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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. In this picture, Geds is shinier than I remembered him to be.
  2. Agree 100%. If it's too lean it can get gross on the smoker. A couple of years ago I had a few pounds of ground venison. "Make burgers," I said to myself. "Smoked burgers are great!" Boy, was I wrong. Dry, awful, inedible. I might try this again, now that we have our own grinder. I'll probably just add in some fat during the grinding process and this should correct the issue. With pork tenderloin (minus the silver skin), as an example, I'll to a dry rub and let sit in the fridge for a few hours. Smoking to temp @225 heat works nicely.
  3. Wait, @jrober38 is doing pizza reviews now that his QB whisperer schtick is dead?! HAHA
  4. For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq1CbIfkaMw&ab_channel=PizzaReviewJoe
  5. I stopped grilling steaks a couple years back. Wait, what? My old Weber (propane) finally crapped out, so I bought a new, huge, Weber with the sear station and all of that jazz -- then had this epiphany that my steaks, while cooked exactly they way I wanted them, on the inside, were sorely lacking the sear that I was seeking. Plus, after having steaks cooked on charcoal, the difference was palpable. (The Weber is great for most other stuff, so I still use it a lot.) IOW, I echo the sentiments about sous vide. I'll sous vide to about 120F or so, then hit it in screaming-hot cast iron for 1-2 minutes per side to finish. For those who've never sous vide, a lengthy hot water bath tends to give meat a grayish appearance -- tho it's cooked on the inside. Regardless, I keep it simple with salt, pepper, and olive oil, maybe 1TB of butter in a cast iron pan, and that does the trick -- after a 15-minute rest. Favorites are boneless ribeyes and NY strips. I've started getting into tri-tip lately. And, yes, I agree with everyone who mentioned Thermapen (even a generic one): FTW. I have a grill and a pellet smoker. I've thought about a Green Egg or maybe getting another Smokey Joe, but I'm conflicted -- I'm also looking at a tandoor -- because the tandoor should be able to do everything the GE can... and more.
  6. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/arts/music/steve-albini-dead.html If you heard any late 1980s / 1990s "alternative" rock, his stamp was all over it.
  7. Meat on smoker, rosary touching, a rubber chicken that I will swing over my head.
  8. I remember when, pre Tom Brady, Bill Belichick was a laughing matter. He had worn out his welcome in Cleveland after having benched Bernie K for Testaverde. Then there was my summer of glee -- I think that it was either 1999 or 2000, a handful of years after I moved to Boston for a tech job -- where he had ideations of starting Michael Bishop at QB. And that was after he wrote his resignation to the Jets on a cocktail napkin, before holding a terse presser. I thought that I could further watch this loathsome figure destroy the Pats, but no. But freaking no. Tom freaking Brady. (I don't have a calendar in front of me, so maybe it was 2000. It is all a blur for me sometimes.) He proceeded to go sub-.500 in his first year as HC of the Pats. Then, ugh. Just, ugh. Tom freaking Brady. Everything after that was classic BB, and look at the results (gleeful). What I'm getting at is that it seems over for BB, as well it should. While I would like the Bills to move on from McD, at the same time I'd be non-plussed if BB is his replacement.
  9. Linux/FreeBSD changed the way I thought about software and development -- and changed my focus in college from pre-law to computer science.
  10. ... and for this year? I liked him as coach here, don't get me wrong, but I'd much prefer someone like Berube.
  11. Easy question. They gave Grannato an extension and yet the team underachieved, like bigly. The Sabres aren't terrible. As I wrote earlier in this thread, we've seen terrible with the Sabres in recent years. They gave the coach an extension with zero reason(s) to do so. In that light I am surprised about the change in course.
  12. I can't believe that they fired the coach. I mean, yes, I can, but I thought that he would be here forever. So long as they don't hire Ted Nolan or the ghost of Lindy Ruff, I would hope for better results next year.
  13. I was definitely around during the trial, both in WNY (finishing up at UB) and watching it with a perverse curiosity. I loved watching OJ play football. He was a great PR guy and a pretty funny fall guy in the Naked Gun. I couldn't help but watch. It wasn't just the glove didn't fit, given my recollection; it was the look on OJ's face and his mannerisms that totally sold that moment. Around the jury, I'm wondering if the previous LA riots played a role in their decision, but admittedly this is just conjecture on my part.
  14. I think of it in simple(r) terms, and the docu series kinda broke it down in the same way; it came down to the shriveled glove.
  15. During the machinations of OJ's criminal trial, I was dating a wildly inappropriate woman -- which tracks, because at the time I was also wildly inappropriate. Everybody hated everybody so there was parity. I happened to snark on dinner night (one night, with her family) that OJ would have his charges reduced to a noisy muffler infraction, and a short time later, there we were. I was wrong in premise, but I was also right that literally zero would happen to him in that criminal trial. The judge was an attention seeker, the lead detective an avowed racist, the assistant DA a (former?) stripper (that was real, right?), Kato, useless witnesses, a circus of a trial, a glove did not fit, and jeez, like so many others I came to understand that OJ had literally gotten away with not one, but two -- TWO! -- murders.
  16. Correct, and in my view it happened for a reason. I don't care about tweets or twits or whatever (I haven't been on social media for ages), but that move was clear in its implications.
  17. Huge dead cap money, but where there's smoke...
  18. He will be finely tuned, and if he starts missing again next season then I will blame you for your first go-round with him. HAHA
  19. I look forward to seeing you play the inconsistent Bills' kicker at your next gig.
  20. What's funny about DD is that it's super regionally based. I talked about Dyngus Day with a (Polish in ancestry) ex-girlfriend's family, in Syracuse, decades ago, and they looked at me like I was a hydra. (I probably was a hydra.) And yet, over the years I've found folks in Cleveland and in other places who embrace this very sacred day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Śmigus-dyngus
  21. On the edge of my seat til April 2nd. My father-in-law has this saying: vanilla water. It's his sarcastic barb for anything that isn't deemed worthy of conversation. So I asked him, last Christmas, how to explain Vanilla Ice. He boggled. So I explained, flatly, that, "Vanilla Ice is what happens to vanilla water when it gets extremely cold."
  22. Honestly? For the Sabres it's when they had an amazing season with Drury and Briere then promptly pooped the bed in the playoffs. Or the 1998-1999 season for that matter. Or the 2000-2001 season with Hasek and the ghost of Dougie Gilmore. For the Bills, name the year. It's all a bucket of suck to date, but at the same time I watch every game like a lunatic because of deep roots in the area -- and how of all the people here, I literally got a chance to watch OJ knife through defenses before he
  23. There's this show on YouTube where the "celebrity" faces a gauntlet of spicy wings (no ranch, not unless they bring it). Maybe he should appear to clear this all up?
  24. I hate sweet stuff as an adult. I admit it. I like salty, and in particular spicy, like really, really spicy. Having written that, I was such a fan of the chocolate-on-chocolate Pop-Tart. Can't eat such things anymore, as while I'm 6'6", I also hit 300lbs during the height of the pandemic. Still, fond memories...
  25. If the Bills didn't have JA17, this would be a trash heap of a sports empire like all the rest. Both teams need a new HC, but the Sabres more desperately so. However, I don't think that's the game being played here. Certainly, and over the past decade, I've seen worse Sabres' teams. We all have. But this one, or at least on some level, is more brutal -- because they should be a LOT better, and yet they aren't.
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