonna pay him the Big Bucks in full for the next 2 years whether he sits in the training room rehabbing his shredded knee or leads them on the field, maybe the team FO views the playing decision differently.
  12. Certainly, if our season continues. As soon as he can play with both arms again. Anyone else a bit surprised by Ankou over Bryant? He showed up as limited with a hamstring on Wednesday, then DNP rest of the week. Must have pulled a hammie in practice on Weds.
  13. Where you get this? Says that we still have 2 WR on IR, McKenzie can't go with a hammie, and we need to field 5. We need a slot (that's Beas), and without McKenzie, we need someone who is fast out there (Smoke can still scoot). Remember when Smoke and Bease were our #1 and #2 WR and Beane quipped "our WR are smurfs" If we kick ass in the passing game, this game should be titled "Revenge of the Smurfs"
  14. Too many factors in that - like who did they play in both those stretches? And what was the defense like? Chiefs (2) Rams (0) Chargers (1) Cardinals (2) Saints (2) Dolphins (game where Purdy came in) (4) Bucs (3) Seahawks (1) Washington (2) Raiders (2) Cardinals (4) playoffs Seahawks (2) What's the number in paranthesis? Hint: it's not an offensive statistic, but it influences offensive points scored. By the way, not critical to the discussion, but I can't reproduce your averages. The games with Purdy (counting the Dolphins) 33 35 21 37 37 38 41 - that can not average 40 ppg. Try 34.5 is the average. Games with CMC and without Purdy 23 31 22 38 13 - average is correct, but looking at it as a stats geek, I would say that's an average impacted by one outlier. Just me. So now we're talking about the difference between 34.5 and 28.5, and the difference between 1.4 and 2.6 of whatever that number in parenthesis is....
  15. Question: have the Chargers been able to run the ball, like at all, at any time this season? They're like 15th in rushing attempts, and 28th in rushing yards - meaning they don't try to run the ball often, but when they do, it doesn't work. And it's worse than that - the Chargers have run for less than 100 yds on 13 out of 17 games, and run for above league average in 2 games. And yesterday was no exception. They were getting stuffed for 2.9 ypc, but it was worse than that because they were losing yards on a lot of their attempts. I'm not sure it's a "super aggressive mindset" so much as they simply can't run. Compare and contrast to KC, which doesn't run very often (25th for attempts) but when they do, it works OK (20th for yards, tied for 8th (!!!!!) in YPA) McDermott has beaten the drum that sooner or later, you have to be able to run the ball. I think yesterday proved that he knows something. Pederson is an interesting coach, no questions there.
  16. Did they? I'm not sure. There are too many other factors that almost coincide. The biggest of them would be the trade for CMC. I would say it took him a week or two, and the 49ers became a more dangerous team as soon as he was integrated into the offense. He arrived Week 7, starting week 10 say (they had the Rams week 8 and looked great, but I'm not sure what that means; bye week 9). Basically, the biggest help for Brock Purdy is that no one has really figured out how to shut down the 49ers run game since CMC arrived. Then, Arik Armstead returned Week 13 - the same week Purdy started playing I think Brock Purdy looks good, don't get me wrong. Yes, he's supported by an amazing run game and YAC game - second in the league by 0.1 YPC. And a competent QB on which the defense lacks film, is always going to be more dangerous than a competent QB whose tendencies are fully known. He also clearly knows what he's seeing and where to go with the ball, and he's got enough arm to get the ball deep. But MAN, what on earth defense were the Seasnakes putting on the field yesterday? I was just watching going WTF was that? I can tell you really like him, and I respect that, but I feel that it's too soon yet to tell who he is. People were all over Mac Jones 12 games into his rookie year, after all.
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