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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. I'm doing that Jameis Winston W finger licking thing, but legitimately, right now.
  2. I think that I have wood right now.
  3. I mean, he's better than Tua, but not better than Rosen. Oh, sorry. Hit the sarcasm button there by mistake.
  4. This is a great take. Back when Chris Chandler used to play, a colleague of mine referred to him as "Crystal Chandelier".
  5. Nothing is a given this early in the season. However, this is a good squad, and I have faith in a really good season + beyond. IOW, so long as Allen is the QB and the D is playing great, I don't care about other teams -- so long as the Bills keep rolling.
  6. You'd think, but it's not like teams were lining up. I didn't think that Lance is that great of a prospect, and if Jimmy G is serviceable or better this year (and stays healthy), he'll get an extension in SF or a new contract elsewhere. He isn't great, but folks like Geno Smith and Blaine Gabbert still play in this league.
  7. I think he means, "Those who are tardy do not get fruit cup."
  8. Neat. His signing would switch some people off. Or maybe it's a bait 'n' switch. Or maybe he'll switch to defense. I wonder which player we'd switch him with.
  9. Pretty crappy game, but at the same time it kinda took me back to Bills' football of the drought years: bad enough to lose close games, good enough to hang in there, and a lack of execution all over the place. Glad those days seems to be over for the Bills, but it seems like half of the league is in that abyss now, so... It shocks me that Geno Smith is still in the league. Russell Wilson is a weird dude -- he's got this weird "Serenity Now!" psychopathy about him -- but I've seen a lot worse.
  10. This thread is what the internet is all about! Missing cat! Self found cat! Non sequiturs! Brightened my day. Thank you.
  11. I find this UnSettle(ing)?
  12. He's no EJ Manuel, he who exited the league in like 5 seasons. Or maybe he is!
  13. You work for a long time (in my case, 27 years, in tech), and you realize that companies are slow to respond to *****. No matter how prosperous tech, no matter how prosperous the NFL, but when people step out of line, in any sense, in industries where there is massive competition for talent, you are totally ***** as an employee -- with the slightest suggestion of impropriety. All an employer needs is enough ammo to cut you loose, and they will. This is not an implicit/explicit suggestion that what took place with this is/was fine. It's not. Before I started dating my wife 17 years ago, or before we got married almost 15 years ago, the number of women I'd dated -- who were honest about having been raped -- was really, and sadly, off the charts. Whether or not this player did it is irrelevant. All that stands true is that being raped ***** women up, and as I think about my past dating history, this is a real thing. I'm glad that this young woman came forward, as so many don't. My only surprise is that it took the Bills so long, in particular after they had an "investigation", and kinda left McD out to dry in his presser yesterday night. I'm glad that they let this guy go. I really am. Innocent until proven guilty is not how employment works. They find a reason to let you go, and they will. End of story. A few weeks from now, when this player ends up in Washington, all will be forgotten.
  14. I don't care what helmet(s)/uni(s) the Bills wear, so long as 2022 is a blessed year. However, I do empathize with my father in law, he who is color blind, and was forced to witness a Bills/Jets "color rush" game from a few years ago. Outside of that, wear whatever, and win the whole thing. Please, for a change?
  15. To his credit, Tyrod wasn't EJ Manuel, and was a good dude by all accounts. But otherwise he wasn't good enough by a long shot.
  16. How could one forget the magnificent rein of Jeff Tuel?! MY BAD!
  17. I admit that I didn't read the whole thing, but I was curious, so I started to read. Thank goodness that times have changed is all I can say. Here are the QBs that started for this team since I (remember) watching in the 1970s, my family being from Buffalo after having emigrated from eastern Europe in the late 1800s. In no specific order: Fergie Joe Dufek Gary Marangi Ferragamo Bruce Mathison (sp?) Kelly (alongside a cast of others that I forget) Legend Frank Reich Flutie The Robosackmaster (Rob Johnson) Todd Collins The guy who didn't read the playbook (or maybe he didn't start, but tried to finish, but regardless) Alex Van Pelt Drew Bledsoe Losman Kelly Holcomb Trentative Fitz Travis Brown (that's his name, right?) Brian Brohm (maybe I'm wrong, but ***** it, don't care, too old, too long ago) Manuel (barfing out loud) Tyrod Taylor Barkley Allen Tad Lewis Orton I'm sure that I've left some out, because when you have a formerly moribund franchise -- you tend to forget the ***** that isn't right. You watch the games, and you kinda *blah* most of the time. Plus the FO was ***** for most of my life. So, yeah, it's a partnership between ownership, the FO (GM in particular), HC, and QB. For most of my life that wasn't a thing. Glad that it's a thing now, and here's to hoping for 2022-2023.
