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Everything posted by BigBillsFan
Since the NFL has decided to promote political agendas outside of being a US citizen and chose to promote groups hostile to my family than I have decided to renounce my fanhood in the NFL. I hope many of you decide to join me and if you continue to watch just because you need a way to escape do not have any financial contributions to watching games and watch game solely in sports bars so that the NFL cannot directly contribute to the ratings. Laughably I am a “Minority” and the reason why it’s laughable is that one’s voice should be based on the truth of the statement and not on the basis of skin color. As a Native American I do not find the Buffalo Bills name offensive and while our history may have had moments of embarrassment we are stronger when we look for the truth of why our country is as great as it is and why people of all races and creeds wish to come here. I support black lives, rights and families but anything in support of the Black Lives Matter movement is an insult to families, black or whatever race, who built this game and passed it on to their children with their mission statement to abolish the nuclear family and support for Marxist ideology. If you think that you can escape the consequences of believing that everything is to be criticized and nothing loved and than trust me eventually everything will be persecuted including you. The powers of the league and society in general know that they can abuse after you because you are the hard-working and you are the people most responsible for your own personal actions and love your downtime so they think that they can bully you to accept getting kicked. Whether you plan on watching this year or not let the NFL know how displeased you are. This is how they get to bully you. They use the threats of complaining which as responsible adults we see as childish and adolescent but we forget these people hate us and they hate our families and don’t ever underestimate wicked people. The cheap insults I expect from petty people shouldn’t bother you. They just know that you are a good person they can use insults whereas you find them to be morally reprehensible. Never let weak bullies corner you. Fight back now. It is our Independence. God bless America
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Go study the Post Hoc fallacy; this is the quintessential version of it. The actions of individuals are not the same thing as league policy as a political statement over our country to give us our freedoms. What an individual does is not a reflection of the whole, but if the whole makes a decision that some individuals don't do you can make a summary decision. His reasoning is very sound.
It should say enough to you, it's a power grab by a hostile power forcing subjugation and the power of the mob against unsuspecting people. Wear a OAN shirt apologize or be fired, kneel before the flag and say how much you hate the police you're a hero. And as far as buying tickets go steal them, it's how you take power.
Well BRAVO, only players are stupid enough to alienate their revenue source. As they commit financial suicide and then strike when the salary cap can't be raised let's see them kneel more. The biggest reason why owners around the league stopped this is because the stadiums were rapidly emptying and ratings went down. As an employee you cannot dictate the terms of employment except for immoral or unethical clauses. If the Bills kneel as a sign of protest I won't be watching this year. As Martin Luther King astute observed that peaceful protesting "does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent, but to win his friendship and understanding."
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Top 5 Living People You'd Like to Have a Beer WIth
BigBillsFan replied to Gugny's topic in Off the Wall Archives
My father Jim Kelly Phil Collins Paul Wheaton Mike Tyson -
Drew Brees: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to billrooter's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Massive difference between “a” death threat, and a cacophony of howling people seeking to destroy you. Brees had that, Ford had “a” death threat. The side against rioting. The side against making this a political movement (which it is), the people who see that people aren’t protesting anything as the cops are in jail. Let’s be honest, the protests are for a change in POWER, that’s the side I’m not on. Of course they do, but the difference is the amount and intensity and the proof of insanity. A death threat with no other proof of violence isn’t much of a threat, but when you see people beaten and murdered then it’s a bit more serious. Let’s go through your first link: https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-report-white-supremacist-murders-more-than-doubled-in-2017 “White supremacists were directly responsible for 18 of the total 34 extremist-related murders in 2017” Ok 18 deaths in the US in a year is individually tragic and collectively insignificant. Let’s be serious, 18 deaths is a terrible day in Chicago: https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2020/6/8/21281998/chicago-violence-murder-history-homicide-police-crime Over 3 days 25 deaths. You want real statistics? https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/05/the_dishonest_politics_of_interracial_violence.html Blacks are 1200% more likely to kill whites and that amounts to roughly 500 people a year. Proportionately that would be over 2,000 deaths a year if the populations were equal. Imagine if the stats were inverted? You'd see protests, and rightfully so. Ok fine, but how many "Kill the white people" tweets, and videos could you find in under 10 