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Posts posted by BigBillsFan

  1. 3 minutes ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:

    Jesus.  It's 2020




    It's a PEACEFUL protest where no Flags are damaged during its filming. 



    Take the Anthem OUT of the game.


    Case Closed!!! 


    You're right. We shouldn't honor the freedoms we're given where men fought and died for them to watch a game that has no real meaning so a bunch of pampered athletes can lecture the nation how to be American.


    Honor The Mob or Perish

    When they get their way, and when we have meaningful conversations do you think they will stop?


    Remember this is not about having a "conversation", because if you try you're tone-deaf, lack awareness.  This is a monologue, the same monologue you have to be lectured to and if you think it ends with a flag or an anthem you're wrong.


    This is the conversation Brees wants, and it's funny because those who say they want one say to shut the F up.

    Just now, Billl said:


    I wouldn’t think Bills fans would be so quick to hope QBs start making racially divisive tweets.


    A QB honoring our country is racially divisive? Explain. I want to hear the "conversation" or should he shut up and pay homage to the mob? You said it was about shutting the F up, but guess what? He was told to shut the F up publicly. Irony...


    1 minute ago, ProcessAccepted said:

    Why can't others be afforded that same right just because you disagree with them. He expressed his views which is his right and others are expressing theirs. It kinda sounds like you don't like freedom of expression if you do not agree with what is being said. He's not the first athlete who has been attacked for saying what they believe



    I guess you don't understand what you are accusing me of is exactly what is being done to him. He expressed his opinion and now he's being pressured to shut up. Or are you really saying I shouldn't express mine? I'm confused because anyone who accuses you of not liking "freedom of expression" is saying they don't like yours either.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Maybe he was flat-out attacked for being totally tone-deaf to issues that hit very very close to home for many of those players. 


    I would wager that most of them have personally experienced or have family that have personally experienced what they believe to be racial profiling or racially biased policing.  A number may have lost friends to same.


    Why is it "tone deaf" to say what you feel about the country on a topic that isn't proven to be racial at all yet? Why can't a man speak without it going through a prism?


    I've been racially profiled, accused of drug dealing, etc.. Never in my life have I thought a man can't say what he believes to be true today, yesterday or tomorrow.

  3. It's a sad day when a man says he wants to honor his flag and country and loves the national anthem and he's labeled a bigot, ill-timed, racist, and weak and then players tell him to shut the F up.


    Only 1 voice should count, only one sentiment should be in the air. Any deviations in orthodoxy will make you hated, and the media and social media will sick it's mob on you to conform or apologize or lose your sponsors because you know they will attack your living.


    Leadership is doing and saying what other people AREN'T doing because it's true. Leadership is not following the mob.



    • Like (+1) 3
  4. Just now, Logic said:

    Just curious who you mean when you say "these people".


    "These people" meaning the people rioting. The people who never built a building, a business, a family. Those people. The vast majority of people I see.


    1 minute ago, Logic said:

    That's.....that's literally what all of this is about.


    So white America is out killing black people because they are black? Wow, and with a name like Logic you missed that course. Prove to me he did that because he's black. Go ahead, try. What he did was despicable, but how do you know he did it on the basis of race?

    4 minutes ago, Billl said:

    Nobody is advocating rioting here.  We’re talking about a peaceful, silent protest.  That’s still too much to ask, though.  The only form of protest white America accepts from blacks is shutting their f——ing mouths.


    The same peaceful protesters who watch the cities burn and don't do everything they can to stop it?


    Look I don't care if they want to protest, I think they should. They have the right to be heard, but that's not what this is about. You can't begin to tell me the "protesters" want anything but their justice and to have everyone else shut their f----ing mouths. If you disagree you're racist and shouldn't hold a job or a be human.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Billl said:

    White America is perfectly fine with black Americans protesting the murder of their community members by police as long as they do it where nobody can see them. Meanwhile, white Americans storm the capital with machine guns because Big Biscuit is closed. 


    When you see white America rioting, burning down neighborhoods, and beating and killing innocent people in the street to get their way and never charged for it I'll agree with you.

    • Like (+1) 3
  6. There is no evidence the officer or anyone involved did this on racial grounds. He should be charged, but give him due process if you truly love the country.


