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Everything posted by Generic_Bills_Fan

  1. Second one there was a forced injury timeout
  2. I was sure he was gonna fumble there
  3. He took a sack two plays before lol. Robber made a nice read and broke on the play and chased it down. To josh it was not a crazy risk because he didn’t see the robber at all
  4. I mean I think it’s the nonchalance towards the 4th down play the series before that led to a td for me. Maybe two qbs in the league make that throw…his good play still far outranks his bad in this game so far the more pessimistic fans take all the positive wow plays for granted
  5. Looked like that defender ran a longggg way…watching it in real time from the broadcast angle never really tells the whole story
  6. He’s gotten away with it his whole career…Gronk too
  7. Not that I think it’s fixed at all but how many people would it really take? League office/goodell himself and refs really. Its not like you need players or coaches involved or anything
  8. It’s all been on the offense this year for them imo…their defense has looked really good at times but their offense was consistently hanging the defense out to dry. I’ve never been enthusiastic about Daboll…I think he’s another guy that rode Josh’s coattails and got way too much of the credit. plenty of stinker game plans in the Daboll days too where Josh completely bailed him out.
  9. Assuming Miami is playing starters I have the chargers games as 4th most likely loss but it’s all speculation and opinion based of course 😁 I’m not saying we’ll definitely win or that it’s an easy game but part of my point is if we can’t win that game I doubt we’re beating all three of Dallas kc and Miami anyway so the 4-1 finish hypothetical is a moot point anyway
  10. I thought it would be close and a lot of these games people are callin sure wins for these afc wildcard competitors with backup qbs are far from it. Its a long shot but it’s still possible…our tough schedule portions didn’t line up…their remaining 3 tough games in a row close out the year
  11. I think your description is missing a couple important factors that completely alter the outlook…the first being that you’re treating jax and Indy and Houston all as wildcard competition when one has to win the division. second being how likely is it Denver sweeps the chargers and in the hypothetical where we win 10 what are the chances the one loss is to the chargers? I’d say very low for both which makes neither of those teams a very serious threat so it might look scary but really it’s 6 teams vying for 4 playoff spots(one will win afc south) and one of them is the jake browning led bengals with the same record as us. its actually kind of a strength a lot of these teams have games against eachother left not a weakness for us…theres no chance of 4 teams all pulling a game ahead any given week. Its likely two of the teams you mentioned will beat up on some of the other wildcard competitors paving the way to the 7 seed If Indy jax Cleveland pit all had starting qbs I think it would be a bit more of a tossup but as it stands 10 wins has a very good chance of being enough
  12. A lot of named ex players have said they hated playing for him or he was terrifying lol. I don’t think he’s a ‘funny guy’ in a coaching capacity at all but maybe in casual conversation unrelated to football edelman said he’s terrifying and like the emperor cassius marsh said there’s nothing fun or happy about playing for the pats and he hated his time there Reggie Wayne signed there and reportedly said it was too tough then recanted it Brandon spikes called his time in NE ‘4 years a slave’ Wes Welker referred to bill as someone you just have to endure and that he’s hard on everybody I get that it got results and so on (although you can probably make a pretty solid case he lucked into Brady much like the bills lucked into Josh) but the point is things couldn’t have been THAT bad in Buffalo if these ex players are remaining anonymous because they think they’ll seem petty if people knew who they were. I think belichick was such a tyrant that some of these players were at their breaking point and just didn’t care how complaining made them look
  13. If there’s any conspiracies/refs picking winners type things going on I just can’t see why they’d want Cleveland,Indy or pit in the playoffs over Buffalo lol all three of those teams would get obliterated
  14. They beat the raiders in between We’d also be 2-0 against arguably the two best teams in the AFC and pretty bad against the rest of the afc 😂
  15. It def increased the odds we can get in on a 4-1 finish though
  16. If we’re bringing historic win percentages into it there’s little to no chance we lose to Miami to be fair 😂. I wouldn’t read into the historic results vs the chargers in SD too much for that reason
  17. I think a 9 win team will get one of the wildcards or the bills at 10 wins. Lookin at the teams in the hunt I don’t really see anyone pulling away except for maybe the Texans but if the Texans pull away they likely beat Cleveland and Indy which would kind of be good for us? I doubt it’s gonna take winning out from us
  18. They maybe shouldn’t have been in those positions sure but the defense has to hold once or twice on a final drive out of six different games lol that’s really not too much to ask. Not being able to stop NE or NYG(without needing a bailout from the refs) or DEN is literally insane 🤣. Just one stop out of a ton of chances and it’s a completely different season. If the defense got a few of those stops I’d have no problem putting all the blame on the offense there’s plenty of blame to go around on both sides of the ball. Last year the offense was more consistent and if the defense was this bad late in one score games we would’ve been much closer to .500 despite winning 13
  19. Kind of reminds me of the lions game last year…we caught them at the beginning of a hot streak and everyone thought they were a bad team still and the lions have been hot ever since lol Idk how this narrative keeps getting pushed that tomlin has no talent and overperforms every year lol he has talent and is holding them back imo
  20. The ‘every team will win the games they’re favored so we have no chance at the playoffs’ argument fell apart pretty quick lol
  21. If josh finishes fairly strong and the team does well it’s gonna be the most out of nowhere monster season in history lol. The only context he’s talked about really is turnovers
  22. I think even the bengals fans mostly hate Zac Taylor lol
  23. Yea seriously…if we run the table or win 4 games against most or all of Dallas/kc/miami, why would we assume one on done?
  24. Not that we should talk 😂 but I think tomlin is wading into overrated territory. We’ve been saying he’s doing a good job with no talent for years now but they’ve actually got talent now and they sure make it look like they don’t lol
  25. They might say 0% but I feel like if we lose to NE and finish with a losing record it could still happen lol
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