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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 1 minute ago, Cinga said:


    So you hate white people, we get it.... You can go away now


    LOL you literally couldn't even make a better comeback than that so you just assumed I hate white people. 


    take the L buddy. can't argue for ***** huh 


    2 hours ago, njbuff said:


    What's your answer to black on black violent crime?


    black on black violent crime literally exists because of white people. in the 70's and 80's blacks were forced into poor neighborhoods with lower funding to schools/infrastructure/stores 


    all because white people wanted their own segregated neighborhoods. is this all starting to make sense for you? it's called...systemic racism and its what everyone in the fkn country is protesting about right now. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, njbuff said:

    I'm glad to see that a lot of folks turned out for David Dorn's funeral.


    Oh wait, never mind.....................


    let's celebrate a thug instead about a thousand times over.




    people like you love hiding behind a keyboard huh


    how many times have you called him a thug in this thread? 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:



    omg. one of the most embarrassing and pathetic videos ive ever seen. 


    the police were treated like black people for 2 weeks and they have gone crazy. the irony of a white middle aged man with an army of white middle aged men behind him complaint about being treated like "thugs". you really have to laugh 

  5. 1 hour ago, Jauronimo said:

    Shut up and dribble!


    I don't think anyone should be commenting on things outside of their sphere.  Athletes and sportswriters should stick to sports.  Drs should stick to medicine.  Scientists should stick to whatever it is they do or "science".  The only people who should voice opinions on politics and participate in our democracy are politicians.

    our president was a reality tv show host 


    Anyone can talk about politics anywhere. If you don’t like it don’t support the team anymore since you clearly don’t support the player speaking up. 

    The NFL glorifies the military to no end, when they remove that garbage then we can talk 

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  6. On 6/6/2020 at 7:49 PM, B-Man said:


    Don’t ever ask or order me to “flatten the curve” and give up my liberties again. I won’t comply.




    "give up my liberties" shut the ***** up man


    being on lockdown saved hundreds of thousands of lives. how come white people still don't understand this. 


    people in this thread think going to play baseball is more important than fighting for human rights. wow the white privilege is insane. 

  7. 1 hour ago, hjnick said:

    We are all for stopping the unnecessary violence towards blacks, whites, asians, hispanics, when in the custody of the police.  The George Floyd incident has put 99.9% of everyone on the same side.  The cop that did this should be put away for a LONG LONG time.


    It's a political issue because of different groups that have made this political.  Black Lives Matter as a group is a far left group.  Antifa is a WAY far left group. Both of these group have politicized this.


    I've seen many videos where Trump supporters wanted to come out and protest with all the other protestors, just to be shunned and ran out with the threat of violence.


    there is zero evidence of this lmaooo. 


    what delusional world do you live in bud? a black man was ran over and died by a white supremacist 2 days ago.  


    here is the proof:



    trump supporters don't come out and march with us, they come to try and instigate violence. while delusional folks like yourself think its "Antifa" bc thats what the fascist leader in office has told you. 

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  8. about damn time. hopefully this sets a trend to major cities. 


    disband police and start from scratch. train and educate people on matters of the law and stop recruiting folks who could. barely pass high school. it takes more schooling to become a hair stylist than it does to be a police officer in america. let that sink in. 

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  9. Just now, OldTimeAFLGuy said:




    .well...um....er...oh...uh...if you say so...grade schools being closed since March DO have an adverse effect............SMH........you could be an eventual CNN intern...


    lmao is this the best you can do. typical product of the american education system haha. can't even argue bc you know whatever you say is totally ***** worthless and wrong 

  10. 16 hours ago, Beast said:


    Yes, Go around him and have your back to him. Smart tactics.


    it was like 300 cops vs 1 elderly man you ***** moron. 


    the right thing to do is maybe talk to him and let him know he needs to move, not push him down like an animal. 


    god I hope I never see some of you folks in real life or at a game 

  11. 1 minute ago, Jaraxxus said:


    The progressive mantra: "give us more stuff. We'll behave then and not ask for more. We promise."


    what the actual ***** is wrong with you. like honestly how dumb can you people get????


    so you are against better education for your children/grandchildren? the american education system is totally broken, but yes lets keep funding police millions on millions for what exactly? Why do you want police to be so over funded? you have not answered this question yet and I'm waiting. 

  12. 1 minute ago, Buffalo Bills Fan said:

    Many people forgetting if defund the police whos going to protect us from rob our places, shooting people. As well as gang and mobs more controlling. Plus all the illegal drugs.  Easier to rob the government as well. (hope not)


    Agree with lots of things but we do need police.  


    Before any doubter says anything my mother and I take all kinds of people to store. Trust in morals, honor and respectful people. 


    first of all, defending police does not mean they go away, how do you not understand this?


    i means not giving them billions of dollars to spend when they absolutely have no use for that money, and we need to pay them less. put that money towards education and infrastructure in towns/cities. your precious cops aren't going anywhere calm the f down  

  13. 33 minutes ago, Doc said:


    After a week of criminals destroying cities and Dem governors and mayors did nothing about it, people think that the country is out of control?  Amazing.




    the funny part is you trump supporters think those liberal mayors and governors are on our side, but they aren't. we are against them too. there needs to be a complete shake up of the political party in america and we will get there eventually .step 1 is to remove trump out of office. 


    its almost 2021 and we still have a 2 party system in america, its a complete joke. 

  14. 2 hours ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:


    ...292 thank you notes in the mail to him for his staunch support.....heard the Loose Screw Coalition was established overnight......


    NYPD says 292 officers injured during George Floyd protests, as police across US come under siege




    "injured" probably means a bruise to their knee or something. meanwhile they are shooting rubber bullets into the face of peaceful protesters and throwing gas canisters at them for fun 

  15. 6 hours ago, Golden Goat said:


    The hypocrisy doesn't end there. Whenever an Islamic terrorist blows up Americans, Libs are quick to preach about how one person's actions (or in the case of 9/11, 20 peoples' actions) shouldn't reflect poorly on Muslims as a whole.

    But cops? "HANG 'EM!"


    god there is so much ***** wrong with this post Idk where to begin. first of all, islamic terrorists AREN'T muslim. they use the name of islam for their own radical beliefs and almost all true muslims denounce them, unlike police who stick up for each other and and don't put the blame on themselves when officers brutally murder innocent black people. we want better training, schooling, higher requirements, lower funds for cops. it takes more schooling to be a hairdresser than it does to be a police officer in this country. stop watching fox news for once and then you will realize all of this.  


    and btw, middle aged white males in america have been more of a threat and KILLED more americans than any "islamic terrorist" in the last decade). 




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  16. After the city has embarrassed themselves over the last few days, with the police brutality towards peaceful protesters and the fact people from the city actually came out to SUPPORT the offficers who shoved that poor man to the ground and sent him to the hospital. It's all over twitter and the internet, and players are going to come across it. tons of Bills fans who are against the BLM movement. 


    Fans really need to tread carefully from now on. Just remember what you say has an effect towards what players think about the city. It doesn't matter how much you support the team, if players see this sort of stuff no one will want to play for this city 

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