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  1. Holy moly that is stunning. Think of all that money the government could have wasted on dumb crap and stuffed into their own pockets if Tesla had paid more taxes.
  2. We’re blaming plane crashes in Canada on trump now??? Doesn’t get more desperate than that lmao
  3. Not really. I’m pretty sure everyone knows that the Pegulas can afford to pay Cook not just $15m a year but even way more than that if they wanted to. Doesn’t mean it’s what’s best for the team.
  4. “We already overpaid one player so we should overpay another one” is not the argument you think it is.
  5. Just like we were no match for the ravens, right?
  6. Mahomo padding his stats so queefs fans can pretend like he wasn’t absolute dog crap in this game
  7. No. You’re quite literally the only Bills fans happy they lost 2 weeks ago.
  8. I just wanna say that the Eagles could win this game 70-0 and it wouldn’t change be the fact that the NFL rigs games for the Chiefs
  9. Lol I remember when y’all used to pretend to hate rich people
  10. One of the richest neighborhoods in human history burning down is not a tragedy
  11. Thanks for replying to my post. You’re a worthless piece of trash. Hope that helps 🙂.
  12. If you’re immediate reaction to a tragedy is to try and politicize it you’re a worthless piece of trash. Period.
  13. This is the 5th year in a row we’re having this conversation. At this point I just say screw it and invest every single dollar and every single draft pick into the offense. If we’re gonna choke in the playoffs anyways just help build Josh’s HOF resume and see if we can break the single season scoring record.
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