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Posts posted by Penfield45

  1. 7 minutes ago, dubs said:


    First of all, “any first world country” is not a standard.

    Second, as has been stated many times, free healthcare (or anything) isn’t free. Either you’re confiscating money from one person to give to another or conscripting a person’s labor to perform medical services, or both. 

    Third, the idea that you would just take taxpayer  money spent on one thing and spend it on another is absurd. Every single dollar should first go back to the taxpayer. I agree with less intervention, but I want those dollars back to the taxpayer and to pay down the federal debt. Not to fund communist wet dreams. This is precisely the problem with massive federal governments, people lose touch with taxpayer dollars because the numbers are so large and decision makers so distant. It becomes incomprehensible people, which makes it easier for those in power to abuse. 

    Fourth, I’m assuming the goal of universal healthcare is so that people have better, healthier lives. If that’s really what you want, the focus should be on lifestyle not drugs and hospitals and massive government takeover of the healthcare industry so it can create an even more Byzantine “industrial medical complex”. 90% of chronic diseases are caused by lifestyle and choices. If you really want to improve health care outcomes, then people should be eating better, exercising, and practicing stress management. Period, end of story. 


    you do realize your taxpayer money for the last 20 years has been going towards funding war crimes in the middle east, bombing innocent children, and america purchasing billions of dollars worth of military equipment that they don't even use. 


    the reason why americans are so unhealthy is because they don't have ACESS to these type of things. 

  2. 1 hour ago, atlbillsfan1975 said:

    This is going to turn into another pro and con Covid thread. A bunch of people acting like they are right and stick their heals in the dirt. Why the mods let these stay on the main page is besides me. 


    Covid 19 has turned into talking about 





    Everyone has an opinion and it does nothing to change anyone’s else’s. 


    there is only one group of people who turn it into a political discussion lol


    the same group of people that think wearing a mask is "un-american" and against their "human rights". the same people who were out protesting because the minorities who cut hair and do their nails needed to go back to work 


    the rest of us are listening to what the government is saying and helping stop the spread and protect our elders. 

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  3. 32 minutes ago, westside2 said:

    When you shut everything down for months at a time, the economy is bound to collapse no matter how strong it is.

    All these free things you want aren't actually free. You do know this right? Someone has to pay for it. As far as starting new wars, what war has Trump started in the last four years? 

    Do you know how much money the country spends on Iraq and Afghanistan? Billions of dollars, yet you want us to pay more? 

    What about defunding/disbanding the police? You never answered that question? I wonder why?


    I believe the police need better training and better education. invest in that. 


    Why do we spend money in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why are we not focusing on helping our own people instead of tearing down middle eastern countries for oil and our own political agenda? 


    Any 1st world country should have the ability to provide free healthcare, and they do...except America. We are the richest country to ever exist yet the question is always asked "who is going to pay for it". There is more than enough money to fund universal healthcare 

  4. 3 minutes ago, westside2 said:

    I don't want to live in a socialist or communist country. Is there injustice in this country, in this world? Of course there is.

    How does defunding/disbanding of police help the poorest and crime ridden neighborhoods?

    Are you making those neighborhoods safer with no police presence? Have you actually thought about the consequences of that action?

    You say Trump is a racist and doesn't care about minorities. Yet before this whole mess started, the unemployment rate for minorities were at a all time low. The economy was strong, there were jobs to be found. The country was prospering. Yet you want to tear it all down for socialism?

    Doesn't make any sense.


    if the economy was strong it wouldn't have collapsed in a few weeks because of a virus. clearly the economy wasn't doing so well, and neither was the country. 


    no one is advocating for full socialism because that will never happen here. we want free healthcare, education, more money towards infrastructure and schooling. Remove the military industrial complex that has destroyed america for decades and killed so many. stop going to war with countries we have no business going to war with. Pay for our war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, westside2 said:

    Maybe you should leave if you hate this country so much? I hear china is nice this time of year.


    LOL why is this always the go to response for you people. literally don't know how to argue at all. 


    instead of challenging the problems with this country you ignore them and tell others to leave. I was born in this country, why would I want to leave and not fix it. 

  6. 5 hours ago, GETTOTHE50 said:

    this is much deeper than race. these people fundamentally hate America and everything good we as a nation have ever stood for. 

    On a ‘value’ or ‘moral’ level, this is like the westboro Baptist church, but much, much worse. 


    "everything good we as a nation have stood" 


    you ***** idiot, do you know what those people did? . it's literally like having statues of SS soldiers who sent jews into concentration camps. 


    Francis scott key was part of the American colonization society. he was a piece of ***** human being.


    but yea keep supporting these colonists who ran mass genocides. 

