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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. I remember that one. Hilarious! Season 3 or 4 (I forget which one) where Larry David stars in "The Producers" and features Mel Brooks. Hilarious season from beginning to end. My top 3 single episodes: "Crazy Eyez Killah" -- awesome "Porno Gil" (starring Bob Odenkirk) -- hilarious "The Group" -- comment withheld, but definitely unexpectedly hilarious
  2. Only problem is that Syd is dead.
  3. wot? I heard that JBJ was moving the team to YYZed, and that Richie Sambora was going to be GM.
  4. I love how classic rock stations, at least in my market, are now playing Nirvana as "classic rock". I liked the band decades ago, but yeah, right!
  5. I think that Beavis is hysterical. However, paying $64.99 (YouTube TV) just to see this film seems like a bit much. I'll see it at some point though! I confirm this as true. My wife's Super Hot Friend (TM) used to flirt with me mercilessly. And then I divulged that I enjoy BnB immensely, and things haven't been the same since.
  6. For me, Seinfeld kinda lost its way after the season where George's fiancee dies after licking too many stamps (I found that episode to be darkly funny, like so many other of the episodes). By the time the series ended, I was glad. It kind of ran its course. "Curb Your Enthusiasm", if you haven't seen it, is "Seinfield" for the R-Rated crowd. The first 4 seasons, in particular, are fabulous.
  7. Your chocolate is in my peanut butter. Incorrect. Your peanut butter is in my chocolate.
  8. https://c.tenor.com/Spg6k7Wdwp0AAAAC/self-flagellation-noo.gif
  9. Apologies to @aristocrat up front. I gave you advice about the surgery, which I now know you are well aware of, without offering my support, and in naive terms -- because dogs are super awesome, and are family members, and in ways that many people (who don't have dogs) can't imagine. In retrospect, and for pooches forward, doggie health insurance will help with the insane cost of the TPLO procedure. It was a hit to the bank account, and while well worth it, a 10k bill up front could've been avoided should we have had the insurance. Check the various policies, but many will pay for this procedure.
  10. Our then ~6 year old yellow lab had the TPLO surgery in 2017, and while old now, fully recovered in a month or two. Until then the dog would not put any weight on her hind leg, and the doctor feared that a tear would result in the other hind leg -- so surgery it was. It was expensive, and took a LOT of diligence on our part to keep the dog to be calm (good luck with a fun lovin' lab like this one). But in the end, it was worth it, and she went back to her retrieving and swimming activities at full speed.
  11. I am certain that there is no backup plan, and I'm not trashing anybody. It is what it is, crypto wise, that is.
  12. So true.
  13. If the world economy collapses, who will run the servers -- that manage crypto?
  14. And, Christ. Yeah, you're right.
  15. I note, also, that the world has not come to an end today. Well, I guess I should've said that there are trades still happening on Wall Street. I say this because... trading is still open from what I can tell. Then again, maybe this will be an impetus to write a suitable sequel to the musical "Annie". I always thought that it was "Annie, Get your Gun", but maybe this time Annie will get her gun and shoot Daddy Warbucks?
  16. I am thoroughly familiar with ISO20022, and of HIPAA, PCI, MITRE, and so forth. My Q vibe remark is not unfounded. Should the Watkins clan be believed, the 2020 election would've been overturned eons ago. When someone says that something big is going to happen, then nothing happens, one wonders why these broad prognostications never come to be. Do I think that the world will change tomorrow, IOW? NO. Crypto has its place, and I hope that people keep researching it. It's a neat idea, but it's not cooked. And most certainly it requires oversight, and that's something that the crypto crowd doesn't want in the slightest. If prices return to 1955 levels, wouldn't you sense a regression in terms of salaries and so on? If companies can't make money, given 1955 levels, how can they make money? This is lunacy, and I hope that you are just trolling.
  17. I was born and grew up in NT. There's a crypto facility on/off Ruie Rd, and god does it create a racket. And plus crypto mining performance degrades over time, so things get a lot worse as crypto grows bigger. No crypto enthusiast, and I say this as one who understands the core tech around crypto, has been able to tell me why there is so much waste. It's a feature, and not a bug. Plus, hearing that crypto markets shutdown due to inability to keep up with trades is also a red flag. Has WS ever shutdown due to a huge number of trades? Never, at least not in the tech era, that I recall. Far be it for me to tell someone how to spend their loot, but I don't think that being hypercritical of crypto, as it is constituted today, is a bad thing.
  18. If a certification is required, but we have a total system failure, why would anybody put their faith in a certification? And would there even be a governing body to manage the certification process, should the system fail? Regarding the impacts of Evergrande, I admit that I am skeptical. Any time I hear of an earthquake of an event, I wonder why a single event would lead to total chaos on the stock market. FWIW, I have a computer science degree (UB), and did devops for a living before I moved to being a sales engineer 8 years ago. I understand the tech behind "coins", and therefore find myself somewhat conflicted about the aims of crypto overall. Plus there's a Q vibe to this whole thing, and naive thinking around what will actually happen should Wall Street collapse. 100% correct analysis, and if Wall Street dies, we'll all be in a world of hurt -- before WS is replaced with a crypto model.
  19. Glad that my previous narrative was not misunderstood / taken the wrong way (as taunting). Like I wrote earlier in 2022, I swore off arguing on the internet as a resolution, and I'm sticking with that. It makes my headspace all that much more clear. I am 50, and plan to retire at 60. I've done all of the squirreling away via 401k, as has been the norm, for many, many years. Simply put, I've had conventional employment, and (hopefully) have made all of the right moves -- so that I can retire in peace (early'ish), then start my own business and consult / do whatnot / totally realize my inner curmudgeon -- until they wheel me out feet first someday. How can crypto help in this regard? Is it incremental gains (and losses) like Wall Street? Or is it home run hitting? That's the part of the game that I don't understand. I say this as one who's just about done, and who is pretty much risk averse at this point in life.
  20. From my end of things, I'm not taunting you when I say that I have a lot of disbelief. This can also be said of electric cars, solar panel savings, and many other things. While I wish you well (and I mean this!), at some point, given the electric cars and solar panel savings, it comes down to gain vs loss, so in that light -- I always want people to show me the baby. Would be great if you keep us posted, because should your theory about QFS be true, nobody here will lose out should Wall Street be replaced by crypto; there will be enough investments to go around, right?
  21. We had our corporate sales kickoff at Disney a few years ago, and for one of our group dinners, they said that they were going to serve "food from all over Asia", and I was kind of excited. Vietnamese? Thai? Burmese? Indian? I'm all in. Thing is? When Disney does this stuff, it's kind of halfassery all the way. IOW, I hear you about Disney and Star Wars; Disney's Star Wars is like eating Asian cuisine at Disney.
  22. Just saw the fourth episode last night, and it gets darker still. And you're absolutely right about the contrast.
  23. Yep. Confirmation bias is real.
  24. I will request that my local Cinemagic lets me know when all of the good times for audience interaction are. 🤠
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