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Everything posted by texasjute

  1. We were planning to move to a new house next week. I called about three weeks ago and got the Free ST Max at the new house as part of the mover's package. Just planned to watch the first week on the free trial. Last night our closing was delayed indefinitely due to complications on the seller's side. Called today, worried that a late call would not get me any results. First automated message said wait times were very long today, call back later. I just kept saying "cancel service" at the voice prompts -- after three of these I got a rep right away. Took about 30 minutes, but basically went like this: Rep: I don't think we can move credit from your new house to your current account. Let me check. (hold) Rep: We can't move that credit, but we can give you half off, and you'll probably only have to make one monthly payment on the 1/2 off before you move. Let me go work on that. (hold - she didn't really give me a chance to say anything) Rep: We decided to give you full credit, but if you don't move within a few weeks half of that credit will be reversed. Me: OK, but what exactly is the time frame? (hold) Rep: We decided, based on your history with us, that we don't ever have to reverse this credit. You'll get ST Max for free this year. I have to admit they usually take good care of me, and it is a pleasure to talk to reps that are articulate. The nice thing about this was I never really asked for anything, she just kept putting me on hold and making the deal better each time she came back. I was ready to threaten to not move DTV to the new house, etc, but it was all very pleasant.
  2. Wife and I had a fantastic meal last year at 100 Manerias. Great sampling of local food and a fun atmosphere. Riding Tram 28 was touristy, but a unique way to see the city. Was only there for 24 hours, but really liked the city.
  3. Murray holds the SEC career records for completions, passing yards, TDs, and total offense. Started every game of his career (52 straight) before the injury at the end of his senior year, and took every snap save for mop-up time. This in the SEC, facing future NFL'ers week in and week out. He's a tough kid and a strong leader. Injury prone means sustaining injuries often. You can't look at his career and say he's injury prone. He was very unlucky in one play.
  4. Just made my annual call, and got: Free Sunday Ticket $15 off for 15 months $10 off for 24 months I pay $75 for the Max upgrade. Not the deal some of you have gotten, but I don't mind paying a little for the Ticket -- being able to watch any game is a beautiful thing. And paying $75 to save $465 isn't too bad. Call itself took about 15 minutes and was very pleasant. I've been a customer for 15 years - been getting some kind of discount on the ticket for at least the last 10. Some years for free, some years 1/2 off. I can't complain.
  5. You'll get different stories from different reps. This year, I hardly had to say anything to get a great deal. 2-3 years ago I was hitting a wall like you describe and I just said look--I'm on a message board where I've seen dozens of posts from people that have gotten better deals, so I know it is possible. That helped, as they came back with a much better offer. I also agree that the renewal doesn't have anything to do with it. I've had the ticket for 12 years, but it never auto-renews because my service is always suspended in the summer. That's never been a problem.
  6. Just made the call (nothing like waiting until the last minute). Been a subscriber for a long time, always get a good discount, but have never gotten it for free like some posters had mentioned this year. Directv: We can give you half off the Sunday ticket: price of $150 and change. Me: (Wondering if I should go further or just take it). Well, can you at least throw in the Sunday Ticket To-Go with that? Directv: Let me put you on hold and see. Me: (Thinking I wimped out, should have asked for bigger discount on the Ticket) Directtv: I'm having trouble getting that on there for free, it is normally $50. Hold on again. Me: OK. (Thinking I'll just give up on the To-Go if they can't throw it in for free). Directtv: Ok, What we can do is give you the ticket for free if you pay $50 for the To-Go. Me: Ummmm... Sure that will work. It's a silly little dance we do every year, and I dislike doing it, but it does pay off! I can live with three bucks a week to watch all the games this season.
  7. 20 or so people coming - Chili - Make your own Dagwood (lots of deli meat, cheese, veggies, spreads) - Blue cheese and spinach stuffed mushrooms - Crab and Swiss melts (little appetizers on english muffin pieces) - Usual dips with chips and veggies - Hummus - Lemon cake
  8. Understanding that we need LOTS of help on defense, I would still like to see us get a highly-ranked OT out of this draft. If there was a trade partner who would give up a second and we could get an OT, DL, and OLB out of the first two rounds, that would be a great way to start the draft.
  9. Amen. Draft football players - someone who has the potential to be a solid 10-year player. At our rate the coaches and schemes will change 3-4 times in those 10 years anyways.