  7. 39 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Hilarious! Wouldn’t the first step in helping  the ‘working class’ be to get them jobs so they can actually be the WORKING class? Seems to me that’s exactly what Mr Trump decided to do....no?


    No...? he didn't . 


    you know what he decided to do? He bailed out the billion dollar companies and gave 1200 to the working class to last for 4+ months. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, whatdrought said:

    They did. They rallied to burn down target and Wendy’s and other businesses. 

    Don’t worry Tibs, you’re still the OG mental hospital escapee on this board. You were ######ed before it was cool- all these other idiot libs are following your example. 


    oh god how can those multi billion $ businesses recover in these hard times when 1 store burned down. its not like they have already been bailed out by our government while our working class starves to death 


    maybe you should donate them some money since you love america so much. 



  9. 6 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    People can’t say goodbye to their loved ones cause the “state”’says they can’t. Not quite sure why cause we are now told cloth masks stops the transmission of the virus, but somehow a n95 mask ain’t gunna stop it in a hospital room. 

    A grand  total of 31 deaths to age 15 and under. Care to guess how many die of flu every year? WTF, let’s just shelter out kids in place till they turn 21 cause , damn, some may get sick, some may get hit by a car, some may die if they are not out in a bubble. 

    31 kids and our entire school system shut down, camps shut down, etc. and lord knows how many kids are now malnourished , not vaccinated ( according to CDC, vaccinations down almost 40%)  and getting abused with no adult to turn to. 

    Just by comparison, 37 deaths is the LOWEST number of pediatric flu deaths since  2004, when they first started tracking. 

    start freaking thinking and stop being triggered by the word Covid. You and your ilk have blood on your hands when it comes to the devastation being wrought on the children of this country, how you sleep at night is beside me. 



    kids are being protected bc they are spreading it to their parents who are then dying...


    South Korea already exposed this, people ages 30 under who are asymptomatic are most likely the super spreaders 

    2 hours ago, whatdrought said:

    They really have done a fantastic job killing old people, dictating the lives of innocent people, arresting dissenters, ruining the economy, having a “them, not us” mentality, and being wildly inconsistent to fit their political bull####.


    Honestly, I’ve been inspired at just how communistic and totalitarian they’ve been. Well done Comrades. As the Beatles sing: “Back in the USSR!”





    Also, you’re an idiot.


    there is NOTHING political about wearing masks and saving lives you ***** moron 


    you're calling me an idiot but you were told to stay inside for a few weeks and all of a sudden its considered communism? 


    god you are so brainwashed its hilarious 

  10. 4 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:


    It's funny to me that in one breath you make the comment above, and in the next breath you somehow, remarkably also believe the answer is Bernie Sanders, a guy who has been in one elected office or another for 40 years and who's sole accomplishment has been to use that time to buy three houses while railing against people who own three houses.


    I think you actually just cancelled yourself. :lol:


    what does a candidates number of houses have to do with how good of a presidency he will have? Trump went bankrupt more times than I can count


    Bernie is the only candidate that cares about the working class of this country. You think Trump cares about you? lmfao. he showed he doesn't give a ***** when he gave americans 1200 and told them to go back to work so the rich folk can party again. 

    3 hours ago, Wacka said:

    Well, if you honeymoon  in the USSR, you might be a communist.


    by this logic Trump is a child rapist and pedophile since he has been seen with Epstien countless times. 



  11. 1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:



    Yes ignoring the concern about the future and welfare of my kids is something I should totally be ashamed of bc people are dying.  


    Wow.  I must have missed that to.  I had no idea!


    Sorry kids.  People have died (bc Cuomo sent old folks to nursing homes and thought cleaning subways was unnecessary) just sit here and enjoy the privilege of distance learning we can't handle because you've never done it, mom and dad have to work for a living while we still have jobs I'm told don't matter (money over lives or some b.s), a bonus privilege is the people that are going to utilize it are not trained for it so what could go wrong, and you likely won't be doing any extracurricular activities.  The rich will be fine.  We, the little people just need to obey.  


    Kids:  "Why?"


    Well we don't know.  I'm told people have died.   


    How long will this last?


    They aren't saying.  


    What's the goal?


    We don't know that either.  




    Makes sense.  


    I understand your frustration. you anger should be pointed towards the federal government, not science 


    Blame the government for leaving americans with a measly 1200 check to cover 4+ months. I hope after this ppl finally wake up and realize how little America cares about its working class citizens. you are angry at the wrong people. the higher ups are to blame for everything, don't blame state governors, they are doing the best they can. 


