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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. I hate to blame injuries but we were just missing all the right guys that game. Quessenberry was awful filling in for brown and Bernard was awful filling in for Milano.
  2. it was a rugby scrum with a big group of guys pushing eachother lol there was like 0 injury risk there. Josh turned around and backed into a couple defenders
  3. They probably ruled his forward progress was stopped anyway
  4. Really postin that with a brian moorman themed username after a big punt return led to a td the previous drive then a hines punt return saves 20 yards of field position the next drive? Lol
  5. He’s not in game shape yet which is pretty standard when you haven’t played an nfl game in about a year
  6. This message board is unbearable on game days 🤣
  7. First play was fine design wise…diggs could’ve gained a couple yards and he decided to run backwards
  8. Tough to run the ball when diggs runs backwards 5 yards on the first play
  9. I don’t think so either…it was probably a very minor injury that required a few days rest so the plan was to see how his elbow felt Friday
  10. If qbs didn’t play with injuries that are as minor as Josh’s probably is I don’t think they’d ever play I think some nfl reporters took that quote from the bills ‘we fear he has a sprained ucl’ after the jets game and ran with it. There’s no actual evidence that the injury is remotely serious
  11. That’s the most likely scenario…the guy hurt his elbow and then threw an absolute rocket on the next pass is all we know for a fact. everything else was nfl reporters tweeting in a way like ‘bills fear josh Allen may have a serious elbow injury’
  12. That tweet from rapoport seems like he doesn’t want to admit he was wrong about the severity of the injury initially.
  13. I don’t think they’d be playing josh at all if there was a moderate risk of the injury getting worse regardless of 1 seed implications. What good is the 1 seed if your qb is playing at 75%. this seems like a case of reporters rushing to get a story out there and getting it wrong to me. I doubt his elbow is even sprained I don’t think the bills ever confirmed that part of it even
  14. I think he’s only playing because they likely determined he wasn’t really putting anything on the line future injury wise lol that is a nice sentiment though and got me fired up for the game though ngl
  15. That’s a fair point but I think this injury is likely extremely minor. To the point where if a qb did not play through injuries of this severity they would likely never play lol I don’t believe the bills even confirmed it was an elbow sprain so even that part of it seems like wild speculation
  16. If his injury is serious enough where he could dress but not start they would’ve called up Barkley imo
  17. Dude went from his career potentially being over to playing the next game in 6 days lol not only does that mean he’s playing…it probably means he’s very close to fine if Allen was playing through a semi serious injury that they weren’t sure how he’d respond to in a game they would’ve dressed Barkley
  18. I’d be pretty surprised if Barkley doesn’t get elevated either way
  19. I doubt it but the dolphins did that recently with bridgewater/Thompson so I guess it does happen. Thompson got the start with teddy banged up but teddy was active
  20. That’s what I was thinking…probably a mostly good sign but the announcement could come in after 4
  21. I’d expect the chiefs to be the underdog in that hypothetical playoff game even at home…assuming the bills injury situation is reasonable by then if we want to talk small sample size playoff stats the bills have never lost as a favorite in a playoff game with josh starting
  22. ‘Would reshape the entire playoff picture’….at the midpoint of the season lol fortunately the playoffs don’t start at the midpoint of the season
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