minutes? A lot more then Hang Fauci and Gates. See this is real vs pseudo-bravado. This Dallas gunman wanted to "Kill White People": https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-36749223/dallas-gunman-wanted-to-kill-white-people And he did. Conversely a KKK leader just flowed into a crowd at a BLM protest recently: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/08/klan-leader-charged-harry-rogers-virginia But before you think 1 = 1 no... Fresno guy went out to kill white people The snipers killing the cops were out to kill white people The videos of these riots were out to "kill white people" since this started and beating them are numerous. But I'll make this more easy for you. A black guy was punched by a white guy at a Trump rally. It went "viral". When blacks beat Trump supporters, ripped them out of cars, ripped hats off people and there are videos not a peep. Even more pathetic a black Trump supporter was sucker punched by a white guy and that didn't go "viral". There is no Ferguson like event for Japanese, Chinese, Native American, Mexican, (name your race here) where they burn down neighborhoods after police brutality and all of them suffer from it. How much more proof do you need? Show me the Korean neighborhood burn-fest. When the cops killed Justine Damond, Hugo Reyes, Nick Christie, Jeremy Mardis or Tony Timpa. Timpa died the same way George Floyd died and all on camera. No riots. The difference is no one else is asking the world to kneel before them in a power grab: Should they protest? Yes, look at Miriam Carey who was savagely killed for no reason. They should protest and honor her, Floyd, and any other person who was abused and killed. Blacks are killed by cops but in 2020 if you think cops desire to kill black people out of a racist jihad it's silly with no evidence. Cops are just overly violent, many times because they watch videos of them getting shot, and where a cop is 1850% more likely to be shot by a black guy than vice versa. That data comes from the FBI. Read this and it's full of citations from vetted sources: https://www.dailywire.com/news/5-statistics-you-need-know-about-cops-killing-aaron-bandler https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-myths-of-black-lives-matter-1455235686 Kinda kills the narrative doesn't it? The WSJ post behind a paywall is pretty clear... this is a myth and power grab. -
Goodell Admits NFL Was Wrong Not to Listen
BigBillsFan replied to K-9's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I have the same opinion as these guys, who coincidentally are black and I've never said racism wasn't real, that's bad "Logic": Mackie says it best. Go to 2:45 minutes Maybe Denzel's mind is closed: Morgan Freeman go to 1:05 Here's a collage of more closed minded people: Maybe Bob Woodson, who's done more for Black America than anyone on here should open his mind: Everyone should admit racism exists, what we shouldn't do is make this a bully propaganda and be political. The protests make no sense, the guy is in custody to be judged. This is done to take power and if you are too closed minded to see that side you're right, you don't want a conversation. Mackie says exactly how you think better than I could. -
Goodell Admits NFL Was Wrong Not to Listen
BigBillsFan replied to K-9's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Yes of course they will only show the WHOLE picture. They would never refuse to show what caused it. (/Sarcasm off) This is a parody like asking a 4 yr old why he did something and they just blame it on the 2 yr old and it's never the 4 yr olds fault. Predominantly peaceful is double-speak. If any other group wasn't so protected by the media they would be screaming it was a terrorist organization with so many fires, destroyed businesses, and police injured and people hurt and killed. Make this same group the KKK and let's see how peaceful the media would see them. Oh wait, we don't have to go even that far, just protest the quarantine and people were arrested for merely asking other people on Facebook to join them. The media was portraying them as extremists. But here's the strangest thing: they didn't burn anything, hurt people, destroy the neighborhood BUT they were the extremists full time in the media. Now it's all peaceful with real violence. This is a political movement whose aim is to change America with destroying free speech, jobs, and threats. Then if you disagree you want them to shut up. Tell that to the journalists who lost jobs, teachers, and athletes who just questioned if this was all above board. Why? The mob questioned them as racists and forced their employers to bend to their will. Then show me all the people who lost jobs, forced to apologize, and left to rot as social misfits for protesting the quarantine. Strange huh? -
Goodell Admits NFL Was Wrong Not to Listen
BigBillsFan replied to K-9's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
And if it was white supremists you'd ask to have them arrested. All I see is "peaceful" protesters: More "peace": Pure love: If you want to be accepted as "peaceful" which is now a 1984 double-speak term make sure there is no violence. I want you to protest, but when that group is using violence and saying it's "peaceful" let it be known that's not true. -
