To be short:
1. Go get the bearing stretcher. Yeah, that 300 lb. machine under the workbench across the plant. (drag a made up machine across a plant of 50 employees)
2. You have call. Go in the office and press # 1, but you have to talk real loud because the phone sucks. (intercom)
3. Grease under the door handle. (pricks)
4. Cardboard taped to my headlights. (last one out on 2nd shift---Crap, no Lights!!!!)
5. Hey you're doing a great job. Pat on the back. (The pat was to stick a piece of paper to my back that read "I love little boys.)
The above were all at 1 summer job I had years back and everyone of the above happened in my first 2 weeks. I had a blast that summer.