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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. Sorry about the loss of your dog
  2. He didn't talk about what he's doing to improve, but he did talk in that clip about doing a "deep dive" into his film - what the playcall was, where his eyes went, where he should have looked first. I know there are various VR setups to train stuff like that, he didn't discuss what if anything he does. Thanks, yeah, that's the clip I indexed from the Kyle Brandt show. OP also linked this, in which Josh is wearing black pants, a white T, his trademark "Super Cade" Never Give Up bracelet, and a khaki tan "work shirt" with a New Era cap he's advertizing. Sitting in a chair. I mean, the guy can't sit in a chair wearing a ball cap without criticism? https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr_5dFcgWod/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ%3D%3D It's peak Off-season.
  3. So for @Shaw66 and @Tipster19, check out about 23:25 in. Brandt asks Josh about his "never been more locked in" comment and Josh talks about what he meant by it.
  4. Space taken up by pool and hot tub, basketball court, open living areas and open balconies, and large bedrooms with attached bathrooms and walk-in closets. Was this a trick question?
  5. Would you be surprised to know that all three of those links you provided can be searched, without finding the phrase you actually quote the DA Amador as saying? I searched for "Amador" and "force" as well, just to be sure. That's actually....kind of flagrant The phrase "cannot prove forceable sexual assault" was used in the SI link. There is a legal difference between "cannot prove forceable sexual assault" and "I don't see any elements of force being used in the sexual encounter". The former means it would not likely meet a criminal court's standard of "proof beyond a reasonable doubt".
  6. So since this is just 5 hrs ago....my $0.02 is if your need for the money is low enough that you can play, don't take the 10% penalty and pay taxes on it. Instead, look into a self-directed IRA. If it's beneficial to you to pay taxes at your current bracket, convert it to a Roth IRA and continue to let earnings grow tax free. Whoever is managing your 401(k) may have low-fee investment self-directed IRA you could roll it into if you want to segregate the money - that could be your most cost-effective bet and worth looking into. You might also be able to just roll your IRA into your 401(k), if it has favorable fees and investment options. At my former employer, we had the option to open an individual investment account as part of our IRA. We could use it to self-direct our 401(k) contributions into a wider variety of funds, individual stocks, etc. If your work 401(k) charges too much in fees, consider a Vanguard IRA. They've been pretty good to work with (knock wood) and the fees are nice and low. Some studies hold that the best prediction on ROI for mutual funds is low fees. I'm an "efficient market", Bogle-type investor myself. HTH. I ain't an investment champ, but we did both retire age 55.
  7. This is what we have. 4 1/2 stars, recommend. the 1/2 star off is that it has foreign transaction fees, so I have a Costco visa card to buy gas, stuff at Costco, and travel.
  8. We have a Barclays savings account that now pays 4%. Transfers to and from other bank accounts free. Mom has Synchrony, 4.15%. She likes it because they send her a paper statement and she can bank by phone. Kid has Ally, 3.75%. She likes it because it lets her organize her deposits into "buckets" for different goals We have respectively had these accounts for years because they consistently offer some of the best interest rates. Vanguard has a federal money market fund which is currently paying 4.95% with a 0.11% expense ratio VMFXX. They also have a variety of short-term CDs with good interest rates. For longer term, a US I-bond might be worth looking at, depending upon your desire for liquidity and cash reserves. 6.89% We have a Fidelity VISA card that pays 2% cash back on all purchases. No annual fee, have had for years, cash goes into my brokerage account. Use it to pay for everything that doesn't charge an extra fee for credit card payment except travel, it has a foreign transaction fee so we have a 0 foreign transaction fee card for that. Knock wood no problems with disputes etc. Have never had a balance. HTH I did a bunch of modeling when we were contemplating retirement, and getting even 1-2% interest on cash reserves made a significant difference to our success probability (this probably depends upon how much cash reserve your personal risk tolerance chooses) We used to have a Kasasa account - moved twice, just recently gave it up. For those who don't know, Kasasa checking (and linked savings if applicable) pay higher interest if you meet certain criteria. We shopped for best interest and lowest criteria. It was a way to get 2-3% interest on a portion of our cash when everyplace else was 0.11% (also Barclays was 1% then). But, it's now not competitive for interest so not worth the PITA of meeting their criteria.
  9. Off the Wall
  10. Where's all the folks psychoanalyzing Diggs latest tweet for hints that he wants to be traded etc?
  11. Oh, well, NOW you're talking Cam Lewis is one of those feel good stories where I read it and I'm like "Dude, for your long term physical health, PLEASE hang up your cleats and get that damned bone infection in your arm treated." I read this as indicating he is vested with 3 credited seasons, meaning he gets health insurance for 5 years, a pension, and a number of other benefits.
  12. Exactly. Well put. With the addendum that, whether or not anyone wants to hear it, the alleged victim's lawyer is sending up smoke signals that Araiza's legal troubles are not over and he is still facing a civil suit where the standard of proof is "more likely than not", not "beyond a reasonable doubt". So I hope for his sake that Araiza's attorney actually does have all the stuff he claims he has (cell phone signals etc), and not just what the DA told the alleged victim's lawyer about - though it's a bit puzzling that wasn't apparently provided to the alleged victim and her lawyer at the DA meeting. And I hope the civil suit progresses promptly so he can get on with his life.