  18. So, Stranger Things? This season was so, so good. It's prolly not for kids, but that's fine. Let parents parent. On to the next season, and I can't wait.
  19. Like a kitty (*meow*), he's landed on his feet, well, kinda. Regardless, I have zero faith in the Browns nor the Panthers, to manage their clubs effectively. I wish the dude all the best, but he should check for holes in his parachute. That's all I've got.
  20. Took them long enough. My god. The pathology of a child abuser is very complicated. Oh, and I've met two Bills' fans over the years who were sex offenders (of children). And yet, here we are.
  21. I believe that in the same episode, as a side effect, someone who was accused or convicted of a crime (took place so long ago that I don't recall, and too lazy to look it up), had an alibi. The alibi is that they appeared in the stands of Dodger Stadium, during the filming of that episode of Curb, it was caught on camera, and all was forgiven.
  22. Doing this would be akin to diving into an empty swimming pool. Nor do I have the fun ones, or any of them, that she showed us (yes, my wife was there too) that day. But to paint a picture here... a few summers ago, we were sitting in our newly rebooted backyard (large table/chairs/umbrella covering, fire pit, etc), and I went inside to pee and to get another bottle of (chilled) white wine (this was during my/our heavy drinking days). When I came outside with bottle in hand, both women were sitting shoulder to shoulder, giggling a bit (there had been drinking, a lot of it, that day), and my wife kept saying, "oh my god, that is SO hot!" over and over again. Her face was kind of flushed, and she kept giggling and pointing at her friend's phone. I dropped the bottle into the chiller, looked at them both, and kind of shrugged. "I don't know, should we show him?" her friend asked. "Sure, I don't see why not," my wife said flatly. Again, alcohol was involved. Maybe different choices would've been made in the face of sobriety. But then again, my wife watches those MCU movies because of the Thor Guy. And she'll point out hot women to me when we're out (and vice versa), and it's fine. So maybe she was fine with this tease? I don't know, and didn't ask. Why? Because I got to see those pictures, and I think that saying nothing in this context was a smart move. Her friend handed me her phone and told me to swipe left. She explained that she had this new guy in her life (good luck to that poor fella) and that she took selfies of her trying on various bikinis -- ahead of their trip to the Bahamas. She had asked my wife for feedback. And then she asked, flat out, if I would give feedback. Uh oh. Shiny bikinis. Thong things (there should be a shop called Thong Things, if there isn't one already). Tiny bikinis. Apparently one of them became sheer when it got wet? Plus my wife's friend had this "tramp stamp". I didn't know that, she always told us that the hates tats, and yeah, I freaking love the "tramp stamp". And there was this "tramp stamp" in all of its glory. I wanted to ask how she got it, but damn those cats, and how they get your tongue. So then her friend asked me what I thought. I was on the spot. I said that she looked great, and that her guy (poor bastard, he didn't know what lay ahead for him when he basically end up decapitated) would probably like the "suits" as well. Then I handed the phone back, and basically sat in the living room myself, reveling in the hotness of what I just witnessed. Over the years I've considered asking what happened to the pictures. But, really. My wife is a cool chick, karma is a thing, and let's not get into hot water because I overstepped.
  23. Oh, I'm sure. "Joel", he/she said, "there's someone more suitable for you." (I paraphrased.) And out pops Rebecca DeMornay. However, what this woman showed me (twice) on her phone was remarkable. You need a wife with a hot friend or friends. Just saying. Oh, and again... don't mention BnB unless you want to see a goose being cooked in real time.
  24. I'm behind, but will watch. Seriously, I don't watch that much tv these days. Mixing tunes, playing on *****, doing tech, jesus... the path to retirement is all encompassing. But this seems totally worth it. Will do. Also, this. My favorite part of my fellow citizens is when they don't take themselves too seriously. This And this
  25. The puffy shirt (you already mentioned this) Master of your domain Festivus Playing pool with "the Maestro" Schnitzer's (you already mentioned this) Beef-a-rino and the horse carriage (I think that was in the episode you noted above?) What is there to see underwater? They're real, and they're spectacular The nipple on your soul Take the pen The movie bootlegging episode The episode with the sax player The second spitter Elaine's dance Anything with J.Peterman This show is about NOTHING My god, so funny.
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