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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. Suggest that he write them ASAP requesting a certified copy of his transcript - check it carefully for errors when he receives it - and asking who will take over student records for them.
  2. I thought he looked a little slow - he did mention that he was rusty What impressed me is how smooth he seemed, like @Buffalo_Stampede said no wasted movement. And the hands looke nice.
  3. Yes, buddy. Let me try to spell it out. You're playing HS football for Central High Your Team got Owned by West High last season Your opponent this season, North high, says "I saw your game against West last season. Looks like they had a really fun game against you. They are a) complimenting you b) trash talking you c) neutral I don't believe you.
  4. This totally cracked me up. Dad Guessing Team Names Can you match these before you watch it? The Sun Whales The Lucky Horseshoes The Red Helmets The Top of a Fancy Gate The Scary Looking Chickens The Horny Helmet Men The Chicago Bulls The Angry Woodpeckers {Can you give me some easy ones this time?) The Sharp Bananas The Flaming Horseheads The Tigers The Blue Tigers {No! There's no tigers!} {How many teams are there?} The Southern Fellas The Jets 😅
  5. Trust me on this. If your opponent is having a "fun game" against you.....it's a shot on you. I see it differently
  6. Wearing an "I wish it were colder" shirt too, I missed that the first time. And Rodgers in Times Square topped by an "I ♥️ NJ" instead of I ♥️ NY", I missed that the first time too. They had a couple shots at the Bills from last season. The "Fun Game Against the Bills" behind Cousins in the Vikes clip. Plus Diggs off by himself, separate from the team, in the Bills clip
  7. Edmunds played. But we had Bernard instead of
  8. It's fun, but I have to say I think the Chargers schedule release was Next Level. The level of detail that went into that thing - Lions with the "gambling help", Dolphins with McDaniel vaping, Bills with #17 looking at the superbowls and #14 standing back watching them burn
  9. I think that's an astute observation. Josh openly said that the elbow caused him to change his motion from his preferred 2020-on "rotational" motion to a more overhead, lateral motion That's the throwing motion he came into the league with, and struggled with accuracy on short passes with. So I think it follows that he was not as pinpoint accurate with those middle of the field and short throws, thus hesitated to take them.
  10. I don't know how real that was for Tasker, but that was the best part of the video for me. If you don't remember, per Dawson Knox last year Josh was heavily into "Deez Nutz" jokes
  11. So what happens when you blitz a guy? That's one less player to cover and if the QB gets out of the pocket, one less player to contain and pursue. To the OP - what did the Bengals game look like?
  12. Former marginal LB with the Browns and Eagles (2013-2015) who parlayed that into a media career. Current Fox Sports 1 analyst. It's all about the Clicks
  13. Yeah, I don't know what to think of that. The USAToday article @QCity linked makes it seem a slam-dunk that Araiza did nothing and the girl was a willing partner for everything that went on that night. But the girl's attorney makes it seem as though the DA presented a limited, biased set of evidence, and the full picture looks very different. There are just these little "uh, what?" tidbits, like the DA saying "your piercings were still intact in that video" "um, you can't see her navel area in that video" "oh, yeah, you're right, I can't" and so forth. So I think where we're at is, without the full evidence, the rest of us don't know what's true or not. I think that is what's giving teams pause, especially since the "slivy tove" lawyer has made it very clear he will try a case in the media. But if the attorney is mistaken, it would seem Araiza has a pretty sound case against them for defamation or whatever it's called in Cali., with lost earnings and the whole ball of wax.
  14. Not quite. The CBA prohibits the NFL or teams from taking any action against a player for events which occur before he is signed. So even if he had been on a roster before, they still couldn't act because the events took place before he was signed (or even drafted).
  15. That's actually....impressive. I have friends who have visited Mexico and bargained like anything in the markets I don't think wolves sharpen their fangs. They just use them.