     Trump and his regime do NOT care about you. remember that 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:



    Who said the objective as we enter *checks notes* month 4 of my kids losing growth and development they can't have back, was to eliminate the virus?


    Missed that.   


    What I didn't miss was seeing my 7 year old daughter excited to play baseball.  Finally one of my 4 was seriously hooked on America's past time.  Spent the fall watching the Yankees in the playoffs with me.  She had that youthful excitement that gives a parent's life meaning and purpose.....now I have to hope that same desire is there in 12 months.  Or 18.  Or till a vaccine.  Now she'll be 9 and has been traumatized by "social distanced" school.  She loses interest in sports because she's gone 12-18 months of not seeing them let alone playing them.  


    The pos governor's barking out orders in a condescending manner bc we have the audacity to demand explanations and goals as we do this to kids is appalling.  "Don't make me come down there."  Mask shaming.  Absolutely pathetic.


    I love the digs I see thrown at people like me for wanting to be open and normal.  "Sorry you can't get a haircut."  "Caring about the economy over lives."


    Um.  No.  I can only watch and worry every single day that my kids will not be able to do the things they love, things that when done at their age set the trajectory of their lives.  I'm responsible for that.  And I'm powerless with NO JUSTIFICATION.  NO GOAL.  NO CLARITY.   And I'm not absolving Rs here.  I'm just as ticked at them over this to, even tho most R Govs are trying to get back to normal.


    And the press not questioning ANY of this on behalf of parents like me is disgusting.



    there are people losing loved ones and aren't able to say goodbye to them in their final days and you are on here complaining because your kids couldn't ***** play baseball? 


    holy ***** the privilege is so unreal. take a deep breath buddy, I promise you your kids will be totally fine. 


    God I wish I could screenshot this post and put it up on twitter and facebook, you will literally go viral in minutes because of insanely moronic you sound. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    Please stop combining education with healthcare. Our "free" education system is great as long as you are not in one of the overwhelming liberal areas of our country. My son's school has many well off Brazilians and Colombians who have houses in our area just so they can go to his school since it is cheaper to live here than pay for the equivalent schools in their countries. 


    what the hell are you talking about lol. I'm talking about higher education. 


    and our education system is not "great" ...we are ranked 27th in the world, which is horrible considering our resources. but keep telling yourself we are so "great" at everything lol. 

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  14. 11 minutes ago, bdutton said:

    Funny. My wife and many of her friends from the former Chechoslovaki immigrated here and or took part personally in the velvet revolution. 


    The are horrified at what people like you, Pelosi, Sanders etc ... are peddling. 


    We luckily have the ability to emigrate back if things go south. I doubt I would go though. I love my country. Unlike some who are too brainwashed to see through the bull#### of communism under a thin veil of social justice and socialist policies.


    Pelosi isn't a social democrat nor is she a progressive. she is a moderate neoliberal just like the rest of the democrats that haven't fixed anything in this country for decades. 


    And we aren't the brainwashed ones bud, you are. you think things like free healthcare and education are acts of "communism" when its literally what every other damn 1st world country is able to provide to their citizens. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  15. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    It's not funny how much of a vile racist POS you are, but it's perfectly on brand for you also to be spouting democratic socialism while doing so.


    stats are stats bud. 


    trump supporters come from the poorest and least educated counties and states in the country. you can't argue facts. 



  16. Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


    But you are. 


    And you're also a vile racist. 


    not a racist either. the middle aged black voter group in america is confused and has been brainwashed by neolibs for years. this will soon change when they start dying off. in 35-40 years or so minorities will run this country and the republican party will be destroyed. 

  17. funny how most trump supporters would actually BENEFIT from a democratic socialist government. actually, they would be the first ones to benefit from it 


    Least educated voter group, poorest, unhealthiest...you need the government aid more than anything lol 

  18. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    So you're not only a vile racist, you're also a communist. Perfect combination. 


    No wonder you fell for Bernie's schtick again. It makes me happy he sold you out and took the cash and ran. 




    Bernie isn't a communist...


    why do you people think anything other than being far right is considered communism lol 

  19. 1 hour ago, Chandemonium said:

    Blatant racism aside, I can’t get over the fact that he comes here crapping all over Trump and Trump supporters as his shtick, then comes out and admits that He thinks you’d have to be stupid to vote for Biden. 


    I don't support Biden or the DNC. I think they are frauds as well. I believe America needs massive radical change. The entire 2 party system needs to be wiped away, we are a 1st world country and have a political system stuck in the 1700's 


    Bernie was our only hope and stepping stone for progress and the DNC once again failed him. 

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