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Ray Stonada

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Everything posted by Ray Stonada

  1. Mystery of Stefon and why Josh is off target need to be solved now
  2. We looked awful on offense. Not currently in Baltimore's league...
  3. Had Diggs one on one there but run play Shakir is money Our best WR the last 6 weeks
  4. Martin is our MVP today lol
  5. We are better without Von and Jordan Philips
  6. Josh just played one of his worst career halves. Meanwhile Lamar in the first half against Miami: 12 of 14 for 255 yards, 3 TDs 0 picks
  7. Currently: Lamar Jackson 11 of 13 220 yards 2 TD 0 INT
  8. Definitively not Josh's MVP season
  10. This looks like a Super Bowl caliber defense
  11. I think Josh is still drunk
  12. Great play to Diggs, so smart
  13. We look confused
  15. Really bizarre overreaction by Joe Buck.
  16. In Buffalo, even people who hate football can't help but be aware anytime the Bills are playing, no matter how unimportant a game. In New York, no one has a clue that the Jets or Giants are on unless it's the Super Bowl.
  17. DaQuan and Ed wrecking offenses has Super Bowl winning potential
  18. Sherman somehow keeps his composure. Keyshawn and Skip are serious knuckleheads. Moronic takes from both.
  19. It’s CRAZY seeing the COVID games again, the masked coaches, empty stands… did all that really happen??
  20. He’s gonna have 45 TDs snd 4500 pass yards and doesn’t seem to be the the top three with any of the media heads…
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