  16. I don't know if it will go anywhere, but the woman's attorney, Dan Gilleon, is saying he is determined to continue her civil case. It sounds as though they're kind of asking a pretty token sum, but at the same time, he's shown before he is willing to make a lot of noise. I completely understand the prosecutor's decision to not file charges because a jury would 100% find "a reasonable doubt" in the evidence the DA cited, but there's apparently a lot of evidence the DA didn't go into. A civil trial mid-season would be seen as a distraction and potentially embarrassing to a team that signed Araiza. I can understand why teams would feel they don't want to go there; Araiza's agent's take painting the teams as "ignorant" doesn't seem very constructive and perhaps
  17. I find this credible. Josh's younger brother got married not too long ago, their close friends like Kyle Allen and his longtime girlfriend Summer Juraszek become engaged recently. Brittany went on Kelly Hall Stafford's podcast where Kelly Stafford told Brittany she had given Stafford an ultimatum about getting married. Seven years is a long time to be in a relationship and not get engaged or married when it seems to be the "norm" in your social circle. I also think there were little hints in Josh's appearances on Kyle Brandt's Basement that maybe the relationship wasn't 100% harmony. Just different interests (passion for football and golf vs passion for fashion and glamor). I said elsewhere that Josh and his family seem to have had their act together as far as lining up agents and financial advisors and lawyers from before he was drafted. So I'd be very surprised if he and Brittany didn't have a legal "palimony" agreement signed and in place where in the event of a split, she got a sum of money for her contributions to the relationship and as transitional maintenance, in return for an NDA.
  18. I have a question, Muppy, have you had any problems with fraud or with claims against you? We've sold a bunch of stuff on Ebay, no problems. We take pains to describe things accurately by researching what similar things have actually sold for, and we take lots of pictures. We had one problem with "as is" sales where the person claimed the item we sold didn't work (it was sold as "working when removed, as is, no returns"). They wouldn't work with us to try to troubleshoot, demanded that we refund them AND pay for their shipping and return shipping if we wanted it back. It was just very fishy, mostly because they wouldn't talk to us to try to see if we could help them get it to work. Ebay handled it by refunding their money AND finding us not at fault so we kept their payment, and of course we got horrid feedback from them. I felt that was really a "buyer's remorse" issue where the person got excited and bid over what they really should have paid for the item and just wanted out of the sale. I've heard that's an increasing problem, have you experienced this?
  19. Deuxmoi posted and deleted (via reddit): Deuxmoi later posted this explanation: So there you have it, update from the "source" quoted in that article.
  20. Well, I wanted to know what folks think, so thank you very much for your response. Would you say it's "coercive" to try to negotiate, and if so, can you explain why?
  21. Savvy guy, your Dad. Credit cards charge sellers somewhere between 1.5% and 3.5% of a sale all-told, so offering cash should be able to get one a bit of a discount. I probably wouldn't go for it on something like a lawn mower, because the credit card offers the ability to dispute the charge if there turns out to be a problem and the seller won't put it right. But there's usually a flat charge of $0.05-$0.1 in addition to the percent, so on small items one can often gain a little discount offering cash. https://www.merchantmaverick.com/the-complete-guide-to-credit-card-processing-rates-and-fees/ Some of the restaurants in this area, particularly independent ethnic restaurants, outright offer a discount for paying in cash and have little signs posted or even in the menu, stating this. And I completely respect that viewpoint. If someone tells me their price is firm, that's just what I do, buy it or walk. But hopefully you can recognize that isn't how everyone prices things or does business, so it's not intended as some kind of personal insult if someone shows up and asks to buy at a lower price.
  22. Depends on the thrift store here. Usually Goodwill is a "no", they don't bargain unless you note a condition flaw or something missing. Then they might, though for clothes they don't seem to as a matter of policy. I guess maybe some people damage stuff. The "flea market" type stores seem to have some leeway to bargain. If I bargain before I meet up, I wouldn't bargain again after I get there. The thing is, we buy a fair bit of furniture and condition is very subjective. Some people honestly describe something as "oak" or "solid wood" and it's actually veneer covered particle board or plywood. They usually aren't lying or misrepresenting, they honestly don't know. And one person's "perfect" may be my "yeah, that needs a housecall from the Furniture Doctor". So my wording is specific "I'd like to come look at it". I'm not committing to buy. If someone else buys it 10 minutes before I arrive, that's my problem. The part that puzzles me is the whole "they only bargain because you coerce them into it" bit. How does one "coerce someone" into bargaining, short of showing up with a pair of guys in dark suits that bulge under the shoulder? I can offer someone a price, and they can decline to accept it and state that their price is firm. Then I can either pay it, or move on and they sell it to the next person. If there is no next person at their price, then they've probably over-valued their item for the local market and they need to adjust their notions. Where is the coersion?