Drew Brees: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to billrooter's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Here's one of the reasons why Brees stepped back his comments... they threatened his family and his life: https://sports.yahoo.com/brees-received-death-threats-over-flag-comments-210850887--nfl.html Sorry this is where all of this discussion board stuff doesn't factor in when you make it a "free speech" issue. It's not that simple, that's merely in the abstract. People on the other side have proven to be more violent, more threatening, and no matter how peaceful some people have been they certainly aren't en masse denouncing the violence, murder, and destruction of lives in their wake. Notice how the media isn't 24/7 showing the death of the cop, David Dorn, who was shot, 27 years of service to this country, dying on the street and he's black. Nor do they show the innocent people maimed and injured. It's political and not about George Floyd, he's just their lightning rod. All people, including myself, would be perfectly fine supporting a Black Lives Matter protest against police brutality, and to a large extent they hurt their own cause to many people like myself when it's purely political. They don't care about Black Lives as much as they crave power. When Black Lives Matter stand up for: Dave Patrick Underwood David Dorn et. al. And the other black lives destroyed in their wake, businesses destroyed. Does the mob or media care? No, they can't blame the police and protest for no reason as the cop is arrested. Instead we must see this for what it is, it's a political attack on free speech and taking of power. -
Drew Brees: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to billrooter's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Why just black citizens? It's demonstrably true white people are shot and killed unarmed at a higher rate adjusted by homicide rates. "Peter Moskos, an assistant professor at New York City University’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice, has concluded that during the period ranging from May 2013 to April of 2015 roughly 49% of those killed by LEOs were white, while only 30% were black.... "PolitiFact points out, however, that blacks only make up 12% of the population. By breaking down racial populations it would appear black men are at a 3.5 times greater risk of being killed by police. But that doesn’t include a breakdown of violent crime stats. “Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police,” Moskos said. “Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.” Maybe the problem isn't a white or black issue, but an over-militization of the police force and brutality on it's citizens. -
Goodell Admits NFL Was Wrong Not to Listen
BigBillsFan replied to K-9's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
He was as wrong now as he was then. If the argument is cops don't kill unarmed whites then look up some stats, they die at a higher rate. Some cops are just bullies and I've been shaken down once badly, and bullied many times for no reason. We should never listen to the mob, they are always wrong. -
Goodell Admits NFL Was Wrong Not to Listen
BigBillsFan replied to K-9's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
You are correct, 100%, and it's hard not to see what you've said as anything but truthful if you see what's happening. I used to love sports so much more, but once it became a platform instead of what it is for most men, which is a place to relax and enjoy a game, then it losses its value. It's what sports represents now, it's now a place to be angry instead of uplifting. Ironically pro sports is losing it's appeal after decades of growth. Ratings and attendance is going down so it's not you or me, it's a growing sentiment. Shows I once liked do this too and they lose their flavor. It's like they know what we like (because of professional pollsters and focus groups) and once sucked in they turn it into a brainwashing cult of ideology. I'm down to 2 sports I still watch, I might be down to 1 if this continues. -
Drew Brees: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to billrooter's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I feel like this is the picture perfect response to someone who disagrees with you while remaining neighborly and kind. While I hold some different views than yours (not all, but just a few) I certainly respect yours and I find posts like this refreshing, honest, and sincere. I hope I, and others, can learn from this level of thoughtfulness. God bless you -
Drew Brees: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to billrooter's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
A hypocrite we all are. No one lives perfectly to the principles they espouse. What is also deemed hypocrisy by one person doesn't make it so. The problem is the most people are a terrible judge. Most people are never trained in logic, but they sure think they are. They are the child who accuses his father of hypocrisy because they tell them to go to bed at 10pm and see their father go to bed at 1am. The logic challenged masses are not a judge of hypocrisy. Every man has principles, you do, you think you can call Brees a hypocrite, well tell me you aren't and show me your emails, texts, and a list of 3 of your enemies over the last few years of your life and I guarantee you I'll have a field day. "Wait," you'll say, " it's not fair because there is context to that and people who don't get along with me are bad judges of my character." BINGO Public figures aren't perfect, and they are ripe targets for illogical immature people to cite hypocrisy because they are wanting to put others down to feel morally superior. The reason for his apology tour was he knew he wouldn't have a team to go to, his sponsors would cut him out, and he would seen as a punching bag because of the hatred of what he said and the pressure put on him by his team to stop the angry mob. That's how some people see free speech: free for me but not for thee and if you dare I'll destroy you. -
