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Posts posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. 1 hour ago, Patrick Duffy said:


    If it doesn't make sense then I don't know what to tell ya, also why do you assume they bleed the clock for a FG? You take what the D gives you and multiple times there were WRs crossing wide open that would easily gotten 1st down to keep the drive going.

    Not sure we are talking about the same play. There was 2 times in particular I recall that a WR was open crossing that would have been a 1st down and Josh didn't take it

    You are talking about the same play…the play where diggs was open for a short gainer Shakir was absolutely wide open for a td 😂. Which is why I’m telling you the throw to diggs there didn’t make a lot of sense with how well the chiefs defense responded in that second half 


    the throw to shakir was probably even easier than the throw to diggs tbh…there was no defender to effect the throw 


  2. 5 minutes ago, Patrick Duffy said:


    If it doesn't make sense then I don't know what to tell ya, also why do you assume they bleed the clock for a FG? You take what the D gives you and multiple times there were WRs crossing wide open that would easily gotten 1st down to keep the drive going.

    It doesn’t make sense because shakir is wide freakin open for a td lol. Y’all are talking like it was a 50/50 jump ball type play 😂. That throw to diggs even if it was unaffected by Dawkins getting backed into josh at the last second probably gets stopped short meaning you need another big 4th down conversion then multiple other conversions to possibly do what one throw to shakir would’ve done.  ‘Keeping the drive going’ means nothing if you can’t get in the end zone and the way the flow of the game was going, it’s more likely we don’t pick up those tough short yardage plays.  

    not to mention we were only in that predicament because diggs dropped a ball that went right through his hands earlier so who’s to say he catches it anyway lol 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    Images below show the release of the pass (left) and a moment later (right). There was no way Diggs was getting that first down. Diggs is a terrible YAC guy and had two defenders squared up between him and and the line to gain. 


    It’s comical how wide open Shakir was lol people are talking like it was a risky ‘hero ball’ throw.  That’s how close we were to probably going to the afc championship.

    throw was right on line but he couldn’t get the mustard on it with Dawkins getting backed into him at the last possible moment 


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  4. 2 minutes ago, Patrick Duffy said:


    Agreed! I don't get it either, so frustrating seeing WR's running across wide open that easily would have been a 1st down and for whatever reason Josh didn't take it smh

    This still makes no sense to me…you couldn’t bleed the clock for a gw fg in that situation like we have seen in games past…the chiefs defense was getting the best of us late and you absolutely take the open td if it’s there.  

    this hindsight over analysis is going overboard…even if he takes that throw to diggs there’s still a very good chance we get held out of the end zone and lose the game then we’d all be here saying ‘why would he pass up a wide open td we were playing not to lose’ yada yada 

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  5. 26 minutes ago, Big Turk said:


    They drafted Offense mostly this year.  This team would likely have been giving up 25-28 points a game under a different DC with the personnel they had the 2nd half of the season.  I think McD did a pretty remarkable job on D with what he had to work with the 2nd half of the year.

    That’s my only fear really….i think another second round bounce or two in the playoffs and we’ll be firing mcd which seems deserved but the defense is gonna regress even further so we’ll end up in the same boat or worse 

    8 minutes ago, Punch said:

    This is such a nightmare:


    It was a weird game though…usually top is an indicator that one team isn’t doing much on offense but the chiefs were just scoring very fast lol 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Comebackkid said:

    might as well throw my 2 cents in.

    thought Brady did well in the first half but what started out as a good mix of throws and runs 

    became a one dimensional run game.   then after the half when the chiefs were starting to shut it down i 

    felt he got off his game plan.   we started taking low percentage shots and bad run calls up the gut with the

    entire chiefs D there. 

    the long pass to sherfield....either he had to run faster or the ball needs to be a bit shorter.  the chances of running full out and 

    then pretty much have to be extended fulll out and not having the ground take it away is pretty slim.  

    the deep ball to diggs, looks like he miss judged it but that was trying to track a 65 -70 yard throw at full speed with the Defender in your hip pocket.


    the bills needed more plays between safe and 10% chance of completion.   


    who ever thought having a washed up guy off the couch defending kelse wasnt very smart.   


