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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. Every 'super bowl favorite' will likely lose multiple tough games this year...the nfl and the afc specifically are very wide open and we could easily still be viewed as the team to beat even after that loss. Back to back road games against kc and ten is a tough ask for anyone Exactly...yea we got beat up a bit in the trenches but the strengths of our team more than kept us in the game. Both our losses have felt a bit flukey so far compared to last year when we got absolutely annihilated by ten and kc
  2. Taking a 12 yard sack is def worse than throwing it away too...not the worst play in the world
  3. Lol what happened to Dawkins is pretty much impossible is what I'm saying...looked like Josh tried to do exactly what brady did just a little left of center because he knew all he had to do was fall forwards to pick up a few inches... but Dawkins was in his lap in the split second it took him to take the snap so he slipped. We wouldve been more successful if we didn't even have a LT on that play somehow 🤣 the defender basically tackled josh with Dawkins instantly. Clearly it didn't work so we're all free to criticize but it is an absolute freak play not being able to get a couple inches on a sneak even if the defense loads up against it...like getting stopped when you need a full yard is one thing.
  4. I feel like we're putting uneccesary blame on the dline but maybe that's a hot take...tannehill had guys wide open immediately every play because our linebackers were absolutely clueless
  5. I think the part we don't really talk about is we were probably going to be a sizeable underdog in OT...win percentage was probably higher sneaking on that 4th and inches especially because we were finally sticking it to the titans dline a bit. In OT both teams wouldve marched down the field but theres no way we were stopping them in the red zone Lol how is that a weak answer? That is literally exactly what happened in the game. The Titans DL was not crushing us at the end of the game...Josh had tons of time...sneak was the right call he gets that 90% of the time...even with the putrid blocking I bet he picks it up if he didn't slip on Dawkins getting shoved into his lap
  6. It's criminal TB had to play in Washington last season lol I wonder if they ever change that
  7. It's incredible how many times levy said 'the bills fans invading Nashville has been overrated' loll like what did he expect the stadium to be 90% bills fans 🤣
  8. How could an offensive player on one team 'beat' an offensive player on another team 🤣 in fact...I think your logic is completely backwards and further cemented Josh as a true mvp in that loss. Dude was the whole team the defense couldn't get a stop and the offensive line couldn't block for almost the entire game and we still were a few inches from getting the win. I would def agree with this...people seem to think mvp is find the best team and pick the best player on it but that's not at all what an mvp is lol dak and Kyler have very similar 'these two guys carry the team' vibes to Josh
  9. 66 yard fg that never should've even happened...refs missed the most obvious delay of game of all time the play before that People keep going on about guys that are wide open either after josh has thrown the ball to someone else or after he has rolled to the other side of the field or after he has already scrambled past the line of scrimmage...I think mostly because the commentators were absolute fools last night 🤣 I do remember them saying ohhhhh this guy was wide open and it being one of those situations quite a few times.
  10. How can a game be a blowout when you give up 6 consecutive scores lol also its pretty tough to be methodological on offense when the titans are getting pretty much free rushers only rushing 4 most of the game I think part of it was we finally started to get some good push against the Titans dline on the last couple drives...they looked gassed but made the play that mattered most. Brady also doesn't have a left tackle launched into his lap the second he takes the snap on a sneak lol I can't say I've ever seen that before
  11. I think every teams fans are thinking it's not their year...even the 5-1 teams have looked pretty mediocre against bad-average opponents. The Ravens have been about as lucky as you can get so far. Also keep in mind each team is gonna have more holes than usual because the cap was significantly reduced
  12. They did seem to gas out on the dline late in the game too. I'm shocked they came up so huge on that 4th down It's crazy how much getting the W or the L changes the perception of things. If he gets the ball one inch further on that hurdle and we get in the end zone I bet he'd be the mvp favorite right now and the whole sports world would be talking him up...but now we've got people saying he was mediocre last night loll
  13. There was def one other that I remember although it led to a PI and he missed beasley once but it looked like he expected beasley to run a different option route to me. Other than that he was on fire in my opinion...its funny people see different things in the same game haha football is such a team sport that the act of assigning blame is pretty difficult
  14. Haha yea he missed that one...the decision was fine both those defenders were beat and he just has to get it almost anywhere out in front of sanders but he underthrew it
  15. I think it was mostly stunts coming from all over that we just weren't picking up which hopefully is more correctable than our guys just getting whooped by the same 3 or 4 down linemen all game
  16. Just cuz there were two guys in coverage doesn't mean he was double covered lol sanders burned both those guys it was just an underthrown ball...more up the field and its an easy td. We actually even completed the pass to pick up the 3rd and 17 but the defender made a nice heads up play and forced him out of bounds so im not sure 3rd and 17 is impossible. I just dont get how you can compare a guy who's seeing a 4 man rush with 7 dbs in coverage to a guy where everyone and their mother is biting on the play action and every receiver on the field is comically wide open. Josh was not perfect but he was great...we were literally inches away from talking about how he carried the whole team to victory. The sack was a bad play though you are not wrong about that...it had absolutely nothing to do with indecisiveness though. He was going to have Davis open deep on a double move but the weak side safety who had crept up a little too far was like oh cr*p and he raced back and got over to help just in time
  17. Haha I have said that same thing in like 4 threads so far 🤣 yes we definitely are desensitized to magical Josh allen absolute missles thrown on the run while being chased by 4 dlinemen...its incredible what this guy has been able to do with a pretty poor offensive line this season. This was a vintage Josh putting the team on his back game we just came up literally inches short
  18. I don't really understand 'indecisive' criticisms...there were some plays where a receiver was going to be open deep and he just ran out of time but I wouldn't say that's indecisive. Also 'pump fakes' often happen because defenders hands are in the passing lanes and you just don't see that from a broadcast angle. Josh was fantastic in this game I think people are just becoming desensitized to these ridiculous throws hes making on the run and under duress just because receivers look 'open' yea of course tanehill got the ball out quick haha our linebackers were completely out of position on every play action fake and pretty much every receiver on the field was wide open.
