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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. Am I crazy? Haha I watched the game last night and saw the exact same 'soft defense' that we played... the bucs just butchered them with a 4 man rush because the chiefs have no oline depth. I think seeing how much pressure the bucs were getting is skewing peoples perception. they hardly blitzed at all and they gave kelce a ton of underneath stuff...the guy was wide open the entire first half. They knew that if the chiefs had to work for each first down eventually they were gonna get home for a huge sack. We trusted our guys to do the same and just got outplayed...need to add a piece or two to the dline
  2. Lol the genius Todd Bowles defensive game plan that stopped the mighty chiefs was literally Frazier's gameplan 🤣 it was a very soft cover 2 and let your front four go out and make plays. Their guys just got home and ours didn't...they had a huge assist from us injuring fisher. Im sure we go out and draft/sign some pass rushers and let some other pieces go. Im sure we expected more out of the guys we signed and that is the area that is the primary offseason focus
  3. The great game plan by Bowles was literally a Frazier gameplan lol im just so baffled that im hearing about how brilliant Bowles was last night he just let his front 4 go out and play. What did they blitz like twice? They played with two high safeties all game. Daboll needs another receiver or a reliable tight end if he's gonna run the offense he likes brown and davis got single covered easily with some holding assistance of course lol then they could just bring defensive backs on blitzes from all over the field. Either that or rework the entire offensive line to get more proficient at running the football which will be difficult to do because we have so many holes on defense
  4. Yea I think offensive coordinators are too stubborn in general...daboll made adjustments in that chiefs game it was just too late. I feel like after halftime we ripped off a few nice runs and went to a more intermediate passing game until we went down 3 scores and really couldn't anymore. We like to max protect and run those crossing routes and when the dbs are being handsy theres just not that many options to make a play. The chiefs looked like they went down without making any adjustments last night and they just let mahomes get absolutely abused. The dude was taking 47 step drops after awhile lol
  5. Loll the bucs have looked bad frequently this whole well the chiefs beat us and they beat the chiefs so they would've killed us argument may or may not be valid. I guess we'll have a chance to prove it next year. I feel a lot better about this supposed chiefs dynasty never materializing last night was an absolute failure from top to bottom from them. They have been skating by on raw talent alone and the bucs came in and punched them in the mouth and andy Reid just completely imploded. I feel bad for mahomes though they did not help him out at all. They couldve hung around in that game and maybe given themselves a chance but they coached themselves right out of the game
  6. Josh took a couple big sacks that were probably avoidable in hindsight but daboll made a lot of adjustments at halftime moving to a more short to intermediate passing game and getting yeldon involved...the chiefs just let mahomes get butchered all night. Also Andy Reid called the worst timeout in history lol not to mention we max protect a lot by design...the chiefs were forced into that situation which really eliminates 75% of their playbook. Allowing defensive holding is absolutely devastating to our offense so if thats going to continue in the playoffs going forward we will have to make some changes
  7. Na not with chiefs dbs allowed to just dry hump us all over the field 🤣 they could get real creative against us pass rush wise because they were just single covering everyone across the board. As much as im sick of brady winning those flags felt like poetic justice last night ...im sure 9ers fans would agree since they lost the super bowl because the chiefs were allowed to neutralize the strength of their team with offensive holding lol The chiefs were in their own version of the 'omg we have to start Brian winters' scenario 🤣 it is not the same chiefs team we faced and the rules were enforced in a completely different way. The bucs hardly blitzed at all last night they were getting home with 4. The chiefs blitzed us a lot because their secondary didn't need help...its two completely different games that can't be compared in the way were trying to. Its surreal honestly listening to this Bowles is a genius commentary...it was a Leslie frazier-esque soft zone game plan he was just playing against scrubs on the oline ...Im not saying we wouldve won i think the bucs offense wouldve given us fits but I think our offensive line wouldve held up considerably better and we wouldve provided a much more entertaining game
  8. A lot of the chiefs sacks were coverage sacks likely due to their very liberal interpretation of the defensive holding rules 🤣 also were stronger at tackle than the chiefs. I think Josh is better than mahomes at going through his progressions while under duress while mahomes seemed like he was giving up right when the ball was snapped. If we had four quarters against the chiefs without Eric fisher I bet we wouldve put a lot more pressure on mahomes as well. Their oline was absolutely gassed by the second half. If the officials in the afc championship called the game the same way the super bowl was called we probably would've gotten one of those 55-52 type shootouts everyone loves its hard to compare two teams that didn't play eachother based on mutual results with another team because there's just so many variables
