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Everything posted by Taraka

  1. what a cute pithy comment. Why not ask service people what THEY think about their commander and chief saying something like that about an ex service member POW. They are who matter in this discussion not a keyboard warrior judgmental know it all like yourself.
  2. as well as anyone can be if worn properly that would be a yes at least as far as the masks intended purpose But they COULD touch something and then touch their mouth, or touch something and then before they wash their hands rub their eyes. So are they 1000% protected while at work No. But I think precautions are a wise path to at least TRY to remain covid-free.
  3. the pertinent word being YOU meaning he possibly stopping a spread of his potential germs to the workers. I think I've said enough on this I'll never really understand his position I think its at minimum selfish and at worst irresponsible
  4. Okay I'll buy that as at least a reasonable thought. That wasn't the original point though. It was about you having a WTF attitude regarding being denied entry to a grocery because you aren't willing to even afford them a modicum of protection from your possible germs to me seems a bit selfish. No offense.
  5. Depending on the efficacy of the mask that would be a YES. Your point being that it may not protect them so why wear one?
  6. Are you serious? You don't think grocery workers have the right to protect themselves from being infected while at work? What about nurses? Are you aghast at their use of masks also? I cannot disagree with you more strongly. If a mask saves ONE person from being infected they are worth it. Its almost like you wrote something stupid and now are bending yourself backwards to justify it. Why not say it was a brain fart and move on. The deal is they are working with the general public and grocery workers have no idea who is infected and who isn't. And vice verse. The stop of ANY covid transmission seems win win and a very small price to pay. Herd mentality Wow. OH and scary slippery slope to what this I've got to hear. Not to be sarcastic but are you really a chef?
  7. Of course . are you equally offended by they wearing a mask? Why did you have a WTF outrage by being denied entry ? If you are indeed a chef than food handling and sanitary practices should be second nature to someone like yourself.
  8. I’m not going to berate you for having your opinion on an ex POW you don’t happen to respect. I still contend that THE Commander and Chief of the US armed forces saying such a thing is a horribly disrespectful statement to make especially holding that title.
  9. Both equally stupid. And that is relevant because they both died from stupidity? I take no pleasure at anyone’s death.
  10. So frontline grocery workers are to simply assume based on what exactly you won’t be possibly a carrier of the virus? Your wearing a mask protects them from you and that possibility which is very reasonable to ask.
  11. The fact the man died due to his own ignorance about covid-19 is indeed sad and if nothing else a cautionary tale to anyone whom thinks they cannot be affected. I took it in that vein personally.
  12. Let’s see the spin to rationalize that particular statement. One of his worst quips in my opinion wether you liked John McCain or not. Ex POW’s must be scorned how dare He be captured. What a total scumbag thing to say
  13. why would a N-95 mask have an "expiration date" I'll look into this. To me that sounds odd especially if they are packaged securely and unopened from said factory packaging....?
  14. hospitalizations don't tell the entire tale though. Cuomo then his wife, George Stephanopulous after his wife, both partners became covid-19 positive both one after the other. To me it speaks to the insidious nature of how contagious and easily spread it is. Wouldn't it be logical that they would have tried to separate and Not infect their spouse? Of course. Their (likely) efforts were ultimately futile. How long it hibernates within any given person before becoming contagious is also something I don't think anyone knows yet.
  15. corona virus tough guys going out to show their machismo and ignorance. Dr. Don the Con approves of their tactics. These clowns are similar to the hordes at the beach during spring break. Ignorance in action bravo you fools.
  16. are a persons light symptoms analogous with not being contagious to others? Their bodily fluids would still contain virus even if they weren't overtly symptomatic. I don't know the answer to this I doubt anyone does at this point conclusively.
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