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Everything posted by amprov56

  1. There are bars in the big cities such as Bangkok and Manila that carry NFL ticket, of course you will be up all night. Rule of thumb, if a large expatriate community exists you can find NFL ticket.
  2. I have never watched the replay!
  3. I agree it is dumb considreing the potential loss.
  4. That's just it, why can I not grow pot on my private property, for my personal use, without paying protection money to the USG; subject to the same laws driving or public intixication?
  5. While most of the time I love your posts, this one I strongly disagree with. Many veterans, wounded physically and suffering from PTS found that marijuana greatly helps in their challenging endeavors. Yes, it is federally banned but that dont make it right, at one time in this country we considered African Americans 7/8 of a person. Just because a law exists dont make it right - think prohibition. Had a family member slowly passing from cancer, used marijuana for pain simply because it allowed him to enjoy his last days while presecribed medications left him in a stupor! I can sit on my front porch and guzzle a bottle of JD but I cant smoke a joint? To end or hinder the careers of these two players is ridiculous; and yes I am a strong defender as I support my veteran brothers and their use! I still love 99.99 % of your posts! And I am pushing 70 making me an old fart!
  6. Could not agree more and I am an old fart!
  7. Great post, well put!
  8. I was in Payne’s Pizza North Tonawanda picking up an order when the news flash came on TV that Collier was fired. It was the ugliest Bills crowd I ever seen the day of the 48 - 6 whooping!
  9. Tonawanda a great place too, you are a Tonawandan! Love it! Be proud of it! So is Lockport!
  10. Your an NT guy!! Now I have to lay off you!
  11. Between the old AFL and the 1960's Bills we all had some great times and memories!
  12. Me too, listenrd to the 1964 Championship on the radio and watched the 1965 on TV. that convinced my family to take me to games in 1966!
  13. We were completely destroyed
  14. It sure does, I listened to my first Bills game on the radio, blizzard outside so I stayed in and listen to Van call the 1963 playoff game. My family held season tickets from 1960 until the late 1990's, my first games in 1966, both against the Chiefs and both games they smoked us including the 1966 Championship game. Did not see the Bills win until Miami in 1967! Loved the old AFL!
  15. Was at that game too, very ugly day and season that followed!
  16. I'm all about seeing how this season goes, and once again I'm all about winning the SB; but a pesky little nuance - you have to make the playoffs first!
  17. Living in Toccoa,, Georgia!
  18. Hopefully you will soon be a fellow Tennessean, but your killing me!!! Why do many of you want to disrupt a perennial playoff team, to me it's merely a temper tantrum by kids who did not get to the candy store. So if we "fire everybody" and go into another playoff draught will you and the rest of the gang publicly admit during non - playoff years you were wrong? I dont think so, but you all will do what you do best, "fire everybody" and McBeane will be long gone. Do some research on the Bills firing HC's, normally did not work out very well with one exception!
  19. January 2025 after Josh Allen demands to be traded and the intensity of the "fire everybody" faction, the OL will get fired along with Beane and McDermott; the Pegulas will get one more chance or they will be fired!
  20. Telling you, TBD attracts Drama Queens like moths to a flame. If we won a SB through the ground game and defense they would still be on the "fire everybody" mantra! I actually have a top five list that I habitually read as they are both predictable and entertaining!
  21. Thank you great post Bill Polian once said the Buffalo Bills historically hang on to players on the downward slope simply because they are fan favorites. Sammy Watkins caused an emotional breakdown among many much like Diggs! Great post
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