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Everything posted by BlackWing

  1. Good luck Bills! You have an amazing team. Hoping for a close awesome game. May the best win.
  2. Well, nobody wants to face KC, so at least the people I've talked with would 'rather' face you guys, got mad respect for Bills though, and it's going to take everything we got. Think would be a great game personally.
  3. As a Baltimore native, I'm heavily pulling for the Texans to win. While I think the Ravens can edge out the Chiefs, I'd be much more comfortable playing Houston again (obviously). Don't think the Chiefs lose this one though.
  4. Alright, that drive was effin impressive. Bill's got this.
  5. 23-20 Bills, though I hope it's not that close. Hoping the Titans mop up the cheats, and we see you in the AFCCG in B'More for a hell of a game!
  6. Heard Ingram was just a cramp, no structural damage... phew. Was a scary game in Cleveland with Lamar, Ingram, and Andrews showing limps. Think Steelers are going to see a lot of practice squad.. lol.
  7. Crap, figured they would show a Saturday game nationally. Guess I won't get to see here in Baltimore. ? Oh well, hope you guys destroy them. Balti will be cheering for ya'. ? Bring that super D to Foxborough and have a good night running with Singletary & co. and you'll have more than a great chance.
  8. Congrats Bills! Knew you could do it. That D was on tonight.
  9. Thanks CSBill! Such a classy forum. With Lamar out of the equation, we'd definitely be more than a bit declawed, but even with RG3 taking the helm (he's no Lamar, but can still get some running done, and work adequately with this offense design) he'd still have the help of Ingram, Edwards, and our tricky TE's. The defense would remain the same, thus making a fairly solid team overall. Still, wouldn't be nearly as explosive or hard to prep for as is with Lamar. Just hope he stays healthy... every Ravens fan's prayer. Judging from his intense desire to prove himself and keep the team playing their best (even when up 3+ TD late in game, he has to get his 5th TDs pass before reluctantly stepping back) I'd expect Lamar to play hard in both games, only being pulled if we're dominating in later quarters. I do think you'll see him running more to sidelines, less down the gut, juking and spinning like swivel hips Smith (if anyone gets that joke; I love you.) He did have a minor quad injury before jets game, but hopefully that won't be a factor going forward.
  10. Thanks a ton, really proud of our guys this year. It definitely is a bit surreal, almost like an overly positive day dream (I'm sure you all can relate being how well you're doing this year.) Not used to all the praise we're getting lately, can't say I mind it though ? Even when Flacco was in his prime (2012 SB win) I don't remember feeling remotely as positive about our team as a whole (those playoff wins against Peyton and Brady back to back were so satisfying). I am a bit nervous about the playoffs though, it's an entirely different game post season, and I'm sure the teams will each have their own plans to deal with our unique offense. I'm confident we'll have some new tricks up our sleeves, just need Lamar to remain healthy and keep our D relentless. I won't feel 'too' bad if we end up losing to you though, as long as it's not the Pats or Pitt... that would just be terrible. Hoping for a big Bills win tomorrow, can show us some good ways to hurt them on week 17. ?
  11. Well, barring injuries, I don't see John sitting anyone out, particularly in that game. We take our Steeler rivalry pretty serious. Those games are always incredibly physical, I just hope we get out of it with little to no damage. Good luck against them Sunday, rooting for you guys! Need to protect Allen big time this game.
  12. Hello all, Ravens fan here from Balti, accidentally found your forum before our game last week. Very impressed with the awesome community you have here. Just wanted to say 2 things. 1. Well done keeping LJax under 30 last week. Will definitely make us nervous if we see you again in playoffs. Was a good scrappy game. 2. Please beat the crap out of those Squeelers... (Pats too) Seriously... and completely. Remain classy! ^_-v
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