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Bill Lewes

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Everything posted by Bill Lewes

  1. True, but we're all aware Bud sells beer and no one is complaining about those commercials. I'm less concerned about TV reminding us that 50% of our population is under-represented, under-valued and under-protected, than I am about it connecting kids and alcohol.
  2. I think you're missing the main point here. Kids are kids, this story needs to focus on the adults, specifically the one who did something the others didn't agree to do. . . edit: I see you've already softened your comment, don't mean to pile on
  3. apparently Sao Paolo needs to be on the list ...
  4. The article doesn't speak to gang rivalry, but to home team sports rivalry. Like telling folks not to wear green/yellow when you go to a Bears game. Soccer fans are N U T S !
  5. Yes to Kelce, and today, invite Taylor Swift, too - she's probably looking for a new team to be associate with . . .
  6. Apparently you aren’t old enough to have walked to school in the snow - uphill both ways …
  7. I laughed!! (now close this damn thread down!!)
  8. I get some of the frustration, and I'd love a Super Bowl, but: The last five years: 10-6 13-3 11-6 13-3 11-6 McD is not going anywhere . . . and we oughta be sayin Thank You! I'm exactly as old as the Bills - where would you rather be than right here, right now?
  9. I voted YES (gained value and still apparently gonna get our guy), ... but I did NOT enjoy staying up till midnight to watch the sausage being made ...
  10. Fair enough, But if they stop the game for every tackle that might be a hip drop, itll make us all crazy
  11. Dont call a penalty, just hammer a fine afterwards
  12. Peace to you and yours
  13. Lets stop this nonsense - all the TS stuff is on the NFL and its fans --- she's not running around, running her mouth -- if we all would stop talking about it, it would stop being a thing.
  14. I'd guess the players CBA spells out the rules for disclosing injuries, but I don't think HIPAA rules would come into it
  15. Kelce jersey sales are up 400% this week ... he's a pro, and probable HOFer, ... but SHE is a global phenomena
  16. Meh - the only complaint I can come up with was passing on 4th and 1 -- Either jam it down their throats or try the kick there
  17. I'm not sure how these conversations get started. The Bills have the second winningest record during the last 5 years The drought was broken and playoffs 5 of his 6 years We complained about the D and DC is gone (but now we're sad the DC left and it's all McDs fault?) Our QB1 is on the cover of Madden (but now we need an offensive mind to lead us?) Our (undeniably outwardly emotional) (Diva?) WR1 sparks another PR/Socialmedia mini-storm (but we're frustrated by how the HC handles it?) McD's been nothing but buttoned up and professional (but one over interpreted slip of the tongue during a presser and he's a drama queen?) I'm no Pollyanna or McD apologist (BUT I cannot wait for the season - or at least training camp - to get here!)
  18. Not mentioning any names, but if folks would stop quoting folks, then I wouldn't have to read folks who I blocked ages ago . . .
  19. I wish it were someone other than Dallas sending TB12 home!
  20. yeah, that is definitely what we need to show America after what we've all been through this week . . . (/Sarcasm!) How about throwing (holding up) signs that say "Thanks for the support, America" instead
  21. I'm no Pollyanna (and certainly not when it comes to the speed limit), but this is about more than a muscle car getting into someone's head -- that sh!t makes your community (your kids?) less safe, and is a risk to the football team as well. Call the team, you'll probs get some PR dude, and tell them someone needs to pull that kid aside and tell him to wise up - he's putting himself, your community, and the team's multi-million dollar investment at risk. Football playin young men don't HAVE to be stupid. I'm not sure his insurance will cover the grieving of the family - and the damage to the locker room?
  22. Is this one of those times when a mod steps in and tells you you've got a misleading thread title?? The jets peaked two games ago. Next weekend is going to be ugly for them. Angry Josh is Dangerous Josh!
  23. I know shakir got his. He tossed it to the ref but Josh went and got it back for him to keep
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