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Everything posted by FTW_BillsFan

  1. I have to totally agree with you on the Aussie Rules Football. I used to watch that as a kid (long time ago) and it was really cool to watch. They used to kick the sh-- out of each other.
  2. You have to go with their length of career. Picard : 7 seasons. Kirk: 3 seasons. Picard is twice the man than Kirk
  3. Damn, that's crazy funny. : )
  4. I always enjoy watching the National Women's Stripper Open.
  5. I'd have to see the #'s, but I'm not sure that 34% would be enough... If the difference between low and high revenue teams is 140 MIL, I'm not sure 34% would make that low revenue team competitive... Good info in the article tho. Please post the others when they come up.
  6. I hope she lost her case. It's stuff like this that clogs up the courts system and ppl looking for free handouts. The lady was being an ass AND she get's paid for it. This is a bad example to show anyone.
  7. Supposably there was a handshake deal between Verba and Cleveland that they would redo his contract in a couple of years the last time he restructured his deal. Well that time is now and Cleveland isn't going to renegotiate w/ him, so they are going to let him walk... What did Shelton get? If you get cut by the Cardinals that can't be a good sign...
  8. That he killed himself? I think 'Jackophile' should go to jail for a long, long time. That way he can feel what it's like to be violated. Don't drop the soap Jackie.
  9. Well you have to take the whole situation into context. If the woman had been at least half way civilized, he would not have tazed her. Instead I bet they would have had a conversation and he probably would have just given her a ticket for the suspended license. I have no sympathy for ppl being mouthy to cops. They have a job to do and if you break the law then so-be-it. I speed all the time. I choose to do so and I have been pulled over many times, but if you are nice and cordial with the officer most of the time he will just give you a warning. Again, I choose to speed and I have already told myself that I am willing to pay the consequences if I get caught. So if you start mouthing off to an officer and you have a suspended license (along with other things) prepared to get prosecuted to the extent of the law. Finally, I'm not a cop, but if I was in that situation you are trying to assess how to handle the situation and some factors should be: 1) You have to take into account what she was driving and where this happened (we don't know where this took place), 2) What the person looks like and the demeanor they have toward you, and 3) when they find out if you have any current problems with the law. She had a bad attittude that put the cop on guard to begin with and then when he found out she was driving on a suspended license that put it over the top and he needed to be on full alert because if someone is willing to do that how much farther is that person willing to break the law? So when she wouldn't follow orders, being told 3 times, you have to be very careful and protect yourself. I.E. She got what she deserved. Stussy, sounds like you have a personal experience there. Would you like to share with the class?
  10. Come on. He told here at least 3 times to get out of the car. How many times do you tell your kids no before you punsh them? She was being an obnoxious B word. That's why no matter what don't piss off a cop or he'll tazer you.
  11. Your so right, most of these guys want a new contract a year after they sign a contract. What a bunch of A-holes. Portis is a jerk. 20k for him is like $50 bucks to us..
  12. That was the funniest thing I have seen in a while. She got what she deserved. Tazer her again!!!
  13. Cut or not, Pay the man his money.
  14. Well it worked for Kidman.
  15. More power to Tom. It's the classic stay with what you have until you can upgrade... Boy, I wish I was a movie star instead of a OBD poster. Nah.
  16. 1 -> Vick couldn't throw his way out of a wet paper bag. He's lucky to be the fastest person in the NFL. 2 -> Price would be a good pickup for the right price and if his eyes are ok. Picking up price could spell the end of Moulds next year. Moulds cap # is WAY too high and needs to come down.
  17. For the sake of the NFL, let's hope that Ralph Wilson wins this battle. The only reason why the NFL is so popular is that there is 'competitive balance'. IE. each team has a salary cap and must stay under that number. Now, the cap number is based on revenue shared by all the NFL teams (TV, Direct TV, ticket sales, etc...). So in other words the salary cap is based on money that is shared by all teams, so each team has enough money to field a team that reached the cap. Now, this is where it might get a little tricky, so hang in there. There is a new CBA that needs to be negotiated with the players. And those damn players want more money (% of gross revenues) and more revenue streams added into the cap (Luxury suites, local revenues), because they are currently not counted in the cap. So the new CBA coming up will have a higher salary cap and will probably take into account more revenue streams than in the previous CBA. BUT BEFORE they can negotiate with the NFLPA, the owners need to get their camp in order and figure out how they are going to share revenue between themselves. The richer franchises (Dallas /Washington) want to keep all the current non-shared revenues to themselves(each team keeps their own), while the smaller market teams want some kind of revenue sharing of these revenues to keep the league competitively balanced. Ralph Wilson sees the writing on the wall, because here is what is going to happen. RW knows that those previous revenue streams that are not in the current CBA will be added to the new CBA. He also knows that when that happens the salary cap will go through the roof and the small market teams will not be able to compete with the larger markets. Once this happens, the NFL will be a shell of it current wonderful self. In a previous post the difference between the richest and poorest NFL franchise is 120 Million(Washington-Arizona). So what that says is that Washington made 120Mil more than Arizona with the revenue streams that are not shared in the NFL. There is no way that Arizona or Buffalo can financially compete with the Dallas and Washingtons of the world. Dal and Wash have 3 or 4 times the amount of people in those cities and other factors in their favor. How to fix this: Any revenue streams that are counted toward the CBA shall be revenue shared between the owners of the NFL. This would make sure that every team has a solid footing and can compete. Finally, an example of what will happen if the owners to do not agree to sharing all the revenue steams in the new CBA. I do not know what the real numbers are, if someone knows please share them with the class. Buf Wash (Current CBA) 80M 80M Amount of shared revenue (Assume cap is 60M) 40M 140M Amount of non-shared revenue 120M 220M Total. Buf Wash (New CBA, with all revenue steams added and sharing same). 80M 80M Amount of shared revenue 40M 140M Amount of non-shared revenue 120M 220M Total. Now the cap in the new CBA will be dramatically higher to take into account the new revenue streams. The cap will now probably be around 85-90M. So, how is buffalo going to compete when the cap is 85-90M and they only bring in revenues of 120M? How will they be able to pay those big signing bonuses when they have to put all their money just to fielding a roster? Let's hope that RW wins this for all the NFL or it will turn into MLB or NHL, the have and have nots.
  18. I love it when Al talks to the chiefs head in the box. Cracks me up everytime. I also like the way Al handled the situation w/ Yankton. He also had an interesting conversation w/ Hearst.
  19. Where's the boobies at in the movie? I don't remember them either. I say if you can't remember nudity in a movie, then that must be one HELL of a movie.
  20. Fergksu, Are you a KSU fan/alum? Do you also post on Powercat Illustrated? I assume you are a Bills fan because you are posting here.... Thanks.
  21. I've seen Rheem kick and he has really improved over the years on kicking field goals. Rheem can hit 50's, but not sure about consistancy. I bet he has longer range than Lindell. I really wasn't too impressed with his kickoffs at KSU though. We shall see, probably fodder.
  22. No bashing from me. I've been wanting Nugent the whole time.
  23. I think that Reed will get every opportunity to make the 2005 team. I think you need to look at the 2006 receivers and what Roscoe's presence will mean. I think Moulds is gone next year unless he does something major with this contract to bring his cap number down. If that happens, Reed will be given every opportunity to come back and be a #3 behind Evans and Parrish.
  24. Uh, 8Mil. No way. Who would we have to cut to give him that much money? He's not worth that much...now if you were talking 4-5Mil/yr.....
  25. So should we trade up to 24 and get him first? ; )
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