    The D was decimated and it showed.   backups can only do so much and it wasnt enough.  


    If the Bills are every going to win a championship...they are going to have to plan smarter...draft smarter and play smarter.  


    Idk how to feel about Brady but he dialed up the deep shots and they were there…nobody made a play 

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  7. 4 minutes ago, UKBillFan said:

    I think the Diggs or Shakir question is perhaps a matter of preference. I thought throwing to Diggs would have meant Josh could throw it a moment sooner, which would have meant an unaffected pass. He needed to be aware Dawkins was in full reverse to his left. I admit I could be wrong; perhaps he would have needed a similar amount of time for both. If so… not fussed about going for the TD.

    He may have gotten the throw to diggs off…it’s hard to say.  I’m sure he saw Dawkins getting backed up but he just needed like a split second more fight out of him and we probably win.  Even if you hit that throw to diggs it’s still an uphill battle getting into the end zone

  8. 3 minutes ago, BeastMaster said:

    Asking Josh to play a perfect game is an unfair expectation that he still comes close to achieving, and probably does if Dawkins holds up for another half second.


    Instead of criticizing Josh, McDermott needs to be held accountable for his defense folding like origami in the playoffs against these top tier teams with franchise quarterbacks every single playoffs

    Man not even a half second…like a fraction of a second is all he needed.  Still almost got that throw there 

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, UKBillFan said:

    Think it’s fair to say Josh could improve his reads (he’d be unquestionably #1 QB if he did) AND desperately needs more help. 

    Might be true overall but he was near flawless reads wise in this game imo…I think people are taking what romo said before he even diagnosed the full play a little too seriously lol just because diggs was open for a pitch and catch doesn’t mean shakir wasn’t open for a pitch and catch td 

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  10. 1 hour ago, VaMilBill said:

    Diggs dropping that bomb. We end of punting in that drive. No points scored. We probably (maybe?) get at least three there if caught. 

    This is the one that kills me the most. Josh missing the crossing route to Diggs there on the last drive on 2nd and 9. If caught, Diggs definitely gets a first and probably goes down around the 10. It’s plays like these that made a Brady great cause he would see it, take the easy, high percentage, throw and keep the chains moving and the clock ticking. I honestly think at this point Josh will never get us over the hump because of either his inability to see plays like that or unwillingness to take the easy dump off even at crunch time. 

    Bass missing the FG at the end. Statistically Bass has been one of the worst kickers this season. I’ve been harping about it since the beginning of December. McD simply never trusted him the second half of the season. Last week was a giant flashing sign saying “don’t trust bass!” that McD didn’t heed. Even his XPs tonight were barely eeking in between the uprights. Now I understand if we make that FG, the chiefs still have a lot of time and two TOs, but missing it guaranteed we would lose. 


    Such a bad take on that 2nd and 9 play imo.  I am honestly shocked I keep seeing that posted .  You check it down to diggs there’s still pretty good odds kc keeps us out of the end zone.  Shakir was comically wide open for a td, Dawkins got backed into Josh at literally the last possible moment.  That was an easy pitch and catch td 


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  11. 1 hour ago, VaMilBill said:

    Definitely not with Sean. But even Josh sometimes has stinker plays that end up costing us. The 2nd and 9 no throw to Diggs on the last drive comes to mind. That is pitch and catch. You have to take that all day unless someone is uncovered in the end zone 

    I can’t believe the takes on that play lol. That was Dawkins holding up for 0.1 additional seconds from likely being the game winning td.  Shakir was comically wide open in the end zone and Dawkins got backed into Josh at the last possible moment 

  12. 15 minutes ago, sven233 said:

    I see a lot of complaining about the TD shot on 3rd down.  I for one, have no problem with it as it was called.  The route was there and the play was there to be made but late pressure forced the ball to come up a little short.  But, make no mistake about it, that was the right read in that situation.  It was a TD if he had that extra half second.  Sure, Diggs was open, but if the shot is there for the TD, you pull the trigger. 


