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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. Which Andy Reid as head coach you want? The one who was head coach in Philadelphia from 1999-2012 with 2 division round losses, 4 conference losses, a superbowl loss, and 2 WC losses for it? The one who was head coach in KC from 2013-2018 with 2 WC losses, 2 division losses, a conference loss, and a lot of people saying he didn't have what it took to win the big ones?
  2. That was pretty widely reported at the time - Rapoport, Schefter , etc.
  3. Dude, learn your medical lingo. Your final thoughts on the matter will be of more value if you do A sprain literally IS a tear to the ligaments. This is for ankles, but the same Grade I, II, III system holds true for any ligament anywhere. Allen's sprain was said at the time to be milder side Grade II, meaning stretching and some tearing (but not a complete tear) of the ligament. That's why there were widespread reports at the time that he would miss 2-4 weeks. He braced it and played through it, but it clearly affected his mechanics. Even a complete tear is technically a sprain.
  4. It was a hold. That’s not the issue. The issue is those kind of holds are committed by both teams and go uncalled for much of the game. Call the game fairly both ways and evenly through the game
  5. Like he did in the 2020 AFCCG where we lost 24-38, and were losing 15-38 early in the 4Q? People have some damned selective memories around here
  6. To be fair…Hurts strip sack fumble run in for a TD was a difference making play in the game. Aren’t we pretty damn critical of other QB who turn the football over for a score like that? Agree on the Eagles D. Again, that penalty at the end was bad….but if the Eagles ST didn’t get toasted on a return, and toasted crispy on 2 TD passes, they aren’t in a position where that makes a difference in the game
  7. I see it that way but I’m sure KC fans are too busy celebrating to care To be fair, the Eagles D got toasted brown and crispy on busted coverage for 2 TDs, and if they’d played those better, they’d not have been in the position where a ticky-tack DH call that KC does nearly every play could burn them like that
  8. Why can’t we have someone who makes contested catches like Dallas Goeddert? That is all
  9. He’s a Pats or Dolphins fan and a troll. Of course he’s sure about that. Don’t hassle him with any Facts son
  10. I think I’d like that, but while the two big penalties called were legit, the Iggles D better find an answer for Kelce fast
  11. Well, I could be wrong, but I think the problem is the opposite to what you describe. I don't think the OP is concerned about critical thought and discussion. I think he's concerned about substituting knee-jerk reaction and "I had a thought" (that don't pass muster when critical thought, or even a single actual fact, are applied to them) for critical thought and discussion. When too much of that goes on (whether it's positive or negative) it changes the culture of a place, be it a workplace or a message board. Again, I could be wrong, and that's not to say that a "My Team, Right or Wrong" "True fans don't Criticize" mindset doesn't exist here and isn't a problem when it does.
  12. Need a subscription to read TBN articles too, dontcha?
  13. Let's just look at the top 3 in targets. Right off the bat, it pops out that McKinnon is the #3 in targets and #4 in receiving yards. So that's something the Bills don't have - significant contributions from a pass-catching back. We can debate why that is, but it Is. OK, leave him out - do you really want to construct an argument that Kelce, Juju SS, and MVS ~= Diggs, Davis, Knox? I'll hang up and listen Well, someone put in 1 vote for Damar Hamlin's EMS team as I understand it so
  14. The thing is, there needs to be an awareness that the first 3 sentences are statements of emotion, not factual. It may be true that Beane and McDermott don't have what it takes to get over the top. Or it may be false. Fact: 2016 after their 2nd consecutive Division round loss, Tony Dungy harshes at Andy Reid on National TV "the Chiefs may win a Superbowl, but it won't be with Andy Reid as their head coach. In 2017, the Chiefs lost 2 more regular-season games and lost in the WC round. 4 years later, the Chiefs had been to 2 Superbowls, won 1, lost 1. There's no reason to believe any coach has what it takes to win a championship, until they do.
