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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. Every time he misses a play he seems to be perfectly in the middle of the TV broadcast with nobody else around which doesn't help hahaha maybe he's camera shy. So I think a lot of us don't give him the benefit of the doubt and we're assuming he's bad-average when we don't notice him.
  2. That's interesting I just rewatched the game and thought the pass blocking was pretty bad for most of the game although maybe that's to be expected....seemed like daboll gave josh more short to intermediate passing routes expecting this to happen though.
  3. The thing with how teams are game planning against us though is you need a ton of personnel to pull it off...we just saw 2 of the teams that could do it back to back. Steelers might have had more trouble if we actually played moss although hindsight is 20/20. Just the front 4 being stout isn't enough...Miami and pit are stacked at so many positions. Of course we are the only team that saw some TJ watt this year too 🤣 I don't see too many teams left on the schedule that can pull that off defensively...maybe new orleans?
  4. I think he tries to laser them in to keep them out of the wind...that deep ball he floated to diggs early in the game drifted way right in the wind. Dude was hitting frequent bombs his rookie season to Robert foster of all people 🤣
  5. Yep agreed...kc has to be careful though cuz that chargers roster is no joke and Denver has been a qb away for the last few years. Looks like the Raiders could be good too so they don't have much wiggle room. We've still got a decent shot at the 1 or 2 seed even if we drop one to kc
  6. Dude was wiiiiide open in the middle of the field haha I loved that
  7. Yea its weird how it works the previous big contract is the benchmark even if the person getting extended isn't quite as good. Which is how you have something like Eli manning being the highest paid qb in the nfl for awhile 🤣
  8. Hes one of those guys that doesn't own it when he's wrong though so he can predict that the Bills lose every game and be wrong and then if they end up not winning the super bowl he'll be like see I was right 🤣
  9. It seems like he's always missing big,obvious tackles or running himself our of the play when he shows up in the broadcast lol maybe he's just unlucky and he's playing well for all the other plays idk. But I can def see why he gets criticized around here
  10. It was a pretty similar game I think joshs stats are almost identical between those two games. We just couldn't hit on any big plays this year and they hit on all of theirs.
  11. If only he saw vanilla defenses all year lol I've watched every second of every jets game because I have the unfortunate displeasure of getting them as my local team and it is definitely all the things you said AND hes playing bad though lol. He threw a pretty large quantity of horrible passes to open guys and has made plenty of terrible decisions. All his picks in the previous game were with a clean pocket and they were just awful throws.
  12. He should worry about his own team this year it seems 🤣 they are last place in their division by 2 games
  13. I think even those people would tell you no lol looked like they tried really hard to completely hide davis mills from having to play qb last week
  14. Theyre 0-2 in games where TJ Watt doesn't play...not too surprising. Their offense is not good but their receivers made some big plays against us. We were kind of the victim of Tomlin getting whooped by the NE offense for years and having a solid game plan against it cux our offense is pretty similar
  15. This one always gets me lol I dont think an NFL team has ever lost in history because they tried to prepare for the game in two weeks instead of the current game. Players probably love trying to blow out bad teams because they have incentives in their contracts for statistics and coaches probably love it too to give their players some confidence not to mention total points is in the playoff tiebreakers at some point There is no reason to not take an opponent seriously Nope definitely not...they got that one 'right' supposedly lol
  16. Did you hear that the NFL apologized for that ridiculous holding call that took us out of fg range at the end of that game years later haha
  17. Hes got plenty of excuses for last year outside of brady...I'd give him this full season and see how he does. A lot of their big name defensive players missed a whole year last year so it might take them more time to gel than others they are only a game behind us after all so we can't call them terrible yet for their record this year 🤣
  18. Yea part of it is just bad luck...can't count on getting mono lol
  19. Josh had zero talent around him and showed plenty of flashes his rookie season to be fair...but yea its def too early still. Dude made Robert foster look like an all pro
  20. And/Or the effectiveness of ridiculous lawsuits 🤣
  21. I saw some stat that we have more wins than the jets and giants combined over the last 3 years
  22. Yea I think he wanted breida split out as a receiver and we kind of outsmarted ourselves without a real backup plan. Singletary wasn't too effective running the ball either today
  23. The gap is huge haha the gap between a mediocre team and a great team maybe isn't that big Daboll def cooks up a nice game plan to maximize mismatches hes just so stubborn about it when his players aren't executing 🤣 wft is pretty weak at LB so a healthy dose of knox/moss was the ticket this game
  24. Yea I think its a pretty good indicator in a bigger sample size...every now and then you get an outlier like last year's chargers team though that loses every close game and messes the metric up lol
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