While most of the time I love your posts, this one I strongly disagree with. Many veterans, wounded physically and suffering from PTS found that marijuana greatly helps in their challenging endeavors. Yes, it is federally banned but that dont make it right, at one time in this country we considered African Americans 7/8 of a person. Just because a law exists dont make it right - think prohibition. Had a family member slowly passing from cancer, used marijuana for pain simply because it allowed him to enjoy his last days while presecribed medications left him in a stupor! I can sit on my front porch and guzzle a bottle of JD but I cant smoke a joint? To end or hinder the careers of these two players is ridiculous; and yes I am a strong defender as I support my veteran brothers and their use! I still love 99.99 % of your posts! And I am pushing 70 making me an old fart!