  9. I think the chiefs just dont have the oline depth because they have so much money invested in skill position players... bills bucs wouldve been a much better game than chiefs missing two starting linemen vs bucs...heck if we had 4 quarters against that banged up chiefs team we probably win that game
  10. Yea they missed that call that shouldn't have been pi but it was a penalty Haha seriously idk how anybody could watch the chiefs dbs hold our receivers all game long and then chalk it up to a brady conspiracy when they hold every receiver again in the super bowl lol the league officiating likely reviewed the bills chiefs game and made that a point of emphasis. Not to mention they couldve easily ruled that chiefs goal line stand a touchdown if this was the 'let brady win' show
  11. Tampa did a much much better job than us overall but I've gotta say kelce was comically wide open in the super bowl as well...that wasn't just a bills defense thing lol
  12. Exactly they just held our receivers until the pass rush got home and the refs weren't having it in the super bowl. On a lot of those holding calls on the chiefs the receiver on the other side of the field was also getting held lol it was absurd. We wouldve lit up their defense and likely wouldve still lost because our defense was invisible
  13. Lol the supposed greatest football player to ever walk the face of the earth has now looked pedestrian at best for 75% of the super bowl quarters hes played on a team that is now over the salary cap and his big mega deal kicking in next season. Listening to Tony romo talk about how he could challenge Tom brady's career resume while the chiefs were getting absolutely annihilated by Tom Brady was pretty surreal.
  14. Allen never really looked rattled to me this year except for the first quarter against the chiefs he looked pretty amped up and missed a few throws high. He's a master of the whole 'everyone on my team letting me down and I have to make plays myself to try to win the game' scenario as thats what most of his career has been so far lol. Mahomes is rarely in that scenario where he can't evade the pass rush and find someone more or less wide open but boy did he find himself there tonight.
  15. Lol i loved the notion in the OP that a guy looking calm answering softball interview questions means he's gonna be calm on the field when his big name players aren't getting open and his offensive line can't pass block 🤣 id be calm too if I knew when a play broke down i could just float a ball near kelce or hill and they'd probably make the play but apparently it's possible to take all that away as a defense
  16. Mahomes has a tight end that is literally impossible to cover i would argue he still had it easier than what josh has every week lol 90% of his passing yards pre garbage time were to a wide open Travis kelce That seems tough to make priority 1 as our defense was just straight up dreadful and none of our offensive linemen were particularly good at run blocking. This should be an interesting offseason. I dont think we could afford to have that same defense if we want to win a super bowl. Your offense just isn't gonna carry you 3 - 4 times in a row against the best teams in the nfl.
  17. I honestly wouldn't either im not saying josh is better but he didn't get a year to sit and watch a seasoned veteran do the job and then dropped into a stacked lineup. Josh has really battled through adversity and has proven himself committed to improving any way he can to help his team win games. Thats a pretty rare trait that mahomes certainly may have too he has just never really had to show it.
  18. Love that Leveon bell didn't get a ring haha thats likely the main reason he went to kc...he could've gone to Buffalo or Miami and contributed and earned himself a nice payday on his next contract
  19. Kelce still kind of torched them in my opinion but I agree with most of this...he looked very similar to how he looked against us...always completely wide open. Tampa did a lot of things similar to us they just had the pass rush working...maybe if we had 4 quarters against the chiefs banged up oline we wouldve fared a little better I think a great pass catching TE masks a lot of issues...I dont think the chiefs wouldve cracked 100 yards of offense outside of garbage time tonight without kelce. I think we just played right into the chiefs plan of hanging onto receivers a borderline illegal amount and the league took notice...a running game would be nice though lol id focus on the defensive side first the offense really carried the team all season...the defense stepped up in the big moments most games but it just wasn't enough
  20. Josh allen had more mvp votes than anyone not named Aaron rodgers lol anybody blaming allen for our struggles would be like blaming mahomes for the chiefs loss tonight
  21. I think mcdermott has always done a pretty good job against brady defensively...we struggled scoring points against them. Kc got a lot of coverage sacks against us because of their illegally tight coverage aka holding lol im not saying we wouldve won it just isn't really fair to assume that based mostly on our performance against kc. Soft zone won Tampa the game tonight they just got home with a four man rush on almost every play
  22. The chiefs did that to our oline because they were holding our receivers on the back end
  23. Lol we couldn't get pressure they just out physical-ed us the Tampa dline absolutely wreaked havoc. Any defensive coordinator wouldve looked good calling a game for the bucs tonight
  24. That one call where he said 75 on the chiefs' hold was ticky tacky when he tackled the dude from his neck was absolutely comical
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