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Everything posted by amprov56

  1. I thought I had more "fire everybody" posts! And I also provided multiple serious responses; dude chill out you going high blood pressure!
  2. I have provided my position multiple times, try to understand sarcasm and try not to take this stuff too seriously, but you are most welcome.
  3. If everybody just listened to the football experts on TBD we would win a SB, you guys are hilarious! And if you are wrong can we fire you from TBD?
  4. What if you aunt had b****, she would be your uncle. What if Lombardi coached the Bills in 1966, what if Norwood made the FG. No more hypotheticals.
  5. Ha ha maybe in your mind, you can do better than that (I hope)!
  6. Agree with all “be careful what you demand, you may get it!”
  7. You know it, I find it fascinating that so many simply think firing a head coach is the only acceptable action, in reality it is a vent for frustration. The old saying, “you can’t fire the team so fire the coach.” Too many on TBD have not seen the horrible years well before the drought. Remember Marv Levy, “ if you listen to the fans you will soon be sitting with them.”
  8. What happens if Ben Johnson gets hired and tanks? I know the fire everybody crowd, you would turn on Ben Johnson before mid season was reached and we were 4 - 4 or 5 - 3. Its an OCD!
  9. Great post! Why would you want to get rid of the successful known for the total unknown?
  10. Agree on the emotion thing
  11. Still waiting on your plan, your selected head coach, and hell GM! Come on now, time to man up!
  12. That's what I want to hear! Go for it!
  13. When September comes try indoor soccer; my my you are quite emotional!
  14. Who the hell is Brandon Staley and who cares! Dude, go have a drink and chill out, it’s football not life or death!
  15. FYI not struggling with nothing but I do not deal in fantasy land!
  16. Fire everybody - make it 4!
  17. You’re just on a different level than the rest of us, I aspire to gain your insight and knowledge!
  18. Ridiculous question that cant be answered; if you aunt had ***** she would be your uncle. I swear you people suffer from an OCD!
  19. Lay out your plan, you fire McDermott then who do you hire? And you dont think that kind of turbulence is going to have a negative impact? In 1968 the fire everybody crowd wanted Joel Collier gone and we suffered for years, 1982 Chuck Knox left - he was boring and we suffered for years. The fire everybody solution can lead to some painful years that many of you younger fans did not live through!!! And who do you replace McDermott with? What is your solution? And I guarantee whoever your HC candidate is, the first incomplete pass, loss, win but not by forty points or playoff loss and the fire everybody roars back to life on TBD. Been watching this cycle since the 1960's! Sorry, make all the arguments you want, cite all the statistics, provide long dissertations but I like being the playoffs every year, it's how you get to the SB.
  20. The fire everybody crowd is tough to reason with and blinded by emotion!
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