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Everything posted by FTW_BillsFan

  1. I thought the lockout would end some time last week? Any updates to that?
  2. OK, someone go pull on Taylor's groin...
  3. Welcome.
  4. Is it wrong to hope for another Taylor knee injury??
  5. How many rounds are there, size of roster, max # of RBs that can start? Thanks.
  6. In all her pictures she has those serial Killer eyes...
  7. 1. Loss of coordinators will be huge for NE, especially the offensive coord. 2. JP's the man... I'll take a rookie or 2nd yr qb over statue bledsoe. 3. Less than 7, losing both to Buffalo. 4. No 5. Bills, little bias here. 6. NE or Buffalo. then Jets and Miami at the rear...
  8. IMO, the best thing about Horry is that he knows he is a role player and plays his role to a T...just like Paxson and Kerr. All were clutch.
  9. I was in Fort Worth at the time (still am). All those Dallas fans were all saying he wasn't in the crease, but he obviously was. And the worst thing is the NHL didn't even replay to see if he was or not. FU NHL FU Hull.
  10. Don't say that out loud or they will up the DVD prices.
  11. Ok, the Longest Yard was not going to be Casablanca. It has Sandler in it. It was a good, funny, remake. I personally liked Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The play between Pitt and Jolie was very good and the action was fun to watch. Saw Batman Returns last night. It was good and the story was dark like the first 2 original Batmans movies, which I like. Eh, Honeymooners? That just looked dumb, even in the previews.
  12. The quality of movies has gone down in recent memory or I'm not as shallow are I used to be. The prices are getting a little out of control, so if someone thinks it's going to be a so-so movie, instead of pay 25 to see it in a movie theatre wait 4 months and the whole family can see it for 5. I also would be that people's pocket money is going more for gas now and don't have the excess cash to take the family out to the movies.
  13. Yes, much better said than my rant.
  14. We should close down Gitmo ASAP. Send the towel heads that we have now over to Israel. They know how to treat prisioners over there. Oh, and I'm tired of heard left wing a-holes like Durbin and the professor in Colorado making parallels of the USA and the Nazis. The Nazis killed 6? Million Jews in concentration camps. How many prisioners have died at Gitmo? How many of those bastards at Gitmo are just skin and bones? These kinds of parallels are an insult to the USA and the horrors that the Jewish community had to go through in WWII. Burn in hell Durbin...
  15. That's a good solid team. How many WR's do you start? WRs are a dime a dozen. You'll be able to pick up a WR of waivers in the first couple of weeks that will outperform most. Try to package Mi. Williams and McCareins for anything that would be an upgrade. Did Kerry Collins get picked up? I bet him and Moss will do well this year. How high did Culpepper go? Also, T. Henry would probably be a decent pickup right now. He will probably be traded. What about R. Williams?
  16. That's why Micheal wrote the song 'Black or White', he's not even sure what he is...
  17. I think Micheal said he was moving to France because they support his lifestyle. Plus, he can buy DisneyWorld Europe and take the kiddies on his ride.
  18. This is a very interesting thread. I like to talk about things like this, but when trying to express an opinion to the likes of Petrino you might as well be talking to a wall. If he ever replies he will just bring up some other off the wall comment and not even try to explain his side.
  19. Great! Now we have some Star Warzer trying to talk some crap. Why can't we all get along?
  20. Move Hull over from center...
  21. Well I though the original question was Kirk vs. Picard. Because the best captain was Capt. Jonathan Archer. He was the true innovator as capt of the enterprise. Now, if we are opening up to all the captains anyone going to pony up for the whiny Janeway?
  22. Gurney sure could spin some good songs on the futuristic banjo he had.
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