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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. Yea I didn't hate the decision making on the second pick hes just gotta miss further out in front of Davis and incomplete at worst...first pick I have no idea what even happened which is not a good sign 🤣 Yea you can do that with most qbs on any given week though...Tua had one literally go straight through a defenders hands today
  2. The throw did seem to catch everybody off guard i still can't believe it...it would be hard to place the ball there from 10 yards out in a clean pocket and he does that lol ridiculous
  3. Yep I think poyer was trying to get in just as the ball got there to disrupt everybody but it was more friendly fire than anything
  4. Yea it does seem like we play a little on the safe side in general with trying to avoid penalties which is pretty ironic because we have no problem committing penalties 🤣 theyre probably not calling a PI on that play anyway
  5. Gotta see a game where Tua has to carry the team before we can start throwing the E word around. Idk if evidence supports they will keep climbing...most rookie qbs have the most success in their first few starts and defenses adjust. They're also scoring defensive and special teams touchdowns at a ridiculous rate.
  6. Can't argue with the push and shove cuz theyre likely getting away with it but I do think if a PI was called we would all be losing our minds talking about how awful of a penalty it was and that everyone should be fired etc. 🤣 It sure would be talked about forever though haha
  7. We get enough penalties called on us that aren't actually penalties to be in any position to recover from actual penalties 🤣
  8. Can't argue with that...people also probably predicted lamar wouldn't be good because he can't throw so theyre rooting for that to be proven...kind of like the thing we hate that other fans do to us regarding josh allen 🤣
  9. I think that movement is saying its less important for a division race because we have a game against Miami left anyway so if we won today and lost to Miami we are as f'ed as if we lost today and lost to Miami 🤣 we could be a game behind Miami going into week 17 and still be in control. If were a game ahead of them and lose though you've got to start thinking about all the tiebreaker scenarios since we both could be sitting at a 4-2 division record. its a much bigger deal for a wildcard race but theres a third wildcard this year too keep in mind
  10. I think the hate was sort of created by the glowing praise he received last year...every player has flaws and makes mistakes but to hear announcers and analysts talk about mahomes and Jackson like they are some kind of divine beings got pretty old 🤣
  11. I dont think the pats are as bad as people on here have been making it sound...on paper maybe but theres been quite a few years where we've had the more talented roster and where did that get us 🤣 to put on my tin foil hat for a second you've gotta think the powers that be set it up so that the bills dolphins week 17 game is for the division right? Lol
  12. Yea id love to see someone try it and then dean Blandino will have to furiously search through a rulebook to verify its not against the rules 🤣 this is a wild guess but a lot of these hail mary winners are on tips and deflections so I think theyre trying to maximize the amount of receivers they have on the field
  13. Haha right that was thr scenario I was lookin into...sad you'll have to root against us though especially with the way everyone is talking up miami 🤣
  14. I dont see two many realistic scenarios where they could do that id have to check on the tiebreakers though. If it was just us or Miami theyd have a chance but its both. If we win the Miami game I think the pats are in trouble but not mathematically done obviously. It would take a miracle for one of us and Miami not getting to 10-6
  15. I was just thinking that....rooting for a pats win is something I never thought I'd do. Granted there's an extra wildcard now but I sure hope it doesn't come to that
  16. Is there any kind of protection for the lifter when the receivers hands touch the ball if this was done in the nfl...I can't imagine them allowing this for player safety reasons but you never know...we all learned you can horsecollar qbs in the pocket this year 🤣
  17. I might be too optimistic but I think if mitch morse plays that game we win comfortably
  18. I dont know enough about rugby to refute this one but using three of your receivers to lift up one dude in a position in the end zone where he doesn't really have a way to adjust his positioning to catch a 60 yard pass while your qb is running for his life is the best use of resources haha im sure one of these nfl coaches would be crazy enough to try it if it would work I have absolutely no doubt allen wouldve loved to be out there on that play...that is for sure 😁
  19. The qb couldve been taken out before the receivers even got near the end zone though...with the gift of hindsight on our side here I think more pressure was the way to go. Thats what was so crazy about that throw...they flushed Murray out and he threw an absolute dime in the perfect spot where only Hopkins had a realistic shot at it. Murray and Hopkins could go out there after the game and try to recreate that play 100 times and they'd never do it again lol
  20. Haha I mean some of the stuff I've seen Josh allen do that seems impossible makes that almost a valid argument 🤣 its not the craziest post I've seen today lol
  21. I feel like poyer couldve not played the ball and just blasted Hopkins when he caught it too...looks like he was trying to do that but only ended up taking out tre lol
  22. You're losing a rusher though to put a quarterback in coverage.
  23. Yea it seems like we know we didn't need that win and theres more important games to come which takes some of the sting out of it for me...the offensive line which at times looks like the strength of this team was getting absolutely embarrassed in the second half
  24. Haha that reminds me of The Waterboy 'last game of the season cant hold anything back now' quote...I think our only chance the way that play worked out was sending more guys on the blitz though...I still can't get over how perfect that pass was. Granted we wouldn't have known that was going to happen when the play was called
  25. The game day thread was hilarious when we went down 3 you should take a read through that if you want to see crazy haha idk maybe its just me but I am in the mindset that I expect Josh to go down the field for the go ahead score now and that is a silver lining here This is true...we are holding some important players out though who I assume will be back after the bye. Did mitch morse take any snaps today I dont think I saw him out there...Brian winters was the worst player playing professional football in the United States today lol
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