  13. I could be mistaken, but from the photos I saw in the OP link, the view from the kitchen family room and one bedroom, appeared to be of a pool, not of the gym. That does kind of make it a specialty market, but I can see someone who has "water rat" kids and a swimming background considering that a feature, since you can cook and watch TV and keep an eye on the kids in the pool, and also go directly from your morning laps to your bedroom without dripping through the house. I think both Beane and Allen can afford all the custom creamcicle suits they want, AND the house, AND the car lease payments.
  14. You're mis-remembering and mis-understanding what the DA actually said. But it's pretty clear we won't agree, so unless you care to post a link where the DA says "The video we saw actually does exonerate the accused" (hint: you won't find one), I'm outta here. Here, I'll even help: https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/documents-prosecutor-claims-evidence-shows-matt-araiza-was-not-at-the-party-at-the-time-of-alleged-gang-rape/ There's a difference between "I can not prove any forceable sexual assault happened" and "the accused absolutely did not sexually assault you, they are exonerated". From how you're coming at me, I don't expect you to be able to understand the difference, but legally, it's there.
  15. Really? How do you know this? You're full of baloney. You have no idea. None of us do. The lawyers didn't even see the videos because they're "child pornography". As for the rest, I don't think you're capable of understanding what I'm writing, much less what my personal opinion is. Prove me wrong.
  16. Seems like a good time and place for this
  17. Guy can't be "reinstated". He was never banned or barred or whatever He was released (cut) Free to sign with any team at any time
  18. Same reason we're talking about Josh Allen's Creamsicle suitcoat. Peak off-season. I don't know about sellers and buyers markets, but we just had our house assessed for a HELOC and I blinked hard at the assessed value. Nuts. Like 40% more than what I saw as an over-inflated property tax estimate. I'm told it's because materials costs are driving up new property prices. And oh, yeah, the HELOC mortgage rate is less than I'm earning on my savings account. Go figure how that works. So I dunno. Wonder why Beane is selling?
  19. We don't know, that's the thing. Please keep in mind that the DA is not in the business of "exonerating Matt Araiza". The DA is in the business of deciding whether they can prosecute a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. So if they have a witness who says Araiza left the party prior to the timeline when this occurred, and they have videotape in which the alleged victim appears to be having consensual sex or at least isn't clearly having non-consensual sex, there is reasonable doubt and the DA has no case. On the other hand, the alleged victim's lawyer says they are proceeding with the civil suit, and has this to say: Gilleon claims they have been asking for corroborating evidence (cell phone geolocation? security video?) that Araiza left the party, and have yet to receive it. We're kind of in a similar place to where we were last summer, where a bunch of people were yelling "guilty! guilty! guilty!" at Araiza because of the civil suit allegations (and without knowing what evidence did or didn't show). They were off-base. Now we have people pointing at the victim yelling "liar! liar! liar!" , again without knowing what all the evidence shows. She may have lied, she may have been too drunk or high to have clear memories, she may be telling the truth but it's not enough to support criminal charges. I'm not sure what you're suggesting here - that the DA is covering up false accusations? I doubt it. I think it's worthwhile remembering that the police and DA evidently put serious investigative muscle and serious time into this, and it's doubtful they do this if there wasn't significant credible evidence that a possible crime (rape) took place. I think Gilleon seems like a slithy tove, but he's right about this: NOTE: I am NOT saying that Araiza was accessory to a gang rape, or that a gang rape was committed. I am saying the DA's office sitting down and explaining to the victim and her attorney why they won't be prosecuting a crime, or the existence of videos apparently showing consensual sex at some point in the evening, does not of itself exonerate or show the alleged victim lied about a gang rape that took place later. I'm also saying Araiza's legal journey is apparently not over yet. That ain't my opinion, that's straight from the alleged victim's lawyer.
  20. To be a bit fair to the actual media, I remember most of the actual reporting on the incident being pretty careful - and I'm fairly sure that if (as the civil suit alleged) I incapacitate you, lead you to the scene of an assault, and throw you down in front of your assaulters I'm legally held to have something to do with their crimes. Accessory or something. I also remember a number of opinion guys and some local press, as well as (of course) social media absolutely foaming at the mouth, and you're completely correct that they weren't interested in pesky details.
  21. Wait Highmark has rafters?
  22. First of all, have you read the police complaint? I don't believe that has been released. Second, what we do have, the civil suit filed by her attorney, specifically does NOT say that. It alleges that Araiza led her to a room and threw her face down on a bed, where OTHER people (not Araiza) gang raped her. If you're gonna toss around terms like "liar" for things said that appear to be factually untrue, you might want to take a bit more care with your words. I tend to agree with @HappyDays take on this, although what the civil suit alleges would probably make him an accessory (so not just accused of statutory rape)
  23. I dunno if Gabe has a "limited route tree" or not. I believe that was something Patrick Peterson said about him after he picked a ball Josh intended for Gabe. You can look at the routes he was asked to run here https://nextgenstats.nfl.com/charts/player/gabriel-davis/DAV329675/season I personally think the stuff an opponent says about the team should be taken with a gram or two of salt.
  24. I thought what Tipster was complaining about was Josh Allen being "too commercial" by modeling and posing for endorsements? What, now he can't buy custom made suits or play golf? Something something all work no play makes a dull boy
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