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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. He was still in the pocket when that happened the way I saw it...looked like his first read got bumped hard 10 yards down the field and it blew up the play
  2. What is bored lol a player is always playing for their next contract and has absolutely every reason to have a great game every week.
  3. We have played pretty conservative with big leads this year and hes had his fair share of bad weather games and hes still putting up great stats. People just look at completion percentage and decide whether a qb is good or bad lol it's ridiculous. You can't compare joshs stats this year to someone like Herbert's who has been in 5 close games in good weather.
  4. Lol people forget that half our games have been in bad weather/high winds and our starters have sat out 2 or 3 quarters so far because we were blowing the other team out. I think we're better than last year offensively Weren't we notoriously bad in third quarters last year lol not to mention one missed third down conversion that quarter was diggs getting held like crazy
  5. His 'josh allen is as good as Daniel jones' comment before this weekend really played out well lol jones gets a concussion and Allen wallops nick wright's own team in an extremely important game
  6. we seem to get a lot more production out of average talent guys than the Chiefs do which is a testament to our coaching staff. I think the chiefs have been skating by on the pure physical talent alone of a few offensive players which doesn't seem as sustainable for long term success. Andy Reid just kind of goes out and calls the same sort of game every week to maximize that. in prior seasons it has worked every game but defensive coordinators are starting to adapt to it
  7. I disagree I think the lower completion percentage is ironically him playing smarter and us utilizing more runs with rbs than those very short extended handoff type passes. He seems to be throwing the ball away a lot more when he's in trouble also.. Sure he's missed some throws but all the great ones do that and he def missed throws last year too. We've also had about half our games in bad weather/high winds. He's the highest ranked qb by whatever metric fivethirtyeight sports uses...just edges out brady as the post above this one shows lol
  8. I rewatched the game and he was honestly very pro chiefs lolll I think an objective fan of some other random team would tell you the same. I doubt it's some deep rooted personal hatred for the Bills lol but they seemed like they were trying to will the chiefs to come back and make it interesting...like 'maybe if we keep saying how great mahomes is he will stop throwing bounce passes off his back foot' 🤣 The refs were a trainwreck but didn't really favor one team at least...seems like the chiefs dbs just know how much they can hold and still get away with it. We tried to match their handsy secondary which was nice to see but we went a little overboard at times lol collingsworth trying to spin that phantom hold on Morse into a decent call then giving up about halfway through was legendary. That might have been the worst holding call I've ever seen
  9. Chiefs will be back they've had some flukey losses...lost the turnover margin by 5 against the chargers and almost pulled the game out...they've played 4 great teams so far. I bet they stack up some wins going forward and make the playoffs pretty comfortably...its nice they likely won't have home field though I was going to say the same thing...it was essentially the same defensive gameplan as the last two matchups against kc but people thought we were playing soft then lol now that the execution was better we are fearless for doing the same thing 🤣
  10. Their defensive backs still get away with murder apparently...i don't want to be one of those conspiracy theory people but I think their ragtag defense wouldve gotten smoked every week for the last 2 years if the refs were a little closer to the rulebook definition of a hold lol and that would certainly hurt the patrick mahomes brand by association. it does seem like we learned and made a more concerted effort to hold also but we went a bit overboard at times lol
  11. I dont understand how they can even claim that...there were as many garbage calls on us or more. Both teams had a very ticky tacky roughing the passer call...there was that terrible holding call on Morse that might have legitimately been the worst holding call I've ever seen...diggs got held by some scrub defensive back all game long and it was never called and despite all that if they didn't call that roughing the passer against the chiefs they get the ball on their own 40 down 11 with 11 minutes left? That isn't exactly in danger of winning the game lol I think these chiefs fans just fell for collingsworths BS of trying to make the game sound more exciting than it was...they got absolutely walloped. I like to think when we complain about the refs it's about a single call that completely altered the game like when white got called for that nonsense hold on his week 1 interception
  12. That logic always blows my mind lol it's early in the season so beating a team once has a huge impact on their record haha
  13. I wanna know how the chiefs dbs can just hold all game every game lol its infuriating. Was there a single hold called on their dbs last night I dont think so...diggs was getting held constantly
  14. Chiefs dbs are just so good at holding and it not being called lol unfortunately I think we have to work on that. diggs got held on that 3rd and 2 drop to start the second half and quite a few other plays. We were probably a bit too predictable in the second half trying to run out the clock but the game really was never close despite cris collingsworth trying to claim the chiefs had all the momentum until the roughing the passer call we got or whatever nonsense he said
  15. Favorite quote of the game 'allen is no patrick mahomes but hes close'...while josh is completely outplaying mahomes hahaha
  16. I think the Colts entire secondary literally got injured and it was all practice squad level guys...lamar made some nice throws though
  17. The two elite wrs seem to be stepping on eachothers toes. They have been worse than the sum of their parts
  18. He also conveniently left out rushing yards and W/L record...the Bills that year certainly weren't any better than the jets. Josh allen averaged more rushing yards per game in his first few starts than Wilson has total for the season so far
  19. Especially with starters coming out of the game if it's lopsided
  20. Came here to say exactly this lol I think he's throwing deep ball ropes by design to minimize the wind impact.
  21. The 32nd ranked defense we just played might be one of the best offenses of all time though lol do people think offense is the only unit that matters on the bills 🤣
  22. And milano if I recall...and Josh was apparently playing in a shoulder sling
  23. The hold just before that was probably the worst holding call I've ever seen in my life haha
  24. Right...it's exactly what happened to Josh week one you just don't see it happen to mahomes that often...theres not a whole lot you can do when your oline can't block 4 guys when everyone else is in coverage...not being able to trust those guys up front makes even a great qb very uncomfortable I'm curious what happens to mahomes when kelce retires
  25. That grinds my gears more than people saying he's not elite now 🤣 that bills team joshs rookie year had zero playmakers on offense besides josh and he straight up carried the team to a .500 record in his starts...people just look at the td/int ratio and completion percentage and assume he was bad it's super lazy analysis. We had no running game other than Josh and our wrs could not get open and if somehow they were open they'd drop the pass half the time lol
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