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Everything posted by Taraka

  1. this is blocked behind a paywall I can't view it.
  2. excuse if this was already posted it is super creep super creep he's super creepy yowllll
  3. Slavery ended 150 years ago GET OVER IT.. . I'm intrigued by the thread title. I'll watch the youtube sometime tomorrow to get all the info presented What did we ever do without Youtube? Ever consider that maybe systemic racism exists because of slavery. Maybe people just can't "get over it" that easily? It's a generational curse and scourge to their history. Very relevant to today and imperative we understand this view if any hope of real change exists.
  4. too bad this happened after he died. I'd have enjoyed seeing him watch his millions of dollars go to victims. Now that's suffering for a guy like Him. Would have been sweet sweet revenge on top of a jail sentence.
  5. we need less expensive health care costs. My insurance premiums are killing me. For real. If I didn't have to buy auto home and health insurance I'd actually have a pretty decent savings account by now.
  6. If not for covid-19 Trump would have easily won reelection. Biden is winning by keeping quiet so far. Less is definitely more from that guy. What a Joke.
  7. Good. Smollett hasn't paid anywhere near enough for the BS he tried to pull.
  8. Only one so far is yours.
  9. Waiting on a vaccine and it arriving quickly is the only hope we have of stopping this virus. Until then we're *****
  10. We need more grunge rock from Seattle less anarchy.
  11. #walkaway
  12. Excuse me if this has been posted. What do you make of this? There are people willing to be infected, actually seeking infection. Covidiots I like that it describes them well What to do with the 25 they've identified as becoming infected at such a function. Criminal charges?
  13. The harbinger of all truth, logic and facts. A legend in his own mind how dare anyone question what he/she calls "truth" . May as well close the internet and allow THIS persona to tell us ALL what is right wrong truth deception woke asleep. Such a deep thinker. You're DEEP alright. and Buffalo Gal thinks "she's pretty sure" there may have been some deaths due to covid. Now THAT"s the kind of info I''d expect from someone like her. Close second on the deep scale. when I need a dose of know it all conspiracy theorists and wannabe experts in Everything. Solomon and Solomettes this is where I come LOL
  14. Precisely the point glad to see you got it.
  15. Robs House this is for you. This will clear up any questions in regards to my views on the coronavirus.
  16. I'm dispatching this sad bird to the PPP or even better Huntington Beach CA since they refuse to social distance 1111
  17. The defense of Dr. Dons wisdom doesn't surprise me that much. Not much does any more. It's more sad than surprising.
  18. oh BURN. At least I don't think sporting PPE shows weakness. So much BURN so little intelligence . What a crock keep telling yourself that. So much Burn in here tonight. Who do you think he was walking to? Himself. Right. I'd buy that.
  19. OH BOY CHEF you really want to go there. LOL What you are suggesting is a distinction without a difference. The President suggested injecting disenfectants. Period. One is medicine. The other is a cleaner. If you need that explained to you ask Dr.Don the con I'm guessing he will find a way to reply/ backpedal/ justify etc etc etc in a way you will find acceptable. Keep spinning.
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