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Everything posted by RangerDave

  1. GEHA = Government Employees Health Association I'm a member! (And I have been really happy with this plan for 30+ years...) They are based in Kansas City.
  2. Does this include yards rushed by Josh Allen? If so, I don't think QB scrambles lead to as much punishment of the defenders as designed rushes by RB's. The blocking is different, plus Josh (hopefully) doesn't cause as much punishing contact as a running back would.
  3. I'm willing to bet that even Herbert would laugh at the comment from Shefter. He doesn't seem like the type of person to get that full of himself, especially at this stage of his career.
  4. Well, if MLB.com is to be believed, we are both wrong! Gehrig played 2130 in a row after replacing Pippen. It was Ripkin who played 2632 in a row, a half century later. 🤦‍♂️
  5. If Brown plays another 2631 games in a row.....could be! 😉
  6. Unless both teams play on Monday night, and then the following Sunday, the team having only 6 days off will be at a disadvantage. If both teams play on Sunday, then the following Saturday, both teams only have 6 days in between, hence no team has the advantage.
  7. I would hope that the Bills staff would scout the opposition to see if the CB following an in-motion receiver follows him to the opposite side, or if he stops at the end of the line on his side and passes off the receiver to someone from that other side. Does anyone know if the Steelers have a penchant for passing off a receiver in motion? Or did the CB sniff out the play on his own?
  8. Maybe Beane and McDermott figure that the offense is so good, they can make up for a drop here and there from Knox. Knox can atone for them with a big play?
  9. More to the point, is he vaccinated?? We could use a bump in our percentage....
  10. Well, I don't know about "vastly"..... 🙂
  11. I think there is a difference when no one gets to play a preseason game, versus when the defensive units get to play some games while the quarterback plays zero snaps. Maybe not, but it seems like an advantage for those who get some live practice.
  12. The Jets have some 'spleening to do!
  13. If we trade the Buffalo Bills Team, and throw in Highmark Stadium as a kicker, I bet we could get some team's next three drafts! That would build a great team in about 5 years!!
  14. I have a friend who knows someone in med school who says vomiting is a sign of a long-haul, unvaccinated, me-first team-last, overweight and out-of-shape sports player.
  15. I was thinking more of getting him off the roster for the year. Does that save them cap money?
  16. If he did get injured, and ended up on season-ending IR, does that help the team's position at all?
  17. That is a valid point. I understand that a sports player's career is short. What does a player making the league minimum make in those 4-year average careers, $2.64M? More than I made in my 40-year career? And it is not like a player can't do something else after his career ends. After a 4 year career, a player has 30-40 years to make more money in another career. And, just going on their name recognition, I would imagine they can get a higher paying "normal" job than I can. And my initial point is that an individual player can afford to take a hometown discount, without suffering in a lower standard of living. That is something that would make me feel a whole lot better about the salaries that players are making nowadays! 😀 EDIT: I also learned a whole lot from Tre White when he signed his contract. When he spoke about "generational wealth", it clicked a light on for me and I understood how important it is for players to make enough money to get them, their families, and their heirs into a world that they otherwise may have been locked out of. I applaud players who use their wealth in a forward-looking manner.
  18. What is it exactly, that a player "can't afford" if they were to take, say, 20% less than a 248 MILLION dollar contract? I understand trying to maximize your contract, but to say a player can't afford not to is just not true. I live quite comfortable on about 1/10 of one percent of what Josh will be making. I have no ill will against players for their contracts because that is apparently what the market will bear. My point is that players who say they need to sign a bigger contract because they have a family to feed are delivering a false narrative. And I do believe that I end up paying for these astronomical contracts indirectly. I pay more for my cable TV, I pay more for products who advertise during football games, and the price of tickets nowadays has priced me out of attending games live. The problem is not just football players, or sports players in general. CEO's and others who make astronomical salaries also raise prices of goods and services I use, too. I will now dismount my horse, high as it might be. 🐴
  19. All of his wounds were "exit wounds"? No entrance wounds?? The poor man must have bullets inside him that spontaneously erupted! (Or his idiot agent is seriously downplaying the incident...)
  20. I really like Oliver, but I think he needs a good supporting cast around him to really shine. He is not large enough to be a dominant player by himself as other teams can focus on him alone and stifle him. With Star back and with better DE play, I have high hopes for him this year. Whether that will be enough to justify a very high 5th year option, I don't know. But with the right cast around him, he can be a special player in year 6 and beyond.
  21. LOL This one is perfect for the Pegulas and their GM's!! 😆
  22. I wonder, too, if some players are looking for a competitive advantage. Everyone can use the "mainstream healthcare machine". Using normal therapies does not give them any additional advantage, since everyone is already using them. What some players are looking for is something that other players don't know about or won't use to give them that edge on the competition. It's why I think some people believe all kinds of nonsense they find on the internet. They feel smarter when they think they know something that the rest of the world does not. This is just a hypothesis not based on any science that I am aware of.
  23. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I have now learned something new for today! (I think I'll stick to the little numbers.) 😁
  24. OK, then. Do they have a number for trillion? I took Spanish in high school, but that was so long ago, they didn't have numbers that high!
  25. Brian Moorman. When your punter is your best player for so many years, there is a whole lot of room for improvement in that team!
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