Drew Brees: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to billrooter's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I'm glad you're a mind-reader. Hate to play cards with you. A man isn't allowed to have his principles just because they don't agree with yours? That's such baloney and you hardly notice your own lack of intellectual dishonesty. Here's what a phony looks like: people who say they love to the community but never give to it, people who say they are for helping the poor but donate their salaries, people who say the government should be more proactive to help others but hire accountants to shield their income He's not saying one thing and doing another on the same topic, that would be a phony. You just don't know the difference yet. . I don't think he's against people responding, but they using morality to shame him. The same could be said of his response, fair enough, but he never told people to shut up and the media used as mob came to his defense to the point of shaming an apology. See the difference? The difference is Brees can say what he wants, people can respond, but when people use fake moral outrage (what he said had nothing to do with race) to shame people into a position he never said or endorsed is wicked and should be called out. Jenkins is an idiot. Jenkins used the masterful art of mind-reading to explain what Brees "really meant" and then told him to shut the F up. The media, instead of being fair, and social media which is always a group of hyenas should have showed Jenkins position as illogical about Brees's comments. Nope, Jenkins is right because of Brees bad timing and everything he said was logical and Brees is wrong because "feelings" maaaaan. -
Jake Fromm: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to Elite Poster's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Oh I will criticize them for doing so. Just because I disagree doesn't mean that they can't or won't. I have the right to stop watching too. No one is forcing me to watch football. -
Jake Fromm: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to Elite Poster's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I disagree. The job of the owner is to make the product viable. That's cold and calculating, but true. That product is football, not politics, and race is highly political. It's not merely objective, but subjective as well. The problem with race arguments, is that racism is a subjective label in many cases. It can be objective when someone openly opines about their feelings against another race simply for being that race, but George Floyd's death is a living case study on the subjective aspect to it. Where is the proof the officer did so because of race? I haven't seen any evidence but I'm open to see any and all evidence. Segregation, lack of voting rights, slavery, etc are all objective race criteria of racism. The problem is there is a subjectivity to what is considered racist that one person may see, the other disagrees, even if they are of the same race. Thomas Sowell and Cornel West differed on racism and both are black. That's why owners should tell the players to focus on the product and not the politics of it. I've never seen an owner of recent memory stop anyone from freely discussing objective racism, honoring black activists, but avoiding contentious discussions that become political. -
Jake Fromm: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to Elite Poster's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
It has nothing to do with racism, but the hiring or firing of people who a team finds to be bad for your brand. That's the problem, you only see racism in this, not the principle. It's nauseating and short-sighted. My point is if the Bills fire Fromm for racism they can and will if they believe it damages their brand and if this is true rest assured he's fired. But if they won't hire Kaep for calling the owners slave masters with his shirt Kunta Kinte you WILL see an issue when it's one and the same thing if that text is real. In both cases a team can protect their brand and it's one and the same issue. May I ask for proof of said racism by owners? If so I agree with you. -
Jake Fromm: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to Elite Poster's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I guess you missed the point. Let me make it more clear. Kaep supporters protest his non-hiring for his actions to be wrong, that a business cannot hire or fire people as they see fit. Strangely they will rain fire on Fromm if this is real and want him fired, not for his play, but for his statements. In other words a business can fire people for what they see as a bad investment all of a sudden, but not in the case of Kaep. Yes ironic. -
Jake Fromm: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to Elite Poster's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I think you'll see far more people defending Kap's view say he should be fired in more delicious irony. -
Drew Brees: Controversial comments
BigBillsFan replied to billrooter's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Who said he deserves special treatment? He didn't others can't protest. This is the problem with this "conversation" is people say things other people said and turn it into dogma. He said why he won't and why others shouldn't. He didn't condemn anyone who did, he didn't say they should shut the F up like others have to him. My point is a conversation, if people genuinely want one, which as I've learned no one really does, is based around people being honest with their views. He gave his honestly, say why you disagree with him, no problem, but don't look to rip him about which is exactly why he needed to "apologize" to the mob because they threatened his sponsored for negative press. If you can't say what you believe is true without it causing harm to your family then it's not a free statement anymore is it?