  15. I think the problem that the OP is raising is that, while the bolded is true, it's right now swamped by many more repetitive threads about firing coaches and exaulting talented and competitive, but immature players or doing ridiculous things (like trading them for a $37M cap hit, falling to $26M or something like that next season). Sure everyone has a right to their personal opinion. It's whether and how often and how it's expressed, and whether it's actually backed by good information and rational observation, or only FACTS. The thing is, this has usually been a good board for good football discussion, not just stupid "I had a neuron flash" knee-jerk reaction. Maybe it will be again some time, but right now it's not, and it seems to me people have a right to have opinions on just as much on whether Sean is a horrible coach who will always lose the big game, or a good coach just not for this era. I've been here since 2008, by the way. I haven't made peace with how the season ended, but I don't see how endless "off with his head, he sucks!" "Diggs is the only good player on the Bills, they should all have hissy fits and yell at the QB on the sideline and storm out of the locker room!" threads will help towards that end. And reading all that won't help me. Just my opinion, I'm told everyone has a right to them. No thanks on the cookie, but nice of you to offer.
  16. I'm in favor of the "let's not make Gabe Davis our new whipping boy" theme. I would agree in general, the routes he was asked to run/throws Josh made didn't do Gabe any favors. That said, I think your understanding of what constitutes a scored "drop" and how to calculate "flat out misses by the QB" are both incomplete. A "drop" is pretty much defined as a throw that a competent receiver should be able to make easily. Basically, the ball hits the WR in a frame between the head and the hips and maybe a forearm length to the side, no more There are plenty of throws that a good NFL-quality WR is expected to be able to haul in, that are not scored as "drops". That is not to say that a number of the throws in Gabe's direction were not off-target (not necessarily misses, but thrown over Gabe, possibly because he was held or didn't run as fast as Josh expected, possibly poor throws. Data on how many throws were "catchable" vs. "throw aways" or so far off target there was no chance, are out there. However, you can not determine what that number is, by simply subtracting his catches + drops from his targets, and saying the rest were "flat out misses by Josh" That's simply not correct. There's also a point that while his catch % was a career low and his drop % a career high this season, he ran about 55% his previous 2 years, when Josh was not throwing as many deep bombs and when elbow injury/accuracy were not believed to be factors. That's not good, for a #2.
  17. Yes. But it disappeared prior to the point Diggs mentioned (first 9 weeks). Part of it, I'm pretty sure, was Josh's elbow/shoulder (I still think something happened to him the 2nd half of the GB game). Anatomically, Josh improved in his short throw accuracy when he became a more rotational thrower. Josh has let fall a few tidbits that indicate he reverted to a more linear throwing motion to spare his elbow, and only was able to start getting back to his preferred technique the last 2 weeks. But, part of it is mental. Someone mentioned that the Pittsburgh game was pretty much the worst thing that could have happened to Josh - success with the "Bombs Away" "Touchdowns First!" mentality. It's true that Josh has fewer top receiving weapons than Cincy or even KC. But that's not why Josh has "reverted to trying to push the ball down the field". If you watch film you can often see Knox, Cook, Morris, yes McKenzie and sometimes Diggs open underneath for significant gains.
  18. I was wondering that myself. Anyone? Diggs was targeted 10 times in that game. He had 4 receptions.
  19. This is exactly where I am. I poke my head in from time to time to see if there's any coverage of draft prospects and if anyone's talking about Beane's pressers and so forth, but all I see is the same flailing making ridiculous comparisons of Josh Allen and getting out the tar and pitchforks for firing all the coaches over and over and over again. Oh and ridiculous stuff that a 2 minute Spotrac search will reveal to not happen, like trading Diggs. That's my problem, you're right, and I have control - I have a baker's dozen "ignore" file and if that's not enough (as it pretty much isn't right now) I can step away. It may also be the board's problem though, because I'm aware of a double handful of solid contributors here who see it the same way, and are likewise staying away. So it becomes a self-perpetuating problem - a lot of people who contribute some of the solid content that likely folks like you want to read are sticking their head in, looking around, going "NOPE!" turning around and walking out, leaving the board to the temper tantrums of the time Historically, from this forum - Better
  20. I think other WR liked him. Diggs went on record he was one of the best coaches he’d ever had. Emmanuel Sanders said similar. In 2020 the receiver room bought him a car. McKenzie gave him an expensive game console like he was a player. Maybe that last indicates something. Maybe he was good at coaching the guys who were already sound in their fundamentals, and helping them refine their technique and become better -but not as good at coaching up the new players like Shakir or Hodgins? Maybe he became too close to the players and couldn’t “get in their grill” when need be? I know I saw what I’m pretty sure were route running mistakes at a number of critical times, and I wondered about the coaching. So I don’t know how I feel about this. Just a note that at the end of January, Hall was interviewing for the Ravens OC position ”He wants something more” doesn’t jive with making a lateral move. I don’t think Davis got better.
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