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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. Agreed, but he didn't look great in heels. ESPN, like so many other sports outlets -- this is just my opinion, of course -- is no longer interested in actually discussing sports. Instead they want a smoke show of one sort or another. Every time I ask myself why I stopped watching TV years ago (outside of Top Chef and the Bills, and maybe save for binge watching here and there), I need to go no further than the decline of outlets like ESPN.
  2. Mr. Kenny would've dinged points for the grammar. Alright, so we start a SJCI group here, assuming one doesn't already exist. It's crazy that we're talking about Sturm and Kenny (Kenny taught me how to write in a concise way). Doc Breem would've won the SB for the Bills already (let me up my game here -- ahem). He would've fought with a bear before throwing simple outs to the likes of Vladimir Putin, and it would've been a beautiful thing. What've you got?
  3. It's gonna be close. I don't view this as a SB year. But if anything with Bills' fandom has shown me over the decades -- it's that we have to expect the unexpected. Always.
  4. I have bad Juju about this.
  5. Oh yeah. Forgot about that guy. And Harrison, too!
  6. Would love to hear the story about that one. Have been here on and off for the past 10 years, give or take. Frank Reich? WHY, GOD, WHY, I say in a Kerrigan moment.
  7. Oh, how can I forget about this guy? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Chmura
  8. So true, just like in that song by Spandau Ballet. True, but remember that game when he was laughing at the Bills on the sideline? Was he the GOAT? Absolutely. Should he conduct himself as a professional and not be a d-bag? 100%.
  9. Frank Middleton! Yes! Didn't even think of that one!
  10. Romanowski is an excellent choice. Michael Irvin is another excellent choice. Now that I'm less surly as before, might I throw in Ray Lewis for some color? (Definitely no pun intended.) I had an avocado earlier with taco salad and I guess that I was seduced by greatness? But, yeah. You are spot on. Wait, what? Really?! He wasn't amazing after year 1, but gosh. It's an interesting take, but what is on your mind about this one? I am legit curious. In fairness, a number of older folks like myself had a different opinion of OJ before the murders and other criminal behavior. He wasn't openly loathsome -- then. Should his initial "transgression" (it was bad, so we are clear) happened during the age of social media, then who knows? OMG, forgot about Lawrence! (Mentioned Ray Lewis in another response, so won't redouble.)
  11. How could I forget this crew?! My bad, and great choices! I'm a surly old man, and also forgetful, apparently.
  12. I'm going with Jameis Winston (high draft pick, never realized potential), Ryan Leaf (obvs!), and Jack Tatum. Sky's the limit. Who are yours? (Apologies if this thread was created repeatedly over the past decades.)
  13. #eddiemurphyraw is worth a watch.
  14. Just saw a soon-to-be-deleted version on YouTube, well, just a few minutes of it -- but thought that it was hilarious. The cinematography (of the bootlegger) reminds me something of an episode of Seinfeld. (How the full movie was able to be uploaded to YouTube without raising any red flags was news to me, but whatever.) Will definitely see it in the theaters, maybe end of week.
  15. I grew up during the Blizzard of '77, in NT. Not great. Snow didn't melt for *months*. NT was always feverish with snow, like always. Not to mention... Trico!
  16. The movie is probably top 3 disturbing -- that i've ever seen. The soundtrack is sublime, however.
  17. I'll make this a lot simpler than @Sweats. All I want is for people to do their jobs. No ***** around. Just do your work and help us sell (I have mostly worked for tech startups in the 30 years that I've been in the industry, and moved to a technical sales role 10 years ago). So, every piece of ambition counts. And I deeply resent people who don't handle their own *****. The Hate 💩, as @Sweats references, is hilarious to me. It's massively cathartic, as I came to learn. Scenario 1, circa 1999. Co-worker, he who hated working for Fidelity in Boston, left a steamer in a urinal as I guarded the door. I wish that I didn't look, but couldn't help myself. Someone just voided in a urinal, and to hilarious effect?! Oh, god. Scenario 2, 2010. Our realtor sucked (I have nothing against realtors, FWIW), and after multiple fits and starts finally sold our home in NH... for way under what it should've sold. The night before I was on a bender, ate a whole pizza by myself, and smoked two cigars. My 💩was rank -- I arrived at the closing that morning at 8am -- like pure death. I made the decision to shut the fan off in the interior bathroom of the realtor's office, and it was awful in there. I left everything in the bowl as well. I didn't even flush. I washed my hands, then locked the freshness in the room before I exited, smiling and shaking the homebuyers' hands. I wonder whatever happened to them. Hopefully they understood my hue. So, Sweats, when you get a chance to Hate 💩, pay it forward (or backward, depending on how literal you are).
  18. My "Frankie Say Relax" t-shirt from circa 1985.
  19. CA is excellent, and definitely a great way to close out. It's still MP for me with a nod to PW.
  20. This, and Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs (or the huge can of meat-filled raviolis), are totally disgusting. Having written that, and as someone who maintains a great diet due to being prone to obesity, I just put my wife on an airplane. I suspect that I might dip my toes into something like this tonight (figuratively speaking).
  21. I've been thinking recently that we should make more albums for dogs (love 'em), like this jam that you can only hear at 20k or higher.
  22. Admittedly, also, when I read a thread about a new toy, I immediately thought of Tom Brady's best friend -- that was thrown on to the field. Oh. It's a sweet copy of legendary music gear? Geddy Lee, wearing shiny pants, plays a similar instrument? They did not throw this bass guitar onto the field in Orchard Park? This thread reinforces the magical nature of the internet.
  23. I also just smoked 4lbs of home ground pork butt -- for breakfast sausages. Simple recipe, LOTS of fat on the pork butt, zest of two oranges, toasted then hand ground fennel, salt, pepper, crushed red pepper. Then I made them into 1/4 lb patties before smoking for 45 minutes @ 225F.
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