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Everything posted by PIZ

  1. Is Moulds going to re-structure? Are Jonas & Pat likely to re-sign? Where's Travis likely to go? Is Drew going to be cut? Anything else going on? I need to be caught up on the latest.
  2. No, he's still gayer than gay.
  3. To be short: 1. Go get the bearing stretcher. Yeah, that 300 lb. machine under the workbench across the plant. (drag a made up machine across a plant of 50 employees) 2. You have call. Go in the office and press # 1, but you have to talk real loud because the phone sucks. (intercom) 3. Grease under the door handle. (pricks) 4. Cardboard taped to my headlights. (last one out on 2nd shift---Crap, no Lights!!!!) 5. Hey you're doing a great job. Pat on the back. (The pat was to stick a piece of paper to my back that read "I love little boys.) The above were all at 1 summer job I had years back and everyone of the above happened in my first 2 weeks. I had a blast that summer.
  4. I'm excellent when someone is interviewing me. My problem comes when I have to interview someone else.
  5. I have tons of interviews to give to job applicants the next few weeks and could use advice on giving a professional and confident interview. Any self help books you know of would be appreciated? Or any advice you may have?
  6. I bet he ends up in Green Bay.
  7. Lions Just think, this could've been our QB.
  8. Yeah, but his name is Leslie.
  9. Icy, cold, wet. Winter Storm Warning here.
  10. If Drew was released and had to play the Bills next season, what would be your guess to his stats? Mine: 15 of 30 for 175 yards, 1 TD, 2 picks, 5 sacks.
  11. Jeff Reed is an awesome kicker.
  12. He's not consistent, but Randy Cross thought he got in the Pro Bowl because of his cornerback skills, not his return skills.
  13. 3 Buffalo Fandamonium Fandamonium will be running wild. Filling the seats and tons of merchanidse sales.
  14. Denney. The guy was unblockable in the all-star game he was in.
  15. It's funny, but this is the first I heard about Donahoe saying something like that. Could be Sullivan stirring the pot. I hate that guy. Reminds me of Michael Moore.
  16. Which Wal-mart was this? It doesn't say where it was located.
  17. Come on guys. Every Buffalo Bills fan is cool in my book.
  18. Yeah, I'm thinking about Halo 1 and 2. What is Grand Theft Auto? I take from the title that you steal cars and try to get away? And where could I find the double pack for $25?
  19. Are these 2 good for kids to play. My son loves Godzilla.
  20. I finally got my XBOX!!! I am 31 years old, but hey, this thing is awesome. I play it with my kids and they are surprisingly good at it. Since my last system was PS1, I was able to go out and buy alot of older games that were new to me. I have: Godzilla: Save the Earth Top Spin NCAA 2005 Football Crimson Skies Medal of Honor Ghost Recon Spiderman Big Game Hunter MX Unleashed Red Dead Revolver Any other top suggestions? I'm thinking of getting Rocky Legends and Star Wars Battlefront next.
  21. What about the 2000 game? I don't remember it.
  22. WOW!!! Only 99 yards difference. Very reachable.
  23. Well, if he is trying to avoid us, he may not have a choice if the Jets lose and the Bills win.
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