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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. Its pretty difficult to compare receivers on two different teams in two completely different offensive systems I feel like. It would be hard to call this anything but a win win for both teams. We were closer to our window of competing and wanted an established wr...rookie wide outs usually take awhile to develop so we may have not wanted to take a risk on any of the guys available in the draft.
  2. I think if your first season as a starting qb is good and you play on a team that these sports writers care about you earn yourself quite a few years of excuses rather than criticism 🤣
  3. Now that there's no force out rule i think so haha I think catching a grown man in the air and carrying him a couple of yards against his will would be pretty difficult though 🤣
  4. Jacksonville was a ridiculous stefon gilmore pass deflection away from going to the Super Bowl. Just get to the playoffs and anyone can go on a run. There really isn't a dominant team this year and even these next level teams like the chiefs are beatable
  5. I wouldnt even say we were bad against big ben...the steelers were so much more talented than us not too long ago it wasn't like we were expected to hang with them and just didn't show up 🤣
  6. I dont like to get ahead of ourselves but where do you think we go if we beat the Steelers 😁
  7. Yup its strength of victory...looks like all three teams need 4 common games for that to matter. I thought maybe they'd still eliminate one out of two with that but it doesn't work like that apparently lol were in good shape for strength of victory unless the chiefs beat the saints and end up with 3 losses somehow
  8. I wonder how many years we wouldve snuck in as the 7 seed...we never deserved it so ive gotta agree with you
  9. It comes down to strength of victory...if the chiefs somehow beat the saints and lose to the chargers or something like that they would be the 1 seed in a three way tie. This is exactly what happens...I spent more time than id like to admit looking at this unlikely scenario 🤣 the bills better win out now haha
  10. I've been looking at strength of victory and we are in the driver's seat for that as well if its coming down to that...im sure I made a few counting errors but I used teams current records assuming steelers lose to only us and Cleveland and the chiefs losing to the dolphins and saints and us winning out and we are at 76-87 W-L in victories, steelers are at 70-92-1, and chiefs are at 67-95. Shame we had to play the winless jets twice 😁 our strength of victory would be quite impressive otherwise
  11. For a team to factor into the common opponents tiebreaker they have to have 4 common games played but im pretty sure you can still eliminate 1 of the 2 teams based on that tiebreaker without Pitt factoring in. The head to head rule between three teams specifically says you can't only consider two teams out of three and the rest of the rules don't say that . Im not 100% sure though. If thats not true it would come down to strength of victory. Nfl.com playoff machine has us in at a three way tie at 13-3 also
  12. They seem like the worst matchup for us and I dont feel confident seeing Bill belichick for a third time...despite their shortcomings on paper. I think we'd win a majority of games we played against them but we just don't stop the run well enough/ make enough plays on their defense to win comfortably
  13. Who do you think they would keep out of the playoffs? Id rather see Baltimore than Tennessee i think but otherwise I wouldn't want Baltimore in
  14. I think bad weather hurts the steelers more tbh...they don't run the ball either and ben is not half as athletic as Josh right now
  15. Amp up practice when they're playing their 3rd game in 11 days with all their guys banged up? Lol I think this 'teams coming out angry and playing better because they lost' thing is an absolute myth. Good teams don't lose two in a row often because the odds of them losing even one in a row is pretty low 🤣
  16. Seems like our players have gotten a lot better at not jumping on Josh's hardcounts lol that was a huge issue not too long ago
  17. I'm not in his brain obviously but im not sure nervous is the right word...I think he comes out jacked up to have a big game and gets a little overexcited when hes got a guy open and is about to make a big play. Dude looks as confident as anybody to me even when he's making mistakes lol
  18. Thats really the way to slow down any offense...get pressure on the qb without sending extra guys. Allens got that escapability though where you've gotta be really disciplined in keeping contain and is capable of a big play in any situation. Seems like teams have been trying to use that to their advantage and flush josh out of the pocket hoping he'll play hero ball and make a mistake and it just did not happen in that 49ers game. Limiting Brian Winters on field time seems to be the key to victory every week 🤣
  19. New England may be the worst on paper but they are the most likely to put some unexpected wrinkles in that stump us id say
  20. I was always skeptical of teams having 'extra motivation after being mad at a loss' but what do I know ive spent 0 minutes in an nfl locker room 🤣 its just as likely the next week's opponent now has the blueprint on your weaknesses
  21. Definitely the smartest bet lol Miami is very middle of the pack on all the football analytics sites for the folks that care about that stuff...im not sure where these 'Miami is the best thing since sliced bread' posters were coming from 🤣 they just had a pretty big soft spot in their schedule and they finish with 4 tough ones.
  22. I think our best scenario(outside of getting the 1 or 2 seed) is we go into a week 17 game with Miami thats meaningless for us but the dolphins need a win to make the playoffs and then we get a rematch with Miami in the first round of the playoffs. Idk if we could hold the 3 seed playing backups against Miami though so maybe thats impossible. If you could somehow guarantee me the bills beat the steelers maybe a Miami win over kc would be a good thing
  23. Theyd let it happen to the Steelers though 🤣 3 games in 11 days is pretty ridiculous but I won't complain if it gets us a win
  24. Head to head does not apply in a three team scenario if the three teams haven't all played eachother...so the first use of the tiebreaker rules is to eliminate one and make it a two team tie and you restart from the top of the tiebreaker rules...they don't do a great job explaining it on the website but ill try to track down the relevant quotes 🤣 its honestly a little silly that we lost to kc but are undefeated against common opponents with kc and can eliminate them but that is the way it is lol if kc had played pitt it would be a different story...a kc win over pit wouldve had them at 2-0 against us two and couldve eliminated us both in one tiebreaker rule. If pitt beat kc we'd all be 1-1 head to head and the same thing described before of kc getting eliminated on common opponents would happen...and by eliminate i mean eliminate from the #1 seed of course lol
  25. Yea I screwed up with knowing how many conference wins the teams would likely have in a three way tie in my last post but we would be the 1 seed at a three way 13-3 tie. Chiefs get bounced on the win percentage against common opponents tiebreaker so it comes down to us and the steelers and we have h2h
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