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Everything posted by BigBillsFan

  1. It's how I felt watching Bledsoe lose to backups on the Steelers. Poor statue was getting crushed.
  2. Best video I'll see today. That man could throw the freaking deep ball. He was better with flat feet in a tight pocket than 99.9% of all QBs on planet earth. What a talent. My favorite play was him running down this one interception and tackled with authority.
  3. I would preferred Pat Benetar's Invincible for the song. Otherwise it's video proof he has the best physical talent as a whole in comparison to any QB in history. I'm rooting for him.
  4. 2nd and a Snickers bar. We don't want him becoming Betty White in the locker room.
  5. He used Muscletech Bicep Formula
  6. I'm more of the opinion that you take the Matt Moores/Andy Daltons/Trent Edwards (pre-concussion) of the world who would be 8% of your cap (Moore is a backup, but if he was a starter I think he would be close to Dalton). You at least have a shot of a great defense and decent running game. I really think the best franchise model which is copy potential is the Steelers. Yes Big Ben turned out to be elite, but even if he wasn't they still would have won a lot of games, and won a SB playing as a game manager. Even guys like Duck Hodges can win in their model. The reason why our QB system sucked so long is we didn't invest in QBs in the draft. I'm of the belief you draft a QB in rounds 2-4 (if the talent fits) every 2 years until you get a solid one or roll the dice in the 1st with a great QB out of college. If they turn out to be elite then pay them or find one in the Dalton mold that so you can continue to play elite defense and run the ball. I wanted the Bills to pick up Carr in the 2nd, Watson in the 2nd, Barkley in the 3rd (years back) and a bunch of no-names games that flamed out in the 3rd and 4th round. If one turns out to be elite you pay them and if not you go to next one. If one is a solid mid-tier guy you extend him as a mid-tier (Daltoneque contract) and save money for D & Oline. I think drafting a 1st rounder QB is too risky unless you had a strong pedigree in college. It polarizes fans to root for them even if they suck and it puts too much pressure on the front-office to make him work or look like a clown. A 2nd rounder like Rudolph can get benched for Duck Hodges to try to win and no one cares. Try doing that to a 1st rounder and the fans start to revolt (Losman vs Edwards debates). Bringing in guys like Fitz, Orton, Taylor, old Bledsoe, etc. who are older guys hoping to be serviceable is just silly. Invest in the pick, save the money and put it back it lines.
  7. That's why we grabbed Ryan Denney --> pure explosiveness
  8. Apples and oranges. Tebow was a rushing QB. Burrow literally threw the ball better than anyone in college history for 1 season. That's not solid, that's spectacular.
  9. Solid is not the greatest season in college QB history.
  10. Let's be honest throwing claims of racism without proof is non-punishable and makes you a hero. When Sherman said Mayfield wouldn't shake his hand what was his penalty? Unless there's a penalty for lying about racism people will use it.
  11. I disagree with picks 1-32 but otherwise its good. Just kidding, great job and great read
  12. Garrett made it racial by using race. How stupid is he? He's just trying to sway public attention so he doesn't look like an attempted murderer. He's trying to say it was justifiable homicide. Sorry Garrett's ploy is so incredibly stupid it's amazing anyone is paying attention. A guy who's played football with people of different races turns on the race card during a sack? It's a joke.
  13. It's like the coaching has watched Momento thinking Allen/Lenny can just figure things out in reverse without letting him have any consistency. They are making it way too hard on him to succeed. He needs to tattoo his body to figure out how to play as there is no consistency to the play calling. In defense of Allen the team hasn't given him an easy way to grow. I don't know how you grow when your coaching has you run a pass-heavy first half, then a run heavy 3rd and a pass heavy 4th in one game and then the opposite the next game, etc.. Mental congruence is huge for execution, and when things were simplified for Allen in the 4th quarter he succeeded far more than he failed. Maybe we just need to take the simplified offense approach to help the guy.
  14. I honestly forgot how good Stafford was this year. In 8 games he threw for 2500 yards and 19 TDs and 8.6 yards per attempt.
  15. You are not alone... yet
  16. Stafford is a top 8 QB in the league that isn't easily replaced. To get a top 3-4 QB takes teams decades, sometimes never. If the GM could field a decent defense they would have been contenders this year if Stafford wasn't hurt. He was playing fantastic this year.
  17. Seriously? Other than the Cowboys what other games are you referring to? Our offense was horrible except Dallas.
  18. Sad we can't score more than 17 points against good teams or is there some mandate we have to witness the incredible 4th quarter comebacks against juggernauts like the Bengals and Jets and not find it troublesome?
  19. Pretty sad most of those plays we were losing or tied when it happened.
  20. What do you base that on? I was referring his to his stats as a passer. I'm open to hearing what you have to say. Thank you
  21. You guys are awesome. I'm finding their highlight videos. Where do you think Tee Higgins will go and do you think he could be a good fit for us? Seems like the perfect WR for what we need if we could get him in rounds 2 or 3. Also, are there any great TEs that stand out to you?
  22. Baker has shown more with his arm through the air than Allen has, but only sporadically this year. He's clearly regressed, fat and looks entitled. Allen PROGRESSED this year and is 10 times the athlete that Mayfield is and looks like he wants to win. Allen has worse receivers Advantage Allen Not adding Tre is so ridiculous it makes their entire site a heaping pile of trash.
  23. I never said it was definitive proof, but that using your own standards all the trends you see are from your perspective statistically meaningless. I'm not trying to be a jerk about it, but that's the standard that was set about completion %. Sorry if I upset you. My point about completion % is more nuanced. There were always 2 kids of QBs in the pros. The big armed guys who went deep (Elway) and the guys who did the WC offense (Montana). Some guys went more high % in their throws and some guys were big play makers. Montana threw around 64% in the 49ers peak in the 80's and Elway around 55%. Montana hit stride at 66% one year and 70% 2 years later. Elway started to hit 62%. The numbers started to go up. By the late 90's the idea of the accurate QB started to become more of a phenomenon and the deep ballers started to fade. By 2001, when Brees left college, hitting 62% in completions made you extremely accurate. Only guys like Kurt Warner and Manning were exceptions of being accurate with a lot of yards. Jeff Garcia was a small baller. Pro Bowlers were still passing for 58% and throwing for 3800 yards. My point was not success = accuracy, but it was a different kind of QB. Brees came from a different age. He was considered an accurate, short-distance QB. I still believe that in today's game if you cannot hit 62% accuracy it's hard to be successful with the exception being Cam Newton. Now as to my view on neuroplasticity I stand by what I said and you haven't disproven it. All I said is that it's harder to change as you get older and the habits needed to have mechanical success are best attained before the age of 20-21 and harder to break later. I never said it "cannot" be done. Because this debate has become uncivil (which I too am included and I apologize) I'm bowing out. I wish you well on this thread. I don't believe in circular firing squads among fans with the same allegiance.
  24. 100% agree on all of those needs. Hey if you're from Schenectady is Mike's Hot Dogs still open? I haven't been there in 14-15 years.
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