I'm not arguing against the opinion if Moulds had a QB he would be a HOFer and you are right, more to it than the HOF. I watched Reed, a 4th round pick from the giant football factory of Kutztown, PA (find it on a map without google) become one of the greatest clutch recievers in the game. Over the middle taking serious hits and hanging on to the ball, I cant even begin rolling out game winning catches. He had an awesome work ethic, working out staying long after practices and non player employees of the Bills organization will tell you, a great person. I am partial, had a chance to meet Andre in the Gaslight Section of San Diego in 2004, easy to talk to, down to earth and extremely grateful the Bills drafted him in the 4th round. I want to stress I agree with all about Moulds and would loved to have seen him in the K Gun with Reed during the no huddle prime years and credit him along with Flutie for keeping a team in decline in the playoffs, 1998 - 1999. Andre is in the HOF, well deserved and he has Kelly and the K Gun to thank and makes no bones about, to me, the greatest WR in Bills history, 1985 through 1999, a true Buffalo Bill and a fan favorite for 15 years!!!