  19. Well said as always...I will quasi defend that throw into 'double coverage' though as sanders had one or two steps on both defenders it was just a badly thrown ball. Maybe not the moment for a shot like that though.
  20. There is a debate in how the call was changed without an official review but I def agree they ended up with the right call. If that was ruled a first down and went to an official review though like I would assume is the normal process I think it probably stands
  21. I'm not talking about screens that's a pass rush beater anyway. It's just comical how far from one dimensional our offense is I wish y'all could talk to the defensive coordinators game planning against us lol just having thr discipline to prevent josh from scrambling is an absolute nightmare...we hammered kc early with designed qb runs not passes then they had no answers...MacKenzie is a headache then you've got diggs and beasley and sanders to worry about not to mention Knox coming on strong. It's borderline indefensible trying to double diggs and cover all these other guys teams are probably thrilled when we hand the ball off even if it goes for 4 or 5 yards. I think we're a better offense than kc honestly...they lean so heavily on tyreek hill that mahomes seems to slip up when he's out of the equation...we have plenty of weapons beyond diggs
  22. Exactly....the Titans and browns are really the last old school ground and pound to set up play action type teams left and I guess we'll see how they do but there is no sense forcing that into your offense when you have so many strengths in other areas. Like think about Henry tonight...one of the best to ever do it right...you still gotta feed him tons of carries to break big runs. he had a great night and still got stuffed at the line plenty of times. And all those touches are less touches for the strength of your team against a weak pass defense.
  23. That's exactly where I was going with that just with a different spin...air Allen gives the bills their best chance to win and he is masking the deficiencies in the roster which is exactly what you need your star player to do. Every roster is gonna have holes...our weakness is we have guys that should in theory be decent pass blockers and struggle against the run. Nearly every team in the league is complaining about their offensive line right now there just isn't elite talent at those positions coming out of college anymore because the college game is so different. We are gonna go down this road where we force carries with our rbs all in the name of balance for what? There are plenty of ways you can threaten the defense in a similar way to a rb carry without handing the ball off to a rb. I am just shocked that the takeaway from a game where the offense was likely a qb slipping/ a different official spotting a ball away from scoring 38 points and that teams defense gave up 6 consecutive scores and we are complaining about the offense lol
  24. Lol its the offensive linemen...run blocking is not their strength. Singletary/moss had some impressive carries tonight despite having zero holes to speak of. The salary cap is reduced this season and offensive line talent across the league is diminishing...your team is always going to have weaknesses no matter who you are. The fact that we have people screaming to run the ball with a running back when you have an absolute freak at qb and you can do run-like quick underneath passes to someone like MacKenzie blows my mind it's like y'all want to lose lol
  25. The 'hero ball' critique and the defense getting absolutely demolished seem to suspiciously always happen in the same game lol so called hero ball is the only reason our offense is doing anything in games where our oline gets beat up that bad..honestly if you forced me to criticize the play calling I think we ran too much today and set up too many 3rd and medium ish situations...I think this 'you need to be able to run the ball with a running back to compete' is a complete oversimplification...Tennessee is about the best you can get with offensive balance and I will eat crow if I'm wrong but wake me when they win the super bowl. In fact, we watched the outrageously balanced SF offense lose to a mahomes led offense in a super bowl. Today was more about the defense not matching up well than anything else
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