    Now, I get the argument in the grand scheme of things.  Does that play need to be called in the first place or is there a better play that maybe would have given more options that would have gotten the first down to burn some more clock?  Sure.....I get that argument.  And if you want to blame someone on that play, blame Brady for calling it.  But it was called and Allen made the correct read.  It was there and was a split second away from connecting.  If you call that play, and it's there to be made, you try to make it and take the lead.  I know it's Mahomes and I know we hadn't stopped them the entire game, but this is professional football.  Score, take the lead, and then find a way to keep them out of the end zone.  Just find a way. 

    Absolutely correct read…getting in that end zone was gonna be very tough sledding... that’s as easy a pitch and catch as possible if Dawkins holds up a split second longer and was ultimately the difference in the game.  Can’t even fathom people saying different 


    there’s a very good chance we ultimately get held to a fg there even checking down to diggs and everyone would be all over not attempting that td throw 

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  13. 1 hour ago, Gugny said:

    Allen unnecessarily went into hero ball mode. 

    More than anything else, I think that is why we lost. 

    Throwing to a wide open receiver from the pocket is absolutely not hero ball lol id argue the odds of a win attempting that pass were significantly higher than if he takes the check down to diggs there…chiefs weren’t giving an inch 


    dawkins had to hold up like 0.1 seconds longer 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Nextmanup said:

    A lot of fans here seem to think the Bills can somehow win the Super Bowl in October, or maybe November one of these years.


    We've seen McDermott's ceiling and it came a couple of years ago.


    How long he sticks around until he is replaced is purely up to Pegula, which really drives me nuts.


    He is an IDIOT....so until Pegula announces McD is gone, it's gonna be same old same old around here.



    Being the 1 seed is a massive boost I’m tired of people pretending it’s not…playoff success and regular season success are absolutely linked 

  15. 1 hour ago, SWATeam said:

    We just going to ignore the last set of downs?  Game is there for the taking and our guy came up small.  Wide open guys underneath to keep milking the clock and moving the chains, but he can’t help himself from going for the kill shot.


    Blame McDermott, blame Bass, blame Beane or whoever.  Josh gets the excuses, Pat needs none.

    ‘Can’t help himself’ throwing to a wide open guy in the end zone haha how dare he.  Guarantee you we get held to a fg taking that underneath throw and we’re all here lamenting passing up a wiiiide open td. 

    This whole nitpicking with hindsight routine is comical 

  16. 4 minutes ago, ScottLaw said:

    I’d love Ben Johnson but clearly it’s not happening… we are stuck with Sean McSchottenheimer.

    This still makes me giggle…firing schottenheimer for norv turner was probably one the biggest mistakes made by an nfl franchise in history and its being used as a ‘we should fire our head coach’ argument for some reason lol 


  17. 7 minutes ago, Freddie's Dead said:

    We should but we won't.  The fake punt was the worst call I've ever seen.  Outcoached yet again by Andy Reid.  They were ready for it and stuffed it.  Putting Wrap on Kelce late in the game silenced Kelce, but it was too little too late.  We're going nowhere with McDummy, and we've wasted yet another year of Joshua Patrick Allen.

    Not to say McDermott was good either but I thought Reid was kind of bad honestly lol he mismanaged timeout usage horribly which essentially gifted us 7 points before halftime 


    mvs and crew made big contested catches, we didn’t make big uncontested catches 

  18. 6 minutes ago, ProcessImproverMan said:

    McDermott is Schottenheimer 2.0. Not spending a cent on going to the stadium next year if he's not gone. Belichick has us a ring by now. Pegula needs to make the call. 

    How did firing schottenheimer go in SD lol 

  19. 14 hours ago, Livinginthepast said:

    Ultimately it comes down to coaching. Even at the end. McD knows that Bass is struggling and so does Brady. Why did we even kick there?? ? Even if Bass gets the FG we probably lose this game because the Chiefs get into winning FG range easily when they get the ball back. Once we didnt get the touchdown we lost.


    McD just isnt up to the job when it comes to this high stress crucial decisions.

    This is getting thumbs ups?  Lol 4th and 9 you’ve gotta take the fg it is absolutely insanity to do otherwise 


    probably lose if we get the fg yea maybe…but the odds of converting that 4th and 9 were extraordinarily low 


    edit: y’all are crazy 😂. Getting stopped on that 4th and 9 was probably like a 75% chance and then you look like the biggest clown in the universe 

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