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Everything posted by Taraka

  1. try holding your breath while you do Rob ... sorry I don't really mean that just because you throw down a gauntlet doesn't mean I'm beholden to pick it up Its a freedom of speech deal . now comes the insult I'll wait. LOL
  2. Actually honesty and rationality has no place in PPP ROB nice try though. Its all a crock of sez who.. Say WHAT oh you LIAR wait a second he said THAT No he didn't YES HE DID .what's a name for that ? Its called Philosophical BULLSHITE.
  3. It's easily the most used fall back position in this forum. I've also noticed a lot of whining "the liberals are ruining the PPP" WE WANT OUR ECHO CHAMBER BACK tantrums going on also. It sucks to be backing a President who is so ridiculously ignorant and blatant a liar that it brings out opponents to his idiocy and interrupts "THEIR" forum calling out the absurdity of his and theirs positions.
  4. Insinuating wearing a mask is a sign of weakness is maybe the lamest thing I've read in this thread so far. You Sir/Maam are an idiot. at best disgraceful at worst disgusting. This thread needs Bleach. Unbelievable tone deafness at play here.
  5. triggered much? did I hurt your feelingz awwwwwww
  6. THIS..... I just wrote basically this and just wait for it..its US that need to rationalize what trump said and twist and shout the unfairness of we all calling him out on it. They'd have a LOT more credibility if not defending this guys every word its pathetic.
  7. calling a scientist delusional in defense of Dr Don..the irony is RICH here Wow
  8. very few trump supporters will even cop to admitting what he said could be construed as dangerous. You apologists would carry a lot more credibility if you didn't feel the need to defend each and every stupid thing he says. Why not own it and admit the guy speaks without really thinking, conjectures without a stitch of proof and if not straight up lying he irresponsibly spouts rhetoric that is not factual in the guise that it is "hopeful" .......bull#### is still bull#### don't pretty it up or rationalize all he says. It's no wonder people think many trump supporters are cultish.
  9. Lysol maker: Please don't drink our cleaning productshttps://www.cnn.com/2020/04/24/busin...rus/index.html LOL man are Americans STOOPID
  10. Triggered much? LOL fish in a barrel
  11. IT"S A JOKE lol and you think I"M triggered? I think this forum is hilarious its like shooting fish in a barrel
  12. to "lighten" the mood LOL
  13. you are definitely a MORON LOL
  14. no actually I'm not angry at all what gives you that idea? I'm amused by your intellect and originality Obviously ?
  15. there is so much spin in this post I'm dizzy.
  16. I love how you have adopted sections list idea not an original thought in your brain
  17. FALSE being the operative word. More like impossible but lets throw it out there anyway
  18. PREACH! But don't think she will listen or acquiesce in her devotion to dr don the con and whatever drivel he decides to spew. He could sell her swamp land in the desert and she'd buy it. And she did, And does.
  19. ones persons "meaningful' is another stable geniuses troll GO FIGURE. Say, isthere room on the tRump bandwagon? I bet you'd like me then LOL oh you read them allright how'd you know I post memes?
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