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Everything posted by PIZ

  1. Crap. For some reason the trailer will NOT play for me. Any ideas?
  2. Worked 12 am to 8am for a year. I absolutely hated it. Sure I had all day to things, but I was always so stinkin' tired I was like a zombie. I would try to sleep when I got home around 9 am and sleep til about 4 or 5. Eat and wait around to go to work. Then on Fridays I would try to stay up until as late as possible so I could sleep "normal" hours so I could have a "normal" weekend. I'd usually fall asleep in my chair around 7 pm and be up at 3 or 4 Saturday morning. Then be a zombie again on Saturday because by the time anyone else got up it was 10 or 11. Then Sunday, I'd take a nap around 6 and sleep til 8 or 9 so I wouldn't be a "zombie" at work. I feel for you.
  3. So, there will likely be 7 movies?
  4. Links to some video clips---careful BAD language
  5. I keep hearing people say how great it was, but this is one of 2 movies that I rented that I ever quit watching. What did you like about it?
  6. 2 movies I started to watch (rented because of the hype) and turned off because they sucked SO bad were Pulp Fiction and that Lady Marmalade one with Nicole Kidman. Why do people like these movies?
  7. Yeah, you learn how to kiss ass more than you thought possible.
  8. Just so you know, the course I took was I believe 11 or 12 classes and each class was 3 1/2 hours long.
  9. Yeah, I took it. I really enjoyed it. It actually reduced my stress level alot and helped me talk in small and large groups much better. It is a bit weird though.
  10. My mom let me watch "An American Werewolf in London" when I was pretty young. That movie creeped me out. I have to say, that the Grudge was the creepiest movie I have EVER seen. No way my kids are watching that, EVER.
  11. I got home from work yesterday and my 5 and 3 year olds were running around the house with lightsabers andblankets wrapped around them like capes. They both love playing Battlefront and Lego Star Wars on MY xbox. They want Revenge of the Sith and Republic Commando, but I can't afford the price tags right now.
  12. Lots of good points. I've made up my mind. If I can find a babysitter for my other 2 kids (my 3 year old is going to be pissed he can't go--kid loves VADER---has a mask and lightsaber and goes around breathing like him) I'm taking him.
  13. Well, the kid is a brain. He has a memory of an elephant and he actually does comprehend the whole Anakin thing. For all you Star Wars fans out there: Buy the animated Star Wars Clone Wars volume 1. I believe there will be a volume 2 also. It is awesome. Really good.
  14. I was afraid of that, but his 7 year old cousin (who's afraid of frogs for cryin' out loud) went to see it and my 5 year old bawled because he couldn't go. (His uncle wouldn't take him and I couldn't get a sitter for the other 2). Did you see many kids under say 8 when you went?
  15. I've heard it's gruesome. He is begging me everyday to see the movie and it's probably the only way I'll get to see it myself. He doesn't get scared of movies, but he really hasn't seen anything other than movies like Shrek, Toy Story, the other Star Wars movies. He's also wanting to watch my movie Pirates of the Caribbean.
  16. How about a stripper? I read somewhere that someone's mother did that for a son's birthday. Seems appropriate.
  17. I may be wrong, but isn't it the home team's choice as to if they go dark or white, so they could be playing away and wearing the blue?
  18. I think I need to send a thank you note to the guy who installed ours. A friend of the family, he charged us $1200 for a new unit. I don't know what brand it is, but I think it has a 10 year warranty on it. Sounds like he gave us a good deal.
  19. If Mularkey said that, then they have talked about him.
  20. I thought it was a joke, but there it is on kffl.com
  21. No, it's not serious, but the 49ers should count on this happening multiple times.
  22. That's because Sapp speaks out of his ass.
  23. The other day there was a show on CMT that mentioned Walla Walla Washington was a hotbed for BIGFOOT and all I could imagine was Bledsoe walking around barefoot. Are these people nuts or are we nuts for thinking they're nuts?
  24. I never seen a Sasquatch, but this article sounds like the BFRO group knows where to locate one or a family of BIGFOOTS. By the way, I think BFRO is the largest bigfoot organization out there. Do I believe? Not sure. I guess "I'll believe it when I believe it." BFRO looking for help
  25. When I think of someone who isn't cool but thinks they are, Kevin Fedderline instantly comes to mind. The guy is a moron.
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