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Everything posted by The_Ripster

  1. I hear you, yet he's still on the roster you know? And these threads + hot takes age like spoilt milk, so it's kind of funny. Will Hodgin's be able to prove he's the better upgrade despite his durability issues? Hodgin's Oregon State film is awesome, I feel like he can prove himself, I just wanted some reassurance.
  2. Yeah, they did reconcile though! Jerry hughes tweeted: "U my boy no matter what. I’m not telling u what’s right/wrong. And I’m not the one making the rules, I’m just following them so I can play ball & finish what we started last year with the mafia cheering us on. Fun debate bro" It's probably all good.
  3. Who is his competition (if there is anyone) for him to make the roster?
  4. I'm thinking a 3rd, Addison and one of OL that we would end up cutting anyways.
  5. I feel like Hodgins is about to make him obsolete.
  6. Deandre tweeted: “Never thought I would say this, but being put in a position to hurt my team because I don’t want to partake in the vaccine is making me question my future in the NFL.” Deleted it. and replaced it with, "Freedom?" Mathew Judon eloquently wrote: "the NFLPA f***ing sucks", so I guess that's up for personal interpretation. Maybe you're right though. The forfeiting games part is a weird one, especially with Jalen Ramsey admitting: "I know 2 people right now who got the vaccine but are covid positive.. I’m just saying. I wouldn’t look at a teammate as bad if he don’t get the vax, no pressure from 5"
  7. I think DeAndre Hopkins was upset with the new protocols and so was Matthew Judon.
  8. I feel like you are nitpicking my posts and reaching hard. Of course injured players and all contractually obligated players should be at mandatory team events. My point is unvaccinated players are just as healthy and ready to play as vaccinated players. Stigmatizing them is not winning football.
  9. That is not insane at all. They should be with their teams if they are healthy and happy with their contracts.
  10. I'm 57, got my vaccination early!
  11. You did though. You could've said 'skipping mandatory minicamp' or something which disregards the validity of their ability to play in good health. You chose to use marijuana/recreational drugs for your comparison of fines and suspensions, which is problematic, in my opinion.
  12. "Think again"... Completely removing the agency of their citizen's right to choose what is best for themselves once their country is no longer in a State of Emergency doesn't seem right to me, sorry. And I don't believe the current vaccine will "completely eradicate" COVID at all. Less deaths and severe illness, sure, but it can still be transmitted by vaccinated people, even to those who cannot get the vaccine because of health reasons. So essentially he is lying.
  13. Chill, you're blowing out of proportion my usage of the word "all". The issue at hand was reduced to 2 specific issues. Vaccines and recreational drug use. As for the NFL being a business. I can't think of any other business in the USA fining their employees $10,000+ for not wearing a mask, regardless of income. And one could argue it's the NFL's patrons, in fact, who are the to be high-morale benefactor's from this harsh outcome and not the NFL's employee's (players).
  14. LOL Canada's going full USSR up there
  15. 15 mill a year, but it could be an issue with the years guaranteed in a new contract for all we know, he's a UFA in 2022.
  16. No, I see the end goal of his analogy crystal clear; the NFLPA doesn't listen to all the wants and needs of their players. It is a bad analogy because it is proposing that perfectly healthy sober individuals are now lumped in with players wanting to take substances which alter their mental state without penalty, which is completely messed up.
  17. I don't agree with how you are trying to compare unvaccinated players to 'pot heads' and vaccinated players as non-marijuana users.
  18. "it was a peaceful protest" 🔥🔥🔥
  19. It is insane because they're employed by a quasi-monopoly. We can jest about the players earning so much that it is insignificant or they should "suck it up", yet the fact still remains they are employed by a quasi-monopoly and have limited employment opportunities outside the NFL. They most likely will be out of work indefinitely if they choose to exercise their God given right of free will which is very different from most of the population. If you were part of a labor union and disagreed with the approach of the union issuing fines against you for not wanting to subject your body to a medical procedure to continue with employment, you could always A) start your own private business or B) search for a union who is not requesting that demand. Options they don't really have. Secondly, we know for a fact vaccinated players can still contract and spread the virus. Imagine the league issuing fines against a healthy COVID-free 'unvaccinated' player for not wearing a mask while 'vaccinated' players are simultaneously spreading the virus amongst each other without penalty. That seems like an unethical and immoral tactic and I can understand why players would be frustrated with the NFLPA.
  20. Mate, you're upset because I used the statistics that you posted to bolster my own opinion? Just because I gave you credit to posting the statistics does not thereby mean I was stating you were fully congruent with my own conclusion of what I would consider to be a successful season. In fact, with what many of you are saying, improved OLine play in addition to improved rushing from the backfield (aside from Allen), should significantly help team rushing yardage to an acceptable league average despite being a pass first team. I believe that is an acceptable hypothesis. I then retorted facetiously with the question, do we have a 2nd to last OLine when it comes to rushing the football because we would be 2nd last in the league without Allen's rushing stats, as I was exaggerating that I do NOT believe the OLine is THAT bad. In fact I think they are pretty good. Now some excellent points have been made attributing low run success based on poor choice of scheme for RB play style and I can understand how that could be a detrimental issue. One would think that if they can reconfigure some of the schemes as well as increase the quality of play from the OLine and the RB's they should greatly improve.
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