  23. Estate sales are the venue I find least open to bargaining, unless it's the last day which is usually half-price. But if I'm interested in a handful of things and they're not too busy, I'll try. At least around here, IMHO estate sales seem to mark things high, so that they're still getting what they want after they mark things down 50% on the final day. I usually start out offering 30% less than the asking price, but it really depends on how the item is priced to start with and what it's worth to me.
  24. The multiple "husband" references are why I think the cause of the breakup might be that she wanted to get married, and may even have tried what Kelly Hall Stafford stated she did when she had Britt on her show, and given Josh an ultimatum "engagement/set a date or Done". I think her friends are trying to support her by implying she won't have any trouble finding a guy who wants to marry her, and focus on her and spoil her in a way a football- and golf- obsessed NFL QB probably didn't. And maybe she'll find such a guy pronto, and maybe it will work out for her. But like I said elsewhere - if it was my daughter who just ended or saw the end of a 7 year relationship where she's been living a lavish lifestyle for the last 6 years, apparently on someone else's dime - I would want her to take a breath and ground herself. Get a job, focus on building the business she started, go on a mission trip, pursue an advanced degree, anything - support herself and spend some time finding out who she is when she lives independently. So I find it cringe-y myself.
  25. Question came up after something that happened yesterday, so I started a poll. We've been buying stuff off Craig's List or Facebook Marketplace or from yard sales/flea markets.thrift shops for years. We bargain. Heck, I'll bargain over stuff that some people wouldn't think to bargain over, having been trained by an exec at a former place of employment (motel room prices, clothes in stores. There's a rhythm and a feel to it. If a price is listed "Firm", you go there expecting that the person probably won't bargain. Sometimes I'll make an offer, and the seller will say "I've come down already, that's really my bottom price" or "I'm firm where I'm at" and I know to either pay the asking price or walk. I make an assessment of how motivated the seller is to part with the item, as well. Usually I offer about 30% less than the person is asking, the seller counters and we might go back and forth. If it's a fairly common item, sometimes I walk. If it's something I really want and it's still for sale a couple weeks later I might reach out, maybe repeat my offer or maybe offer a bit more for "face". Same thing when I'm selling. If I don't went to negotiate, I'll note"firm". Someone offers a stupid low price, I might counter "I think it's priced pretty fairly where I'm at" and see what they say. Experienced bargainers might gently point out a condition flaw (maybe I missed it), or the price of similar listed items, or ask me why I feel it's worth that. If someone just trashes the item I'm offering, I'll tell them "I don't think we're gonna be able to do business, have a nice day". I wouldn't call myself an expert bargainer, but I've never had a problem. So yesterday I went to look at a piece of furniture. The price listed was not noted as "firm". It wasn't quite the flawless thing advertised - had some white paint on it I could probably take off, possibly not without marring the finish. But the seller acted as though asking to look at it = agreed to buy. They were ready to load it into my car before I even looked it over! The "fun" began when I made an offer. I was informed that if I wanted to bargain, I should have bargained before I come look and it's terribly rude to do otherwise. I never heard of this, but I apologized for the misunderstanding and for offending the person, telling them I've been bargaining as a buyer and accepting bargaining as a seller for years, but I do understand she feels different. Told her I liked it, but there are similar looking items listed at the price I offered and there was no intent to offend. She reiterated that it was just completely inappropriate and rude to show up and bargain. Then her husband weighed in telling me the people I've purchased from "only bargain with you because you coerce them into it" (!!!!!?). I would have been fine with either buying or walking at her price if she'd just said "I think it's priced fairly, I'm firm ", but she was acting like I was violating some unwritten rule of Facebook Marketplace Etiquette and making it kind of personal. So when the husband opened his yap about being coercive, I "Nope!"d right out of there. Told them I'm not gonna deal with this, got into my car and left. But it did leave me wondering if I'd breached some rule of Facebook Marketplace etiquette that I never heard of. So....fellow wayfarers, like the poll says - do you buy/sell items at yard or estate sales, or on Craig's List/Marketplace (or other)? If so, what's your etiquette? Do you bargain? Do you only bargain if you bargain before you come look? Do you just pay whatever the seller asks? Cheers! Edit: I added "I don't buy stuff from those places so not relevant" options to Q 2 and 3 'cuz someone told me it wouldn't let them answer the poll "Do you bargain" without answering the other 2 questions
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