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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. I don't think he batted the ball into the air on that pick. He was trying to body catch it and his L arm was held down then the DB got a hand in to bat it up. The main concern I have with Beasley is that while his footwork and moves are exquisite, he still seems very slow. I think a couple catches were missed because he wasn't where Josh expected him to be in the route at the point the ball got there. That's timing that could be adjusted, of course, but that takes reps and of course, being slower means the D has more time to adjust.
  2. Right, so (and I didn't read the Ringer article because I don't have a lot of respect for Solak) this is where context matters. The completion to Diggs, on 3rd and 15 from the Buf 42, was a high value-added choice if it was there. There were open options underneath, but likely would have been tackled short of the 1D and outside of FG range. If we didn't convert, we were gonna punt anyway, so why not take a shot? The interception to Brown, on 1st and 10 from the Buf 47, is more ambiguous. On the one hand, we have two more tries to convert if if falls incomplete so why not take a shot? On the other hand, we had guys open underneath who could have gained at least half the distance to convert, and at that point we were leading 17-3. Taking the play with the higher probability of sustaining the drive may have more value there. I don't fundamentally have a problem with taking a shot, but need to be sure that it will either be an incompletion or a completion. Whatever caused the DB to be in better position to make the catch than Brown was, we can't have that.
  3. Wow, I guess this is one of those "eye of the beholder" things. Beasley had an INT bounce off his numbers in a play that some here think "any NFL WR should be able to catch"; I dunno about catch, because I see him as being held pretty hard, but he was in a position to bat the ball down or OOB if he couldn't catch it and prevent the pick. He had 2 receptions on 5 targets, a catch rate we have pilloried other WR for, in addition to the INT that bounced off him (which we have also pilloried other WR for). Beautiful that he had that TD catch, truly clutch. But how do the Bills assess the other 3 targets/the INT? If everyone is healthy, will his snaps stay where they are? Getting back to your question, I think Gilliam and Morris could both have big games, but I'd like to think Shakir is poised to break out.
  4. Like I said elsewhere, the Bengals have to choose. Either they were a great team of sportsmen who were also traumatized by thinking they just witnessed a brother player taken off dead, and whose players and coaches mutually decided with the Bills players and coaches that they couldn't reasonably continue the game OR they were screwed out of the #2 seed by a Bills team too soft for The Show Must Go On mentality they would have preferred to embrace and robbed of the win the first 10 minutes guarantees they would have gotten Either Or, Not Both
  5. I think you'd have to start by demonstrating that there is, indeed, some kind of quantifyable difference in how Josh plays at 1 pm vs later.
  6. OK, please feel free to point us at them. Hit me in PM if you need to know how to link a previous post. Totally fair not to rehash what you've previously spelled out, totally not good enough to leave it at "He just is, for reasons" and expect to be taken seriously in a thread specifically about Dorsey. I think the "once in a while" is part of the problem. Eric Wood had a piece where he was discussing the Bills problems with screens and he said when the Bills were running them successfully under Gailey and with Roman as OC, they practiced them A LOT to get the timing down.
  7. I don't know what "to blame" means. What we don't know (and Solak doesn't know) is how the reads in the play are. Dorsey has said over and over again that his mindset is to be aggressive: "Play smart not conservative" The easy yards are indeed there, but Josh has instructions to read the play (probably from deep to shallow) and when to take the shot.
  8. I don't think we should cite Benjamin Solak here without posting a few of his receipts. Prior to the draft, Solak had this to say about Josh Allen: He didn't have Allen in his top-100 pre draft Basically, kudos to this mid-20s journalist for maneuvering his opinions from NDT Scouting into larger markets like "The Ringer" and making a good living at writing about football, but let's Contextualize his Writing with his demonstrated previous football acumen: sporadic accuracy. ------------------------------------- As far as the offense: People who spend far more time breaking down Bills film (Cover1) have said there is really only about 20-30% carryover between Daboll's offense and Dorsey's.
  9. I was gonna say they barely beat Baltimore playing with a backup QB, but we barely beat Miami playing with a backup QB.
  10. If you listen to McDermott's locker room speech post victory and his Monday presser, he's down on the Bills erratic play himself (not just Allen - remember we had a muffed punt by Hines on the Buffalo 32 yd line recovered by Tyrel Dodson.) There's always recency bias in how the sports media covers teams. Josh Allen has commented in the past something like "Have a good game, you're great, the coaches are brilliant, you're gonna be champions. Have a bad game, you suck and we should fire all the coaches"
  11. I mean, what do you expect Frazier to do, disclose his game plan? No one can go back and watch except teams, or even look at a box score, but the Bengals got huge yards on a ticky-tack DPI on Tre White. The Bills moved right down to the Bengals red zone and settled for 3 after a missed pass to a wide open Beasley - the Bengals didn't stop us either, without the ticky tack DPI. It's very typical this season that teams move the ball on us the first couple drives, then Frazier adjusts. Media or no, of course it's going to be a tough game against a very good team and we have to prove it on Sunday
  12. Please delete or merge if I missed an existing thread. https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/vikings-fire-dc-ed-donatell-after-early-playoff/story?id=96550216 Donatell was DC of the Denver Broncos for 3 seasons before joining the Vikings staff. Prior to that he was a DB coach on various NFL teams for about a decade after coming over from the college ranks He had an earlier stint as DB coach in the ‘90s and as DC for the Packers 2000-2003 and the Falcons 2004-2006 The head coaching carousel isn’t in full turn, but the assistants are sure dropping like flies.