    The rioters and race baiters who say otherwise need to understand the nation was justifiably against the officer for what he did, I know I am. What's being asked for is a lynching, and worse destroying neighborhoods, hurting and killing people to get their way.


    These people didn't build this country but they know how to destroy it.


    But to punish a country and hold it's athletes and coaches hostage is ignorant and domineering. This isn't equality, this is a demand for dominance.


    If this country is so racist why live here?

    • Like (+1) 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Jerome007 said:

    Of course I too hope he shores up his weaknesses, and no doubt he'll improve. But those areas will probably always remain... yet his STRENGTHS are so many, so special, it's like weird to focus on his weaknesses constantly. As an example Bret Favre threw a LOT of INTs, and he's still one of the greats. Lamar Jackson has tons of holes in his game yet was league MVP.



    The difference, I believe, is that they were great at something that overwhelms their defects so people don't care. Farve was a great passer, Lamar is a great runner. Both did something well above average. Josh is a tweener right now: not great at passing and decent at running, but not elite.


    What Josh has that neither Farve or Lamar have is the talent to put both athleticism and arm together. The question is will he... and that is an open debate.

  8. 1 hour ago, Sammy Watkins' Rib said:


    Yeah that was the wrong choice of words in that post. Was meant to mean he improved over the whole of the second half of the season despite having to play those tough defenses during that stretch.


    I wouldn't go as far as saying his game @ New England was not good. He posted a QB rating over 100. And over the last two seasons Mahomes is the only QB to post a better QB rating than Allen at New England in 2018. 


    QB ratings can be defective if you don't pass for much yardage or only complete 50% of passes and only score 17 points but you hit some long balls & some TDs with no interceptions.


    Mahomes had a 83 rating with 283 yards and 1 TD and 1 INT and a 65% completion % (keeps the sticks moving and keeps the defense off the field) in 2019 which to me is far better than a 100+ rating but multiple 3 and outs and a few long balls and only completed 50% of your passes. It's Rob Johnsoneque.


    Mahomes game with the 100+ rating against NE was a game where he passed for 4 TDs, 2 INTs, 352 yards, 64% completion rate and they scored 40 points in 2018. Now Chiefs lost in a shootout, but that 100+ rating is SUPER impressive. Not a 13 for 26 and 208 yards with only 17 points to show. That won't win many games.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Sammy Watkins' Rib said:


    He also became a less efficient passer over the course of the season. Josh became a more efficient passer over the course of the season against elite defenses in Baltimore, New England and Pittsburgh. 


    ...But at the end of the day they were the same player in the second half of the season.


    Now Minshew was a true rookie. Allen in year two. But Minshew had far more experience and readiness coming out of college. So one could argue a year 2 Allen is on the same level of a rookie Minshew. Again a wash?...If he can find his deep ball again and improve those numbers he can take another jump in yards and completion percentage and overall rating in year 3. Seems unlikely he will be as bad as he was last year. So we should see an improvement. Question will be how much.


    Actually the last 3 games for Minshew were far better than Allen's final 3. A factor obvious is the defenses Allen faced were far better so you can't just say Minshew was better, that wouldn't be fair, in the same way you can't say Josh become more efficient against elite defenses. 


    Allen's games against Baltimore, NE & Pitt were not efficient, they weren't good at all. Throwing for under 50% and never having a game over 208 yards just isn't good or efficient.


    Also, you can't compare a true rookie with a 2nd year pro who had a full training camp as the presumed starter. You can't re-make Allen a rookie just like Tyrod wasn't a rookie his 1st year with us. You've seen the NFL in practice and games for a year, that matters.


    Like I said, Minshew would have had over 4,000 yards and 26 TDs and 420 yards his rookie year. If Allen could do that I would have anointed him already.


    At this point neither are guaranteed long-term starters in this league. Neither have shown enough. The modern NFL means you need to throw for 4,200-4,500 yards with 28+ TDs thrown to be a good starter. Minshew was close to that, but still that could be the fact he's new in the league.


    Both are a work in progress. If Josh could have Minshew-like numbers with this defense the team is playoff bound and better. We have a better defense, better front office, better coaches, and deeper roster with better salary cap next to Jacksonville and our fans are the best.


