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Everything posted by PIZ

  1. Yeah, me too. Last year, they practically won every game for me, since in my league special teams yards and TD count alot.
  2. I have Losman, Carr, Warner, and Frerotte. We have to have 3, but I picked up an extra one (Frerotte) because I was hoping by now one would be getting me the numbers, but none has.
  3. Boy do I suck at fantasy football, although last year I started 0 - 4 and ended up winning the thing. I'm a little embarrassed to say this, but my backup kicker is Rian Lindell. I'm going to do the trade and start McNair. My bye week I'll put in Detroit's defense, Marcus Robinson (WR) and Travis Taylor (WR).
  4. Yeah, hence the 0 - 3 record. I also have McGahee and the Bills defense. I gambled that the Bills would dominate.
  5. I'm in a league where we can make trades, and some guy is offering this to me: He gives me: Steve McNair (QB) and Marty Booker (WR) I give him: David Carr (QB) and Tyrone Williamson (WR) My QBs suck: I currently have David Carr, JP Losman, and Kurt Warner I have WRs Boldin, Moulds, Evans, Marcus Robinson, Matt Jones, and Travis Taylor Seems like a good trade to me. What do you think. By the way, I am currently 0 and 3.
  6. 04 -05 season The only thing missing is playing like a team. You don't need the best athletes or even the best at any position. If they play like a team, they'll win.
  7. Because we have Wyche. I'd like Jimbo too, but I think having an icon like him on the sideline could be dangerous if the team has problems.
  8. Yeah, I started there, but you get bits and pieces, rather than 1 summary.
  9. I'd appreciate it. I thought I had my bases covered. I had my VCR, yes VCR, set to tape my Sunday Ticket, but since the game was on a local channel it was blacked out. So I taped the CBS channel but the game was on FOX. Was Losman as bad as his numbers? Was Willis as good as his numbers? Will Holcolme start this weekend? What about Spikes? How was he injured? How did his replacement do?
  10. Well, just enough, because he has 1 child and 1 on the way. They asked her on a scale of 1 to 10, if a workaholic is a 9, what is Jerry. She said a 10 1/2. They had Sam Wyche on there and he pretty much said they were nuts. He said they should be home. Tom Donahoe said Chuck Knoll was always out of the office by dinner time. Wyche did say Joe Gibbs won a few Super Bowls by putting in long hours. Vincent said Don Shula had a car pick him up right before dinner time, but Gruden and Rhodes were at Veteran Stadium, sometimes all day and all night. Vincent said sometimes the coaches try to give them too much info, which kind of concerned me, but the results on the field speak for themselves.
  11. I don't know if this was posted or not, but thought it was interesting. It was about how Jerry Gray works sometimes 19 hours a day, and has on occasion worked 22 hours. Mularkey puts in similar hours and on the day ESPN was there, Mularkey just finished a 17 hour day. Mularkey said after the season is over, he gets extremely sick, because of all the hours he put in. These guys are ultra competitive and ultra dedicated.
  12. I think they were quoting some guy named Bob Ryan about the AFC EAST coaching. The quote went on an had an analogy "that in the past Bill Bellechek was playing CHESS while the other coaches were playing checkers. But this year, it is changing, a coach in his own division has IT, and the Patriots will soon be dreading playing against this coach who has IT." So I'm thinking, yeah, Mularkey is finally getting respect. Then the quote goes something like, "the coach was has IT is NICK SABAN." One freakin' game and the guy has IT. I'm sick of the media. No mention of Mularkey. No mention of the Bills ever. All you ever hear about is the Patriots, Mike Vick, the Eagles, Peyton Manning, and now NICK SABAN.
  13. Poojer, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
  14. Thanks. Maybe I'll make you a cake or something. Or maybe some tots.
  15. Reed once again only put the black sun blocker under one eye.
  16. He was probably saying, "You fools ain't never gettin' in a game, biatch!!!"
  17. I am glad he is gone. I never got used to cheering for him, because I hated him so bad as a Patriot (never hated Milloy), but anytime an NFC team is beating an AFC contender you have to root for him. Good game by Drew, but he won't take the boys any farther than he took the Bills. His bad (frustrating) games will outnumber his good ones.
  18. Was on a Steeler board earlier in the week and they're saying some reports say the Steeler team thinks Rothlisberger is too cocky and not liked in the locker room. When the team starts winning you won't hear a thing about it, even if it is true. The city of Buffalo will find it hard to root for a cocky QB, don't you think?
  19. How can Michelle Branch lip sync at a huge LIVE pre-game show and get away with it, but Ashley Simpson gets slammed and is on every tabloid for lipping at SNL? Why even be there if you're not even going to sing? It's just as easy to throw a cd in. And that guy singing the Santana song sucked.
  20. Great Bills highlights in the Tim Magraw song.
  21. Yeah, Detroit is great. It's pretty bad when even your dead citizens are leaving the city.
  22. We are not seeing everything that these guys do. Blocking, leadership, personality, etc. Also, alot of people are talking about Gause getting cut. The guy wasn't drafted for a reason. Also, how many training camps has Haddad been in? He keeps getting cut for some reason. I too, thought he looked good, but he also dropped a key pass the other night. And on a running team, like the Bills (and Steelers), you'll see blocking WRs make it over guys like Haddad. Also, wasn't Haddad a Buffalo Bills draft pick? Maybe by Butler, though.
  23. It is scheduled for September, but does anyone know what day? I'm sure Wally World will have it. Are they going to have both jerseys, or maybe even an alternate jersey? SPAWN
  24. At least he didn't crap in some chick's closet.
  25. Wasn't there a guy, I think his name was Jonathan Gray that was tearing up the preseason and everyone was surprised when he was cut? I haven't heard a thing about him since. No real loss in Lee.
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