  10. Wouldn't this open up more teams to the possibility of trading up in the draft? I'd love to see the Bills move back and be able to get a DL, an OT, and an LB out of the first two rounds.
  11. Interesting site. Scary to see the Bills rankings - bottom dwelling (27th or worse) in almost every one of their "quality" measures. I wouldn't have guessed that the offensive line would be the best performing Bills group (relatively speaking).
  12. I've seen a lot of talk about DeMarcus Love as an OT option for us in the 2nd. I didn't watch him closely on every play, but it seemed like Heyward got the better of him a few times, and Mallet was often under pressure. Love also had one false start. One interesting thing - he moved back and forth from LT to RT. I thought he was off the field a couple of times and then realized he had moved to the right side. Moving a tackle from side to side is something I haven't noticed very often.
  13. I realize it may be bad parenting, but we try to call it "character building." They may not grow up to be lifelong Bills fans, but for now my older son is on board. Younger one isn't quite of an age to care too much yet. They were both born in Dallas (we have since moved to GA); my main goal was to be sure they didn't take a shine to the Cowboys - looks like we've had success there. I want my kids to go their own way, but Cowboys fans? That would have been tough.
  14. I live in GA and don't get to see the Bills too often these days. Came up to visit the wife's family and got tickets for a group of 7 of us, including my two boys (ages 7 and 9) to the Pats game. First time I had been since 2006, and first time with my boys. I was very concerned about taking the boys, particularly after some of the reports earlier this season of obnoxious fans, and lots of people commenting that they would never take their kids to a game. First of all, I want to thank all the TSW'ers who responded to an earlier thread asking about the best place to sit. I got some great advice. We sat in the lower bowl, off the 15 yard line about 30 rows up. Despite the ugly game and the very cold weather, we had a great time. Fans around us were great, and very knowledgeable, identifying coverages, patterns, etc. There were a few pats fans in the section (not many) but everyone was respectful to each other, and encouraging to my boys. Of course it wasn't very loud given the game, but it was still fun. Hammer is a prince among men - we parked at his lot and got the red carpet treatment, complete with great tips on keeping warm(er). He knows how to take care of his customers. We parked at Hammers and stayed warm in the fieldhouse before the game started. From my view RWS is still a great experience and Bills fans remain amongst the best anywhere. With a little effort, it is easy to keep the kids away from the loony fans and with the ones that care about watching football. My nine-year-old told me he had a great time even though it was cold and they lost, and he wants to go again. I told him next time we go we'll have a better team. The first time my dad took me to Rich Stadium (mid 80's) they got killed by the Pats. Then, the team started to improve for the super bowl runs. I also wanted to say that TSW is a GREAT resource. I don't post much at all, but I love reading the great football insight and using it as a resource for info about having a great gameday. Bills fans are the best. Cheers, thanks, and Happy New Year to all.
  15. Got a Kindle last Christmas and read it every night. Mostly public domain classics, but I've read some great books that have been on my list for a long time. I agree about the e-ink. I was very skeptical going in, but I like the look of it. I don't want to be looking at another computer screen when I'm reading at the end of a long day. I'm amazed at the battery life. With the wireless turned off, it easily keeps a charge for 6 weeks or more (reading 30-60 min/night). And if I'm ever stuck anywhere, I have a big variety of authors and styles to choose from.
  16. Which section? I can get 7 together in 131 or 130. Thanks - we will have a great time, I'm sure. We sat in a family section at Yankee Stadium once that was pointless - we were on the aisle next to a regular section. Good to know the Bills section has a good view and is next to Club seats.
  17. Other family members are interested in coming. Maybe as many as 7 total, and I can't get 7 together at the club level. Plus, for the four I'm buying the 150-200 price per seat at the club level does become an issue. I can get lower bowl seats on the 20 in the 70-80 dollar range. Hammered, I can get 7 together in sec 311, row 29. Pretty high up, but if you say it's solid I might consider it - would save a lot of $$$ too. I will probably PM you about parking in your lot. Thanks for the replies so far - much appreciated.