    This has to be Josh's year with Diggs.

  10. 10 hours ago, Doc said:


    Allen had more total TDs and they were about the same in total yards.  And Minshew threw the ball more even though he played fewer games.


    As for Minshew, as a 6th round pick, he'll be looking for that huge payday in 2 years, i.e. a year before Josh.


    They were not the same in total yards. Minshew still had more (but barely) and played in 2 less games. Allen only played the 1st drive in the 16th game and Minshew only started 12. Per game he had more yards rushing and passing. 


    If Minshew started every game he would have had over 4,000 yards, over 420 yards rushing, and 26 TDs thrown.


    The point is he was more efficient of a passer.


    Agreed on the looking for the big payday in 2 years, but if he does well he'll deserve it.


    The same is true for Josh. He does well he'll deserve it as well. I hope he does.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Sammy Watkins' Rib said:


    Sounds like you are very down on Allen if you are willing to pass on Allen's upside for a better version of Case Keenum.


    I like Minshew as a Case Keenum/ Ryan Fitzpatrick type. But why commit to a guy that doesn't have a high ceiling? Even if Minshew is the better QB at this moment which I think is debatable. But for arugments sake say he is. I still take Allen based on upside alone. Especially when you factor in Allen being the most un-ready QB to come out of the draft in a long time and he's already improving not just season over season but when you break his seasons down into halves or quarters he continues to make consistent improvements.


    Allen's QB rating his first two years broken down by half seasons


    2018- Games 1-6:    61.8

    2018- Games 7-12:  72.6

    2019- Games 1-8:    82.9

    2019- Games 9-15:  88.8


    Can't really ask for more than that out of a QB that some thought had no business being drafted on day 1 because of a lack of readiness. 


    Minshew QB rating broken down:


    2019- Games 1-7:   95.7

    2019- Games 8-14: 87.0


    If you threw out the week 17 game for Minshew (which was a good game for him statistically) his rating in games 8-13 would have been 83.4 A significant drop off from how he started the season before teams had a lot of film on him. Of course that's not fair so I included it in the original comparison. But it is fair to question how motivated that Colts defense was that day to be playing the final meaningless regular season game on the road. Especially considering Minshew had struggled quite a bit leading up to that game.


    Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I think the problem is you took out the last game purposefully because it would make some of your analysis void which you admit. I don't think you can estimate how motivated a professional team is, you have to give him credit for the game. It would be like you removing the Dallas game from Allen's analysis, it wouldn't make sense.


    Nevertheless Allen played poorly overall in the 2nd half of the season. Minshew, it could be argued, also played a poor 2nd half. But if you add the game you removed he still had a better rating than Allen as a rookie. He threw for more yards than Allen and if you compare the last 2 of the last 3 games Minshew is trending up, Allen down.


    Your next question is a fair one: why would I want a better version of Case Keenum over a guy (Allen) who appears to have the talent of unlimited potential. My reasoning is a guy who passes well from the pocket has a better chance of improving than the guy who has to improvise. One is more of a known quantity with more reps from the same position, while the other is instinctual leading to inconsistency. Also, I believe the guy who threw for over 5,000 yards in college in 1 season knows how to generate offense with his arm, Allen has never proven that.


    He's never hit 60% completions (which I admit isn't the biggest thing), but he doesn't throw for much yardage, even in the Dallas game he didn't. That tells me in the modern NFL in a shoot-out he's drawing the .22 and they are pulling out the 44 magnum. If we're in a game like the Chiefs against the Texans and we're down 28 in the 2nd quarter with this play we're never coming back. Mahomes had a ton of drops in that game, and they still did it.

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  12. 43 minutes ago, buffaloboyinATL said:

    Does that mean you don’t think Allen will be an above average QB?  ps I personally believe Allen’s ceiling is higher but That doesn’t mean much if he doesn’t live up to it.


    Currently I don't sadly. I think he'll improve this year which will give fans hope, but his problem is with his nerves. He's admitted this, he said he likes getting hit early in a game to get his nerves down to earth. He's a good 4th quarter QB, but he's a poor 1-3rd quarter QB minus just a couple of games. 


