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Everything posted by PIZ

  1. Wanda's singing was great. I'll surely miss her. My favorites so far are Angie and Tom.
  2. Criipes, I think Vinny is the better QB at this point. Vinny had multiple 300 yard games last year and I don't believe Bledsoe has had one in 2 years.
  3. They say he has an attitude problem. What did his teammates think of him? Is he a quick decision maker? I've read reports he takes alot of sacks. He isn't gay is he? Strong arm? Compare his arm strength to an NFL starting QB. Who would he likely hang out with after hours----backup QBs, RBs, WRs, O-LINE, defense?
  4. Replaced the connector and cleaned all my games and it works like new. Played Mike Tyson's Punchout and just like when I was a kid, I still can't beat KID DYNAMITE. Any hints?
  5. Excellent site. Thanks.
  6. We have 2 kids and a 3rd on the way in April. We tried 3 car seats in our Chevy Blazer and there is no way it's going to work. We don't have the cash to get a Trailblazer with a 3rd seat, so we are going to have to go the mini-van route. We are looking at buying something for about $9,000 that we can seat 3 car seats in. Any suggestions? I was going to get a Caravan, but someone told me they have a bad history with transmissions.
  7. Didn't he have a problem of vomiting in the huddle in college because of nervousness?
  8. Check out these shirts on ebay: ebay shirt 1 ebay shirt 2
  9. What's the movie about? Seriously, I remember hearing something about it, but only vaguely remember.
  10. I've been thinking about getting this thing: Rival Wing It
  11. Yeah, that's it!!! I see they have it on XBOX (that's what we have, until I repair my old NINTENDO). The reviews for the XBOX are bad though. Is NBA Street any good? I'm looking for something fun and easy for my kids.
  12. I used to play an NBA game when I was a kid. It was awesome for young kids. I can't remember if it was Atarti, Nintendo, Sega, or PS1. It was 2 on 2 and the NBA players were cartoon-like. I remember Vlade Divac and David Robinson. You could slam dunk by flying up almost out of the screen. If you made a few baskets in a row you would be on "fire" and everytime you scored when on fire the net would be on fire also. What is this game? I'd like to get it for my kids, but I can't remember the name. Anyone?
  13. If something happens, we still have Travis Hunter on the roster.
  14. I think he's actually pretty good. I think this is the guy who was on the Giants roster and he was so good they kept 2 kickers.
  15. I think I tried that, but I bet you any $ I forgot the = because I kept getting an error. Thanks.
  16. Another question. I have a column of prices that I want to add 3% to. How would you go about doing that? I went to an empty cell right above the column. Then I typed in 1.03 Then I got on the cell and clicked COPY. Then I highlighted the column I wanted to add the 3% to and then went into EDIT and clicked PASTE SPECIAL. Then under OPERATION I clicked MULTIPLY and OK. Is that the best way to do it?
  17. Thanks, bud. That did the trick.
  18. I have a numbers in a column that are for example 0.30 How can I display that as .30 (dropping the first 0) and not change numbers that are for example 4.45?
  19. Yeah, they have some NINTENDO's on ebay that don't even look like NINTENDO's. Some aftermarket ones I guess. They also have some used (which I have) NINTENDOs that sell for about $35 + shipping and most are listed saying they have a new connector. So that's what I'm going to try first. I bought a connector and I'll clean all my games. If that doesn't work I 'll probably buy one of the aftermarket NINTENDO's. The only reason I didn't get one now was because the zapper gun isn't compatible with it, and my son wants to play DUCK HUNT in the worst way. I didn't check to see if they had an aftermarket zapper gun though.
  20. Yeah, I have Tecmo SP. I have to say, I've never played Maniac Mansion, but you guys seem to think it's good. I beat Contra and HAD Super Off Road, but someone must have stolen both of them. Cripes, I think Contra is like $20.00 on ebay.
  21. It was probably part of rehab program.
  22. So, if I get this thing working, which games should I get? I have about 30 games, but I think I'm going to get Contra, Ivan Stewarts Super Off Road, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtels, & Maniac Mansion. I have: Pro Wrestling Rad Racer Based Loaded RC Pro Am Double Dribble Tecmo Super Bowl Golf Top Gun Excite Bike Gumshoe Tecmo NBA 10 Yard Fight Rush N Attack Castlevania 3D Worldrunner Rampage Spy Hunter KungFu Bayou Billy Days of Thunder Paperboy Tecmo Bowl Karate Champ Xenophobe Duck Hunt Platoon Punch Out Karate Kid Tiger Heli Gyromite Commando
  23. Well, at least she wasn't 13.
  24. I just bought a new 72 pin connector on ebay. Supposedly that is what causes the blinking. I'll give it a try.
  25. Where do you live? I think that same damn dog woke me up this morning. It doesn't even bark, it yipps.
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