  18. Hi everyone, Long-time reader/member here - I rarely post but I appreciate this board and the longtime posters very much. I've been a displaced Bills fan for the last 16 years, I try to go to a road game when I can. I will be in Rochester visiting family for Christmas and would really like to take my kids (boys 9 and 7) to the game. It seems like everyday there is a new, extended thread about how bad the game-day experience is getting at RWS, and most of these threads are filled with comments about people not wanting to take their kids to the game. I don't mean to rehash any of that, nor do I want to get into a discussion about parenting or people's right to tailgate. I simply want some advice from those who do go to the games on the following point: I can get tickets almost anywhere in the stadium, maybe not club level. Would sitting in the lower bowl, sidelines, make it more likely that we avoid some of the worst behavior? Are there sections that are better or worse than others in the lower bowl? Would upper deck be any better or worse? I don't want to sit in the no alcohol section, just because it's in a corner, and I'd prefer the sidelines. My kids and I have had season tickets for a major SEC football team for the last 4 years, so they've been to lots of games with big crowds. They don't sell any alcohol inside the stadium, though. I've got no problem with excited fans, I know they'll hear some language, and I'm no prude. I'd just prefer that their first game at the Ralph doesn't result in them being soaked in beer and vomit. Thanks in advance for any replies. This board is still a great place for Bills fans.
  19. Is there any way the survivor pool can be set (or reset) to still allow Week 1 picks? I didn't have a pick in before last night's game. My own fault, I know, just wondering if there's a solution.
  20. To confirm, your second progression is exactly what they're doing on this video - I-V-vi-IV. I think they're in the key of E in this video, making it E - B - C#minor - A. That's the usual key for Journey tune they start with. There are other four-chord (and three-chord as many of you noted) progressions that are very popular and common too, like any combination of I, IV and V and I-vi-IV-V for anything written in the 50s. I'm a classical musician, but I listen to a lot of pop and jazz and often use it when teaching harmony. While I agree in part with the sentiment that a lot of pop is simplistic, it is also impressive (and rather amazing) when a good songwriter can come up with a unique and interesting melody or riff that gives a somewhat fresh sound to a progression we've heard a million times. That's not the case with most of the tunes in the this video, IMO.
  21. Just got the 179 price as well. Took about 10 minutes to get them to 179 from an initial offer of 219, but they did it. As others have mentioned, I was nice and didn't threaten to cancel or anything. I've been a customer for a long time (12 years) so I can use that to my advantage. And, I just bluntly told them I was staring at a 20 page thread online where everyone's getting it for 179! It is a pretty good deal; less than I've paid (even with a discount) in recent years.
  22. I just got back from a trip to Beijing and Tokyo. The air quality in Beijing was brutal - there was a thick, grey haze that was there the whole week; we really never saw the sun or the sky. A lot of the sights were disappointing (hard to see more than immediately in front of you), and it was terrible for photography. It was very hot, but so was Tokyo, and in Tokyo there was plenty of blue sky and sun. I'd never been to China before, and the air just made it feel very depressing. Everything, especially cars and windows, was covered with a solid film of dirt - they've got a lot of cleaning up to do.
  23. About a year ago I set up an LG Blu-ray/Netflix Home Theater that is very similar to the one you linked to. Setup was a breeze, and it has worked perfectly. Per the recommendation of the IT guys in my office I didn't try the wireless - I ran a hardwire connection to my router. I agree it is worth it to ditch the movies channels (what we did) for Netflix. We've got a much greater selection for a lower monthly price, and the streaming on my computer is great when I'm traveling. I did discover, to my dismay, that the streaming is disabled when you leave the U.S.
  24. Good thread. Four pages and no Ella Fitzgerald? Ella singing the songbooks is one of the most important and influential contributions in the history of recorded music. That's a voice - listen to at least 1:30
  25. John, What about exploring music study in college? If she is talented there is a good chance she can get a good talent-based music scholarship. Depending on the school her grades will still have to meet some minimum standards, but if the grades are good enough to just get accepted, then the scholarship $$$ most often goes to the kids with the musical talent irrespective of academic record. Just as with athletes, music schools want to attract the best singers to strengthen their programs. She's got at least 3 good years left to explore this option and think about some specialized training to help prepare her for a college audition, etc... If she's not inclined to get classical training (which is always helpful no matter what you sing) she might look into a school with a strong musical theater program. It could also help her pick up some important skills (maybe teaching or arts management, perhaps even some recording) that will help her survive financially and continue to pursue her dreams without abandoning music together, waiting tables, etc... I know it is a little off-topic from your original question, but I wouldn't give up on college just because she wants to do music.
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