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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. Mahomes is great but they've got a pretty weak secondary that was suspiciously allowed to hold all year last year until the super bowl of course 🤣 they also have a razor thin amount of defensive depth since all their money is tied up on offense so any sort of defensive injury would be a disaster. I doubt all those guys make it through 17 games and we saw what could happen when you lose a guy in a position without much depth when the bucs smoked them in the super bowl
  2. Yea he had a mediocre game which was not a good look after signing that big contract...its unfortunate he didn't get a layup week one lol im sure he's embarrassed. Brady is an absolute freak at getting his offensive into the right play to the point where its suspicious 🤣 so he has bad games but it's rarely due to getting fooled. Yea mahomes rarely has a bad game I think if we had a big time tight end target that was good at finding the holes in zone coverage like kelce josh would be even more successful on a consistent basis
  3. I think it was players this time being rusty but I might be in the minority on that one 🤣 what team has gone undefeated and won the super bowl in the last 40 years? I'm gonna go through the previous super bowl winners but it usually feels like the best team in the regular season doesn't win it all to me lately but thats based on memory.
  4. I'm not saying you're wrong for doing this but you picked a tough year to demand additional talent haha that salary cap crunch was tough. If we're in mid-season form losing to contenders I'm right there with ya...week 1 where we faced a tough defense throwing some alignment trick at us we haven't seen before that we outgained by over a hundred yards and won time of possession by a healthy margin against that mostly beat us because of a blocked punt and some ticky tack penalties could be just one of those flukey games
  5. Yea I def get it...I think they threw something at josh he hasn't seen before and we almost beat it anyway but I could see how someone would see it as he can't beat a good defense and so on...its impossible to say because we've only played one game. If we look shaky against Miami I will be just as panicked lol because in the context of competing for the division that game is much more important. The team that played the best in the regular season doesnt even win the super bowl oftwn so there are definitely no awards for the best week 1 team lol Our dline was absolute garbage last year and every one of our wide receivers was not just injured but seriously injured lol I dont think depth applied to that...rousseau looked quite promising today and star should be back to plug up the run.... depth definitely cost the chiefs the super bowl that's for sure
  6. I'm sure they will give things a hard look if we get rolled by someone in the playoffs or don't make it...daboll will likely be gone for sure if it happens in a similar way to today. If this was a mid/late season game I'd be more worried but the first couple weeks of the season are infamous for these type of games. This is a cap reduced year so it was tough to do any major overhauling via free agency for any team...I think we have improved more than the chiefs have but we will find out if it's enough Elite talent is better than depth in week one maybe...but you are likely to see several big time injuries to each team.. as the season goes on depth becomes more and more important
  7. You're definitely not wrong if this turns into an issue long term but this really seemed like that 'everything going wrong' type of game where we normally get absolutely blown out and we had a chance to win it late. I know we're all sour about losing but even if the dline only showed up for a half that's a half more than they showed up for last season...they were historically awful last year and allen put the team on his back and took them all the way to the afc championship game with three seriously injured wrs I think he's earned some slack
  8. That game felt kind of a flukey any given Sunday type game to me but if it turns into a pattern you probably see the offensive coordinator getting playcalling duties taken away or replaced to get a fresh set of eyes in there and some rebuilding on the offensive line this offseason since the cap is increasing g next year
  9. That's kind of true with post-game pressers in general...its kind of a silly process. Teams go to great lengths to not give away a single thing...its like a political debate 🤣
  10. He thought he had a free play on that one...steelers were Offside and got away with it
  11. I think if he was being honest he wouldve said 'the steelers late shifts on defense completely caught us by surprise and destroyed our presnap reads completely and we will do our best to be better prepared' but we don't want to advertise that to every team in the league 🤣
  12. This was another one of those things I've commented in 40 threads so I might have said this here before lol but our receivers were all seriously injured for the playoffs so I'm not sure what the steelers did and what was happening to our offense in the playoffs is the same
  13. Yea I think we get a lot of information presnap by spreading out the d with 4 wr sets and Josh just wasn't getting enough time to go through progressions...the optimist in me wants to say the steelers unveiled something that caught us by surprise that we will be ready for in the future and we still couldve had the win despite that
  14. Gotta think the late shifts the steelers were doing were messing with his presnap reads...which is the brilliant plan the steelers defenders were tweeting about leading up to this game lol
  15. Yea having a defense that can actually get a stop once in awhile will make a huge difference compared to last year lol I do understand people thinking the bad offensive is a trend when looking at some of the playoff games last year though
  16. Yep it's the common denominator in all the losses. He doesn't typically force the ball into tight coverages anymore except on those few times he thought he had free plays but he will pass up some 4-5 yard gains looking for more and teams rely on him doing that to win. Cowboys had a similar strategy of completely foregoing the run against the bucs to not play to the strengths of their front 7 but dak did a better job of taking what he was given
  17. Exactly and 4 wide and 5 wide sets created tons of mismatches today we just couldn't execute on the field. You still have a threat to run with allen which is why you see the qb designed runs. Just a bad game I don't think the team is broken. If the pit dbs were stacked and the front 7 was shaky I think you would've seen more balance. Reminded me of the cowboys gameplan against the bucs but dak took more of the underneath stuff and didn't push as hard for the deep ball. They were a BS pushoff away from winning that game I dont think 20 more Elliot carries for 3 ypc or less wouldve helped their chances
  18. Honestly allen shouldve been more check downy and we win that game...guy is trying to hit a home run every play. He's so used to having to put the team on his shoulders and play out of his mind to win but the defense had his back today
  19. This is a joke but I think he has too many weapons 🤣 seems like he diagnoses oh man I'm gonna have diggs or Davis or sanders etc open on this deep cross if I just buy myself another split second and passes up a lot of the underneath stuff that would move the chains in a couple games every year
  20. Haha you could be right it's too early to tell anything about any team. Seems like there's a lot more good defensive linemen are coming into the league than offensive linemen so more and more teams with pocket passers are struggling. Brady is an absolute freak of nature at diagnosing the plays so he totally can't be used as evidence 🤣 Idk where everyone was getting these super lofty expectations from as far as regular season record goes...the division is def gonna be tighter and that was reflected in our season wins over/under total.
  21. How do you separate what the qb should get credit for from what the OC should get credit for though especially in a game like today. Really everyone excels against bad competition and struggles against better defenses lol that's what makes them statistically good defenses.
  22. Oh yea I agree I dont really care who anybody blames for the loss 🤣 I just think the evidence shows this game is more likely to be an outlier than anything. This whole 'the other team knows we're running 4 wr sets' thing is going overboard though because there are tons of options out of even an empty set with a mobile qb This is def true...at least it looked like he only forced balls into double coverage when we shouldve had free plays but he goes for the home run when there's receivers open for modest gains pretty often
  23. The scheme worked josh just had a bad game...idk if that makes people feel better or worse 🤣 there were open receivers all game that either dropped the ball or were overthrown or he just straight up didn't see
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