    He'll be like the hot girl at the bar who smiles at you but will never date you.


    My other reason is that the FO is great at depth and defense, but they have shown very little in the way of offensive prowess from picks to coaches. You don't pick a 7th overall pick and give him ZERO threats or a real QB to let him learn behind instead of Peterman as a rookie.


    Then in year 2 instead of having plays designed that take 3-4 seconds to develop they should have known he's one of the most blitzed QBs in the pocket and they gave him few relief valves hoping they could rely on his athleticism.


    I think he was a 3rd rounder picked in the 1st because of his Uncle Rico arm, smart, great leader and amazing athleticism. He's the perfect guy to sit on the bench for 2 yrs, come in during blow-outs and let him learn the game.


    The modern NFL isn't like the 90's where a guy could develop. The salary cap and social media changed everything.

  13. 44 minutes ago, first_and_ten said:



    I find it amazing you haven't changed your mind about him after watching him in his second year. Were you even watching? Maybe you compare all QBs to the kid in KC, I don't know.


    I watched the 2nd half of the season where he only had 2 good games out of 7. That's what worries me. You might count the Broncos game, but that's it, 2 out of 7 and maybe 3 out of 7 if you think he was great during the Broncos game.

  14. 1 minute ago, Billl said:

    Lot of posters here don’t want to admit it, but he was really good.  Daniel Jones is another example.  His team was horrible, but he showed a lot.  Just to show how bad his team was, they went 1-2 in games were Jones put up these combined numbers:  13 TDs, 0 INTs, 982 yards passing.  But he didn’t win enough games, so he sucks...


    QBs win games maaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn

    (I trust my inner Tebow and Sanchez)


    In the other thread where the one guy asked who they would want Minshew or Allen I took flak for saying Minshew, but yes I think he's going to be an above average QB in the NFL. I think he'll be a better version of Case Keenum.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. 11 minutes ago, Billl said:

    Didn’t the Jaguars just get 21 TDs and 6 INTs from a rookie last season?  How is that a mess?  He’s locked in for 3 more years for about $2,000,000 total.  Does he just have the wrong animal on his helmet?


    That's only part of it. He had more yards for the entire season with 2 less games, better completion %, higher rating, and more TDs even with 2 less games than Allen.

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  16. 3 hours ago, buffaloboyinATL said:

    What about the AFC South, with Watson, Rivers, Tannehill and Minshew/Glennon/Dobbs? Or the NFC East with Prescott, Jones, Wentz and Haskins?  I would rank those groups below the AFCE, but I guess it depends how you  are ranking them...  


    Do we watch the same sport?


    Who is equal to Watson right now? Rivers? Tannehill?

    Same with Prescott? Wentz? Jones looks promising and Haskins looks horrible.


    Sorry, we're the worst by a country mile. There isn't one solid starter in the AFCE.

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  17. The QB makes the WR far more than a WR can make a QB.


    1. A top flight WR is only responsible for 1,500 yards, a QB has to throw for 4,500 in a year to be considered elite

    2. Watson to Hopkins was only 4 points better on QB ratings vs all other QBs who threw to him


    At the end of the day a dominant WR might still get 1,200 yards even with a crap QB, but overall the QB makes the overall offense lift higher. It's rare to see 2 amazing WRs on the same team. Most of the yards from the QB are not from the #1 WR, only 30-40%.


    I don't think Diggs won't make Allen much better, it will really be on Allen improving.


    One more thing to consider is we still don't have that 50/50 throw'em up receiver Allen needs to bail him out of plays. I was hoping it was Knox but that's a far-fetched idea until he can catch.

  18. 1 hour ago, Scott7975 said:

    True but so was Lamar.  The first half Lamar was like 5 of 10 1TD 1INT almost all dump offs.  Lamar had far better weapons.  Our receivers barely got open and when they did get the ball had some dropsies too.  Allen needed to play better, but he wasn't the entire reason.


    What Lamar did is not relevant. I don't know how Lamar playing poorly is any measure on Allen.


    I only saw 1 blatant drop by Knox, the drop by Beasley would have been hard to catch, his arms were fully outstretched. Most of the throws were badly missed to wide open receivers who had 1-2 steps on their defenders and they were overthrown.

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