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Everything posted by Ekertesz88

  1. Round 1 - Nassib I am okay with taking a guy a little earlier than he's rated if the familiarity means we can hit the ground running next year. Round 2 - Teo He's either incredibly naive or a sociopath, doesn't mean he can't play football. I know he probably won't slip this far, but this being MY perfect draft scenario, the controversy drops him down to us in the second. Enough trying to win with a group of strictly "good guys." I'm willing to take a chance on some guys with some character issues at this point. Rounds 3 - 7 Let our scouts work their magic to find us another linebacker, wideout, running back, and o-lineman with the highest ceilings they can find. This team is still injury prone and in desperate need of depth at a lot of positions. Priority Free Agent Get Us the Honey Badger!!!!! I might even be willing to spend a third round pick after some convincing on this kid. Corner was a huge weak point for us for a big part of the last season. I know there are huge issues here, but as with Teo, the potential upside if you can keep this kid straight might be worth the risk. If Byrd leaves, you could try to turn Williams into his replacement at Free Safety, a position some thought he might have to move to coming out of the draft anyways. Draft Mathieu, pencil him in across from Gilmore, and see how much better we are.
  2. Profootballtalk is reporting Matt Flynn just signed with the Seahawks........
  3. Deliberate?
  4. I can see Maybin lining up next to Ray Lewis and Ed Reed already.........then being handed back the water bottles so he can return to his customary spot at the end of the bench
  5. I think I read somewhere that some were let go as well around the time Modrak was, but I can't be sure. I agree that the decision makers may really have been more the issue than the actual scouts. Just think about all those "inside" stories we read about how Witner was drafted because Dick really " needed" that safety to run his cover two, or how we drafted Maybin even though Modrak was pushing hard for matthews(or was it Cushing? Orackpo?) But got overruled in the draft room. Systemic flaws in the decision making process during those years. Hopefully Buddy takes Chan's opinion into account, but trusts what his scouts are telling him about players. Still too early to tell with last years class really getting kinda stunted with injuries and talent in front of them, but I kinda think the drafting has been better the last two years.
  6. Yeah but he only took plays off when Edwards was in there, probably got tired of running all those wind sprints when he knew after getting past 4 yards downfield there was no way the ball was ever gonna come......
  7. :wallbash: I didn't realize it was possible to love and hate something so much at the same time :wallbash: At least we can find those undrafted guys
  8. Is Walker still available? Now that we have that Evans money.....
  9. Yeah they do, but most of their roster was built through having what seems like 15 draft picks every year, and not being afraid to go get that big free agent every once in a while. And how to they get those picks? They move around like crazy in the draft and trade guys for picks. I think they are trying to collect some talent here, just talent that is still gonna be effective in a few years, when this pretty young team is seasoned enough to stand toe to toe with the real monsters in this league.
  10. I kinda addressed this same kinda comment in another thread, I need to be clearer. I don't think we did this just to be "the nice team.". I really think we did this cause we are really high on our young group of receivers, and felt that Evans wasn't a fit on this roster anymore. I kinda see this as maybe securing a fourth round pick and a roster spot for a young player they like instead of trying to fit Lee (square peg) into chan's offense (round hole). The bonus of not just cutting and embarrassing a respected team captain at the end of camp and giving him the opportunity to finish his career with a contender might actually play well in players minds across the league. As the dysfunctional franchise we've been, the way we treat players actually is kinda important as far as attracting players to small market buffalo in the future.
  11. Don't misunderstand, I don't think we did it just to be nice, I believe we really do like our depth at wideout and think these young guys could be something pretty good. But if Lee was not a good fit for this offense, which might be a reason his numbers dropped so much last year, maybe they traded him to a contender instead of embarrassing a "good team guy" as a late cut later on, netting a bonus 4th round pick in the process. Of course we want to draft and keep our players that are good, but maybe we don't want to keep guys that don't fit our future. I wish Lee the best, but a 30 year old speedster looking like he maybe closer to the end than the beginning doesn't really seem like a fit on a pretty young roster.
  12. Perhaps they felt that the value of being able to keep some of the young wideouts they have on this roster now was worth more than keeping Lee for trade bait down the road. I know it's all hypothetical now, but if Evans got hurt again this year, or had another down year, his value in April would be even less than it was now. Is it worth the risk for what, one round higher? Wideouts don't get high picks in trade anymore. I kinda think this trade, along with the roster bonus they just paid him, was a thank you to a player they felt was nearing the end and played a good guy for the franchise during this really poor decade.
  13. Is it possible this was a reward for Evans playing the good solder all these years? Speed dependent wideouts don't usually last too much past thirty, and Lee was already starting to look like a player on the downside. A million dollar bonus paid at the start of camp and a trade to a contender for a team captain is a pretty nice golden parachute.
  14. Like I said, probably crazy One of those thoughs that popped in there, wasn't too sure if it made any sense. I would MUCH rather see our young guys step up and have breakout seasons, but the thought of having somebody established out there besides stevie to demand a double team occasionally was kinda tempting. Here's hoping Easley is as good as he sounds on paper
  15. Of course more than a fourth would have been great, but with the market for wide outs being what it's been recently, and with there being some debate (even here) about the real worth of Lee (i.e. Is he really a number one receiver, is he even number one on this team anymore, is he declining already, is it only cause of our quarterbacks his numbers are so bad the last few years, does he fit chan's offense?) I'm not too upset about getting at least something for him. Would have been worse if we just cut him and got nothing, like some of the rumors from last year suggested. If nothing else, Lee played the good solder for a poorly run franchise for most of his time here, I'm happy that they gave him the opportunity to play on a team with a really good shot at playoff success this year. I'll still root for lee, just as long as hes not playing against our bills.
  16. Torbor, Davis, and Maybin would love to help Ralph get rid of all that money crowding up the place. Extensions for everyone!
  17. Will still make plays, just maybe not as many as last year. I still think there is a lot of talent in this wide reciever group, maybe not the speed Lee provided, but perhaps someone else steps up to demand double teams occasionally, or we run enough spread sets that Stevie still gets some single coverage.
  18. Okay, I know it's probably crazy, and that we got rid of Lee because we are sooooo stacked at the reciever position with young talent, but is Owens a crazy idea? I know he's coming off a torn acl and is 35 or 36 years old, but he just posted a video this morning of himself working out, showing how far he has come as far as rehabbing his injury. I don't think it really makes us that much better, but he DID have pretty good chemistry with Fitz, Stevie has cited him as a major influence on his breakout season last year, and did seem to like it here, I.e. Didn't light the locker room on fire like in Philly, Dallas, ect. I dont mean anything long term, but if he were willing to come in on a one year contract for a reasonable price, would we even want to consider this? Just popped into my head amidst all the wailing at work over the Lee trade.
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