  13. In previous years, Allen has had quite a bit fewer fumbles - 8 and 9 the previous two years. So it seemed worth looking at what’s going on. “As far as 100% can correct that anytime he wants”, dunno - I think movement patterns get to be habits. I think it’s possible that previously, Allen was getting movement coaching “two hands on the ball in the pocket” that left the building when Daboll and Tierney moved to NJ and Dorsey took on a new role; if so, that’s something the Bills will want to fill as a coaching gap. I don’t think it’s an accident that Allen had 8 of his 16 fumbles against Miami. I think they were focused on keeping him in the pocket and blitzing very aggressively, and that was a byproduct. Then add in some QB/C exchange fumbles that don’t normally happen due to Morse’s elbow injury and needing to work with our 3rd string center, and there you go.
  14. He’s just a troll, here to stir the *****. Put him in your “ignore” file if it’s hard to just walk on by It doesn’t fit in the overall category “fumble”
  15. I 🤮 in my mouth when I read that. Please….NSFW warning on that Still SMH at the idea the braggin’ and swaggin’ correlates to the way a team plays. Sure, a team can brag and swag and come out hot and play hard. A team can also brag and swag and deflate when it’s kicked in the knee, and a team can be quiet and give the opponent props and come roaring out at kickoff and play like a swarm of angry honey badgers with a bad attitude until the clock runs down. I personally think we’ll see two teams of heavyweight prizefighters go at it.
  16. Now that’s a new twist. We often say “Don’t Feed the Troll” here, but…Don’t EAT the Troll? Novel
  17. Mirsky has been part of discussions with Cover1 followers about whether Josh is forcing balls deep because he doesn’t have open options. The point is that there were open options on most of these throws, not that Josh should always or even predominantly taken them. IMO Not good enough in a thread for “Dorsey haters”. If you think he’s a problem, Cowboy Up and explain.
  18. Just FYI, Kendall Mirsky is a Cover1 regular - on Disguised Coverage with Anthony Prohaska often IIRC, and has been part of regular discussions on the design of Ken Dorsey’s offense and its design and whether Josh Allen is forcing deep throws at times because he lacks higher percentage open options. I don’t think his intent was to criticize Josh for every throw, but simply to point out that there were open shallower options designed into each of those plays, for those who feel that Josh does NOT have open options when he’s forcing the ball. I think there’s also a need to be aware of down and distance. The deep throw to Diggs was on 3rd and 15 and out of FG range. A check down likely won’t cut it, might as well Go for the Gusto and if it’s picked, eh, it’s like a punt (and Diggs is turns into a pretty fierce defender). The deep throw to Brown on 2nd and 10 when there were higher percentage options to make it 3rd and short, might be better to go for an open option underneath. Um, if you go to NFL.com and look at nexgen stats, charts, I think you’ll find there were a couple of those this season I can’t speak for the “intentional” part
  19. OH, the POOR guy! STUCK with working on QB like this! This narrative is just wrong. Does Not Fit Timelines. Let me point something out to you. Greg Roman took over as OC for Harbaugh in January of 2011. He was absolutely part of the evaluation and the decision to draft Colin Kaepernick in the 2nd round that spring, and to bench Smith for him and move on/trade Smith. Greg Roman was hired as OC for Rex Ryan in January of 2015. He was absolutely part of the evaluation and decision to sign Tyrod Taylor as a FA in March of 2015. Greg Roman was hired in 2017 as Sr Offensive Assistant/TE coach and then promoted to Assistant HC/TE coach in 2018. He was absolutely part of and influential in the decision to trade up into the end of the 1st round and draft Lamar Jackson and likely had a handshake promise to become his OC once they moved on from Flacco. He has not been “STUCK” with working on QBs like this, he has been active and influential in the decision to draft or sign these QBs. You’re the funny one that you paint it as something he was STUCK with instead of QB he had a strong voice in choosing. You’re absolutely correct that he’s the master of run game design and along with this very good at the screen game and the quick slants that most people call out as an extension of the run game. The design of his passing game is NOT very good. It just isn’t. “No” to G-Ro back in Buffalo. if for no other reason, between Kromer, Butler the DB coach with the title of “passing game coordinator”, Mike Shula the “Senior Offensive Assistant”, and Joe Brady the former OC turned QB coach, the freakin’ offensive brain trust is crowded to the point of concern about “too many cooks” already. Didn’t Lamar tweet something which kind of supported that?
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